We report on a molecular simulation study of the homogeneous nucleation of in the supercooled liquid at low pressure and for degrees of supercooling ranging from 32% to 60%. In all cases, regardless of the degree of supercooling, the structure of the crystal nuclei is that of the Pa3 phase, the thermodynamically stable phase. For the more moderate degree of supercooling of 32%, the nucleation is an activated process and requires a method to sample states of high free energy. In this work, we apply a series of bias potentials, which promote the ordering of the centers of mass of the molecules and allow us to gradually grow crystal nuclei. The reliability of the results so obtained is assessed by studying the evolution of the nuclei in the absence of any bias potential, and by determining their probability of growth. We estimate that the size of the critical nucleus, for which the probability of growth is 0.5, is molecules. Throughout the nucleation process, the crystal nuclei clearly exhibit a Pa3 structure, in apparent contradiction with Ostwald’s rule of stages. The other polymorphs have a much larger free energy. This makes their formation highly unlikely and accounts for the fact that the nucleation of proceeds directly in the stable Pa3 structure.
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8 May 2005
Research Article|
May 12 2005
Molecular simulation of the homogeneous crystal nucleation of carbon dioxide
Jean-Marc Leyssale;
Jean-Marc Leyssale
Equipe de Chimie et Biochimie Théoriques, UMR CNRS-UHP 7565,
Université Henri Poincaré Nancy 1
, Boîte Postale 239, Vandævre-lès-Nancy F-54506, France
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Jérôme Delhommelle;
Jérôme Delhommelle
Equipe de Chimie et Biochimie Théoriques, UMR CNRS-UHP 7565,
Université Henri Poincaré Nancy 1
, Boîte Postale 239, Vandævre-lès-Nancy F-54506, France
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Claude Millot
Claude Millot
Equipe de Chimie et Biochimie Théoriques, UMR CNRS-UHP 7565,
Université Henri Poincaré Nancy 1
, Boîte Postale 239, Vandævre-lès-Nancy F-54506, France
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Department of Materials Science and Engeneering, School of Chemical Engeneering, National Technical University of Athens, 9 Heroon Polytechniou Street, GR-157 80 Athens, Greece. Electronic mail: [email protected]
Department of Chemical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 118 Olin Hall, Nashville, TN 37235-1604. Electronic mail: [email protected]
Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Chem. Phys. 122, 184518 (2005)
Article history
January 24 2005
March 03 2005
Jean-Marc Leyssale, Jérôme Delhommelle, Claude Millot; Molecular simulation of the homogeneous crystal nucleation of carbon dioxide. J. Chem. Phys. 8 May 2005; 122 (18): 184518. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1897696
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