Studies of the binary mixture —by means of a quasi-isochoric scanning method—have revealed the range of stability of clathrate hydrates in the high-pressure and high-temperature region. The results obtained show an extension of the decomposition curve above the melting curve of pure argon and up to the melting curve of pure ice VII. At low pressures the argon decomposition temperature first increases and then decreases with pressure, showing a local maximum and minimum temperature. At higher pressures the slope of the decomposition curve remains positive but undergoes three more breaks. Two new quadruple points have been determined; at 105 °C, 20 kbar and at 136 °C, 29 kbar In the lower region (below 10 kbar) the decomposition curve shows two breaks; at 31.5 °C, 6.2 kbar and at 37.5 °C, 9.6 kbar indicating that three different clathrate structures are formed in this region. The positions of the three-phase lines separating the two clathrate structures at lower pressure could be obtained via Raman spectroscopy since the pressure and temperature dependence of the vibrational frequencies of the coupled oscillations is different for each clathrate structure.
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8 December 1999
Research Article|
December 08 1999
Clathrate hydrates in the system at pressures and temperatures up to 30 kbar and 140 °C
H. T. Lotz;
H. T. Lotz
Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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J. A. Schouten
J. A. Schouten
Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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J. Chem. Phys. 111, 10242–10247 (1999)
Article history
June 09 1999
September 09 1999
H. T. Lotz, J. A. Schouten; Clathrate hydrates in the system at pressures and temperatures up to 30 kbar and 140 °C. J. Chem. Phys. 8 December 1999; 111 (22): 10242–10247.
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