A small, bimetallic particle in a hydrogen peroxide solution can propel itself by means of an electrocatalytic reaction. The swimming is driven by a flux of ions around the particle. We model this process for the presence of a monovalent salt, where reaction-driven proton currents induce salt ion currents. A theory for thin diffuse layers is employed, which yields nonlinear, coupled transport equations. The boundary conditions include a compact Stern layer of adsorbed ions. Electrochemical processes on the particle surface are modeled with a first order reaction of the Butler-Volmer type. The equations are solved numerically for the swimming speed. An analytical approximation is derived under the assumption that the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide occurs mainly without inducing an electric current. We find that the swimming speed increases linearly with hydrogen peroxide concentration for small concentrations. The influence of ion diffusion on the reaction rate can lead to a concave shape of the function of speed vs. hydrogen peroxide concentration. The compact layer of ions on the particle diminishes the reaction rate and consequently reduces the speed. Our results are consistent with published experimental data.
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7 June 2012
Research Article|
June 04 2012
Nonlinear, electrocatalytic swimming in the presence of salt
Benedikt Sabass;
Benedikt Sabass
II. Institut für Theoretische Physik,
Universität Stuttgart
, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany
Search for other works by this author on:
Udo Seifert
Udo Seifert
II. Institut für Theoretische Physik,
Universität Stuttgart
, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany
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J. Chem. Phys. 136, 214507 (2012)
Article history
February 16 2012
May 03 2012
Benedikt Sabass, Udo Seifert; Nonlinear, electrocatalytic swimming in the presence of salt. J. Chem. Phys. 7 June 2012; 136 (21): 214507. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4719538
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