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Photonics, plasmonics, photovoltaics, lasers, optical phenomena, materials, and metamaterials
Helmholtz resonant cavity based metasurface for ultrasonic focusing
Shulong Hong; Xiangkun Piao; Xinya Yao; Yuhang Fan; Shuai Tang; Cheng Lü; Jiabao Yao; Fengfeng Yao; Yongyuan Jiang; Bingbing Cheng; Yanbo Pei
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 183101 (2024)
Electrical Discharges, Plasmas, and Plasma-Surface Interactions
Data-driven inference of high-dimensional spatiotemporal state of plasma systems
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 183301 (2024)
Magnetism, Spintronics, and Superconductivity
Injection locking in DC-driven spintronic vortex oscillators via surface acoustic wave modulation
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 183901 (2024)
Machine learning algorithms for optimization of magnetocaloric effect in all-d-metal Heusler alloys
In Special Collection:
Multicalorics II
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 183903 (2024)
Magnetothermal effect and first-principles calculations of Zn-doped Mn5Ge3-based alloys
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 183905 (2024)
Strain-dependent magnon transport in CoFe2O4/NiO/CoFe2O4 junctions induced by bulk acoustic waves
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 183906 (2024)
Dielectrics, Ferroelectrics, and Multiferroics
Interplay of c- and a-domains on the anomalous electrocaloric effect in BaTiO3 (001) single crystals
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 184101 (2024)
Physics of nanoscale, 2D materials, and low-dimensional systems
Phosphorene junctions as a platform for spin-selective quantum dots in next-generation devices
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 184301 (2024)
Novel chaotic image cryptosystem based on dynamic RNA and DNA computing
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 184302 (2024)
Quantum Physics and Technology
Physics of Devices and Sensors
Dual magnetoelectric antenna array with enhanced bandwidth and sensitivity for low-frequency communications
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 184501 (2024)
Piezoelectric polymer generators: The large bending regime
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 184502 (2024)
DC characteristics of a dynamic vision sensor's photoreceptor circuit evaluated for event-based sensing in the mid-wave infrared
Z. M. Alsaad; J. V. Logan; C. P. Morath; P. N. McMahon-Crabtree; L. N. Kulesza; Z. Theis; D. Maestas; R. Graca; B. J. McReynolds; P. Zarkesh-Ha; P. T. Webster
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 184503 (2024)
Switchable-magnetization planar probe MFM sensor for imaging magnetic textures of complex metal oxide perovskite
Michael Verhage; H. Tunç Çiftçi; Michiel Reul; Tamar Cromwijk; Thijs J. N. van Stralen; Bert Koopmans; Oleg Kurnosikov; Kees Flipse
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 184504 (2024)
Fluids, Soft Matter, and Biophysics
Drop impact onto wettability-patterned solid surfaces: A phase field approach
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 184702 (2024)
Emerging, Interdisciplinary, and Other Fields of Applied Physics
Physics of Materials, Including Electrical, Thermal, Mechanical and Other Properties
Thermoelectric properties of Janus BiXI (X = S and Se) monolayers: A first-principles study
In Special Collection:
Thermal Transport in 2D Materials
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 185102 (2024)
Electrical and structural characterization of YAlN at high alloy concentrations
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 185103 (2024)
Thin Films, Interfaces, and Surfaces
Physics of Semiconductors
Non-stoichimometric square sheets in RSe2−x (x ∼ 1/6) (R = Gd and Tb)
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 185701 (2024)
Physics of Matter under Extreme Conditions
A step-by-step guide to perform x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Grzegorz Greczynski, Lars Hultman
Piezoelectric thin films and their applications in MEMS: A review
Jinpeng Liu, Hua Tan, et al.
Tutorial: Simulating modern magnetic material systems in mumax3
Jonas J. Joos, Pedram Bassirian, et al.