Conventional (valence) and dipole‐bound anions of the nitromethane molecule are studied using negative ion photoelectron spectroscopy, Rydberg charge exchange and field detachment techniques. Reaction rates for charge exchange between Cs(ns,nd) and Xe(nf ) Rydberg atoms with CH3NO2 exhibit a pronounced maximum at an effective quantum number of n*≊13±1 which is characteristic of the formation of dipole‐bound anions [μ(CH3NO2)=3.46 D]. However, the breadth (Δn≊5, FWHM) of the n‐dependence of the reaction rate is also interpreted to be indicative of direct attachment into a valence anion state via a ‘‘doorway’’ dipole anion state. Studies of the electric field detachment of CH3NO−2 formed through the Xe(nf ) reactions at various n values provide further evidence for the formation of both a dipole‐bound anion as well as a contribution from the valence bound anion. Analysis of the field ionization data yields a dipole electron affinity of 12±3 meV. Photodetachment of CH3NO−2 and CD3NO−2 formed via a supersonic expansion nozzle ion source produces a photoelectron spectrum with a long vibrational progression indicative of a conventional (valence bound) anion with a substantial difference in the equilibrium structure of the anion and its corresponding neutral. Assignment of the origin (v′=0, v″=0) transitions in the photoelectron spectra of CH3NO−2 and CD3NO−2 yields adiabatic electron affinities of 0.26±0.08 and 0.24±0.08 eV, respectively.
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1 September 1996
Research Article|
September 01 1996
On the binding of electrons to nitromethane: Dipole and valence bound anions
R. N. Compton;
R. N. Compton
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P. O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831‐6125
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H. S. Carman, Jr.;
H. S. Carman, Jr.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P. O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831‐6125
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C. Desfrançois;
C. Desfrançois
Université Paris‐Nord, Institut Galilée/Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers/Unité de Recherche, Associée an au CNRS‐URA 282, 93439 Villetaneuse, France
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H. Abdoul‐Carime;
H. Abdoul‐Carime
Université Paris‐Nord, Institut Galilée/Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers/Unité de Recherche, Associée an au CNRS‐URA 282, 93439 Villetaneuse, France
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J. P. Schermann;
J. P. Schermann
Université Paris‐Nord, Institut Galilée/Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers/Unité de Recherche, Associée an au CNRS‐URA 282, 93439 Villetaneuse, France
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J. H. Hendricks;
J. H. Hendricks
Johns Hopkins University, Department of Chemistry, Charles and 34th Streets, Baltimore, Maryland 21218
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S. A. Lyapustina;
S. A. Lyapustina
Johns Hopkins University, Department of Chemistry, Charles and 34th Streets, Baltimore, Maryland 21218
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K. H. Bowen
K. H. Bowen
Johns Hopkins University, Department of Chemistry, Charles and 34th Streets, Baltimore, Maryland 21218
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J. Chem. Phys. 105, 3472–3478 (1996)
Article history
December 28 1995
May 09 1996
R. N. Compton, H. S. Carman, C. Desfrançois, H. Abdoul‐Carime, J. P. Schermann, J. H. Hendricks, S. A. Lyapustina, K. H. Bowen; On the binding of electrons to nitromethane: Dipole and valence bound anions. J. Chem. Phys. 1 September 1996; 105 (9): 3472–3478.
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