Ions induce both specific (Hofmeister) and non-specific (Coulomb) effects at aqueous interfaces. More than a century after their discovery, the origin of specific ion effects (SIE) still eludes explanation because the causal electrostatic and non-electrostatic interactions are neither local nor separable. Since direct Coulomb effects essentially vanish below ∼10 μM (i.e., at >50 nm average ion separations in water), we decided to investigate whether SIE operate at, hitherto unexplored, lower concentrations. Herein, we report the detection of SIE above ∼0.1 μM in experiments where relative iodide/bromide populations, χ = I−/Br−, were determined on the surface of aqueous (NaI + NaBr) jets by online electrospray mass spectrometry in the presence of variable XCl (X = H, Na, K, Cs, NH4, and N(C4H9)4) and NaY (Y = OH, Cl, NO3, and ClO4) concentrations. We found that (1) all tested electrolytes begin to affect χ below ∼1 μM and (2) I− and Br− are preferentially suppressed by co-ions closely matching their interfacial affinities. We infer that these phenomena, by falling outside the reach of even the longest ranged electrostatic interactions, are dynamical in nature.
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21 April 2012
Research Article|
April 19 2012
Hofmeister effects in micromolar electrolyte solutions
Shinichi Enami;
Shinichi Enami
1The Hakubi Center,
Kyoto University
, Kyoto 606-8302, Japan
2Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere,
Kyoto University
, Uji 611-0011, Japan
Japan Science and Technology Agency
, 4-1-8 Honcho, Kawaguchi 332-0012, Japan
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Himanshu Mishra;
Himanshu Mishra
4Ronald and Maxine Linde Center for Global Environmental Science,
California Institute of Technology
, California 91125, USA
5Materials Science Department,
California Institute of Technology
, California 91125, USA
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Michael R. Hoffmann;
Michael R. Hoffmann
4Ronald and Maxine Linde Center for Global Environmental Science,
California Institute of Technology
, California 91125, USA
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Agustín J. Colussi
Agustín J. Colussi
4Ronald and Maxine Linde Center for Global Environmental Science,
California Institute of Technology
, California 91125, USA
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Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic addresses: [email protected] and [email protected].
J. Chem. Phys. 136, 154707 (2012)
Article history
December 30 2011
April 03 2012
Shinichi Enami, Himanshu Mishra, Michael R. Hoffmann, Agustín J. Colussi; Hofmeister effects in micromolar electrolyte solutions. J. Chem. Phys. 21 April 2012; 136 (15): 154707.
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