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Flux-flow Josephson oscillator as the broadband tunable terahertz source to open space
Interband transitions in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons
High-sensitivity photoconductive detectors with wide dipole electrodes for low frequency THz wave detection
Terahertz monolithic integrated waveguide transmission lines based on wide bandgap semiconductor materials
Cold atmospheric helium plasma jet in humid air environment
Enhancement of surface discharge in catalyst pores in dielectric barrier discharges
Microwave-magnetic-field-induced magnetization excitation and assisted switching of antiferromagnetically coupled magnetic bilayer with perpendicular magnetization
Selected transport, vibrational, and mechanical properties of low-dimensional systems under strain
Electronic structure properties of CuZn2InTe4 and AgZn2InTe4 quaternary chalcogenides
Inter-valley phonon-assisted Auger recombination in InGaAs/InP quantum well
High-resolution terahertz spectroscopy with quantum-cascade lasers
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151401 (2019)
Large-scale array of resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators for high output power at 1 THz
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151601 (2019)
Fast and sensitive bolometric terahertz detection at room temperature through thermomechanical transduction
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151602 (2019)
Flux-flow Josephson oscillator as the broadband tunable terahertz source to open space
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151603 (2019)
Wavelength-selective enhancement of terahertz absorption of metallic grating/GaAs-based hybrid photoconductive detector
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
Xiong Yang; Bingbing Wang; Yulu Chen; Xiaodong Wang; Tie Li; Chuansheng Zhang; Haoxing Zhang; Jianxiong Wang
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151604 (2019)
Enhanced terahertz emission from strain-induced InGaAs/InAlAs superlattices
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
D. S. Ponomarev; A. Gorodetsky; A. E. Yachmenev; S. S. Pushkarev; R. A. Khabibullin; M. M. Grekhov; K. I. Zaytsev; D. I. Khusyainov; A. M. Buryakov; E. D. Mishina
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151605 (2019)
Pump dependent carrier lifetimes in InAs/GaAs quantum dot photoconductive terahertz antenna structures
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151606 (2019)
Interband transitions in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151607 (2019)
Negative photoconductivity and hot-carrier bolometric detection of terahertz radiation in graphene-phosphorene hybrid structures
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151608 (2019)
High-refractive index, low-loss oxyfluorosilicate glasses for sub-THz and millimeter wave applications
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151609 (2019)
High-sensitivity photoconductive detectors with wide dipole electrodes for low frequency THz wave detection
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151610 (2019)
Scattering strength dependence of terahertz random lasers
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
S. Schoenhuber; M. Wenclawiak; M. A. Kainz; B. Limbacher; A. M. Andrews; H. Detz; G. Strasser; J. Darmo; K. Unterrainer
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151611 (2019)
Propagation properties of sub-millimeter waves in foggy conditions
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151612 (2019)
Terahertz quantum-cascade lasers for high-resolution spectroscopy of sharp absorption lines
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151613 (2019)
Terahertz emission from biased AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
Alvydas Lisauskas; Adam Rämer; Marek Burakevič; Serguei Chevtchenko; Viktor Krozer; Wolfgang Heinrich; Hartmut G. Roskos
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151614 (2019)
Noncontact evaluation of electrical passivation of oxidized silicon using laser terahertz emission microscope and corona charging
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151615 (2019)
Terahertz monolithic integrated waveguide transmission lines based on wide bandgap semiconductor materials

In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151616 (2019)
Anomalous terahertz dielectric phase in charge-ordered La1/3Sr2/3FeO3 thin film
In Special Collection:
Advances in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 151617 (2019)
Photonics, Plasmonics, Photovoltaics, Lasers, Optical Materials and Phenomena
Electrical Discharges, Plasmas, and Plasma-Surface Interactions
Cold atmospheric helium plasma jet in humid air environment
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 153301 (2019)
Parameter regulation of underwater shock waves based on exploding-wire-ignited energetic materials
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 153302 (2019)
Enhancement of surface discharge in catalyst pores in dielectric barrier discharges
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 153303 (2019)
Magnetism, Spintronics, and Superconductivity
Microwave-magnetic-field-induced magnetization excitation and assisted switching of antiferromagnetically coupled magnetic bilayer with perpendicular magnetization
Hirofumi Suto; Taro Kanao; Tazumi Nagasawa; Koichi Mizushima; Rie Sato; Nobuaki Kikuchi; Satoshi Okamoto
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 153901 (2019)
Skew scattering dominated anomalous Nernst effect in La1-xNaxMnO3
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 153902 (2019)
Magnetic field driven critical behavior in bulk Gd
N. T. Dang; D. P. Kozlenko; Dimitar N. Petrov; J. Ćwik; G. Kim; W. H. Shon; J. S. Rhyee; S. C. Yu; Phan The Long
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 153903 (2019)
Dielectrics, Ferroelectrics, and Multiferroics
Influence of defects on the photocatalytic behavior of La3+ ions doped SrBi2Nb2O9 ferroelectric materials
Qiwei Lou; Jiangtao Zeng; Liaoying Zheng; Zhenyong Man; Wenzhong Wang; Abdelhadi Kassiba; Chul Hong Park; E. D. Politova; Guorong Li
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 154101 (2019)
Enhanced magnetoelectric response in bismuth-deficient BiFeO3-BaTiO3 ceramics
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 154102 (2019)
Physics of Nanoscale, Mesoscale, and Low-Dimensional Systems
Selected transport, vibrational, and mechanical properties of low-dimensional systems under strain
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 154301 (2019)
Determining the orientation of the flexural modes of a thermally driven microwire cantilever
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 154302 (2019)
Physics of Devices and Sensors
Applied Biophysics
Oocyte orientation selection method based on the minimum strain position in the penetration process
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 154701 (2019)
Emerging, Interdisciplinary, and Other Fields of Applied Physics
Quantitative counting of Zn and O atoms by atomic resolution off-axis and in-line electron holography
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 154902 (2019)
Physics of Materials, Including Electrical, Thermal, Mechanical and Other Properties
Electronic structure properties of CuZn2InTe4 and AgZn2InTe4 quaternary chalcogenides
In Special Collection:
Advanced Thermoelectrics
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 155101 (2019)
Spectrophotometric and thermal stability of agarose-based ultrasonic tissue-mimicking gel
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 155104 (2019)
Thermal transport of nanoporous gallium nitride for photonic applications
Taofei Zhou; Cheng Zhang; Rami ElAfandy; Ge Yuan; Zhen Deng; Kanglin Xiong; Fang-Ming Chen; Yen-Kuang Kuo; Ke Xu; Jung Han
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 155106 (2019)
An atomic view on spall responses of release melted lead induced by decaying shock loading
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 155107 (2019)
Nucleation of self-growth dislocations on growth front during the solidification process of silicon
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 155108 (2019)
Thin Films, Interfaces, and Surfaces
Monolithic integration of transition metal oxide multiple quantum wells on silicon (001)
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 155302 (2019)
Physics of Semiconductors
ZnO1−xTex highly mismatched alloys beyond the dilute alloy limit: Synthesis and electronic band structure
In Special Collection:
Highly Mismatched Semiconductors Alloys: from Atoms to Devices
M. Ting; K. M. Yu; M. Jaquez; I. D. Sharp; Yifan Ye; N. Segercrantz; R. Greif; S. S. Mao; Chao Ping Liu; W. Walukiewicz
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 155702 (2019)
Inter-valley phonon-assisted Auger recombination in InGaAs/InP quantum well
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 155703 (2019)
Physics of Matter Under Extreme Conditions
Initiation and detonation growth characteristics of polymer bonded explosives under ramp-wave loadings
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 155901 (2019)
High order harmonic radiation source for multicolor extreme ultraviolet radiography of carbon plumes
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 155902 (2019)
Erratum: “Luminescent characteristics of layered yttrium oxide nano-phosphors doped with europium” [J. Appl. Phys. 121, 125111 (2017)]
L. Mariscal-Becerra; R. Vázquez-Arreguín; U. Balderas; S. Carmona-Téllez; H. Murrieta Sánchez; C. Falcony
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 159901 (2019)
A step-by-step guide to perform x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Grzegorz Greczynski, Lars Hultman
Piezoelectric thin films and their applications in MEMS: A review
Jinpeng Liu, Hua Tan, et al.
Tutorial: Simulating modern magnetic material systems in mumax3
Jonas J. Joos, Pedram Bassirian, et al.