The electrostatics of solvent and lipid bilayer interfaces are investigated with the aim of understanding the interaction of ions and charged peptides with biological membranes. We overcome the lacking dielectric response of hydrocarbon by carrying out atomistic molecular dynamics simulations using a polarizable model. For air-solvent or solvent-solvent interfaces, the effect of polarizability itself is small, yet changes in the fixed atomic charge distribution are responsible for substantial changes in the potential. However, when electrostatics is probed by finite solutes, a cancellation of dominant quadrupolar terms from the macroscopic and microscopic (solute-solvent) interfaces eliminates this dependence and leads to small net contributions to partitioning thermodynamics. In contrast, the membrane dipole potential exhibits considerable dependence on lipid electronic polarizability, due to its dominant dipolar contribution. We report the dipole potential for a polarizable lipid hydrocarbon membrane model of 480–610 mV, in better accord with experimental measurements.
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14 May 2010
Research Article|
May 13 2010
The electrostatics of solvent and membrane interfaces and the role of electronic polarizability
Igor Vorobyov;
Igor Vorobyov
Department of Chemistry,
University of California
, Davis, California 95616, USA
Search for other works by this author on:
Toby W. Allen
Toby W. Allen
Department of Chemistry,
University of California
, Davis, California 95616, USA
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected].
J. Chem. Phys. 132, 185101 (2010)
Article history
January 20 2010
March 30 2010
Igor Vorobyov, Toby W. Allen; The electrostatics of solvent and membrane interfaces and the role of electronic polarizability. J. Chem. Phys. 14 May 2010; 132 (18): 185101.
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