The impact of gaseous H atoms at D covered Pt(111) surfaces at 85 K leads to the formation of gaseous HD and products. The kinetics of formation of these products was measured simultaneously with H exposure for different initial D coverages. The HD and rates as a function of H fluence from the reaction start exhibit common characteristics; a rate step, a rate maximum, and a subsequent exponential rate decay. The HD and rate steps were observed not to scale linear with the D coverage and to increase if on D covered surfaces H was coadsorbed prior to reaction. Of the observed phenomena, only the exponential decay of the HD rate is in line with expectations if an Eley–Rideal mechanism acts in the present reaction. formation, the HD rate step as a function of D coverage, and the presence of a H coadsorbate contradict the Eley–Rideal picture. The results suggest that the reactions towards HD and proceed via hot atom type mechanisms.
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22 February 1998
Research Article|
February 22 1998
Abstraction of D adsorbed on Pt(111) surfaces with gaseous H atoms
S. Wehner;
S. Wehner
Experimentalphysik III, Universität Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany
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J. Küppers
J. Küppers
Experimentalphysik III, Universität Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (Euratom Association), 85748 Garching, Germany
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J. Chem. Phys. 108, 3353–3359 (1998)
Article history
September 04 1997
November 17 1997
S. Wehner, J. Küppers; Abstraction of D adsorbed on Pt(111) surfaces with gaseous H atoms. J. Chem. Phys. 22 February 1998; 108 (8): 3353–3359.
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