The dipole field from a probe magnet can be used to localize a discrete spectrum of standing spin wave modes in a continuous ferromagnetic thin film without lithographic modification to the film. Obtaining the resonance field for a localized mode is not trivial due to the effect of the confined and inhomogeneous magnetization precession. We compare the results of micromagnetic and analytic methods to find the resonance field of localized modes in a ferromagnetic thin film, and investigate the accuracy of these methods by comparing with a numerical minimization technique that assumes Bessel function modes with pinned boundary conditions. We find that the micromagnetic technique, while computationally more intensive, reveals that the true magnetization profiles of localized modes are similar to Bessel functions with gradually decaying dynamic magnetization at the mode edges. We also find that an analytic solution, which is simple to implement and computationally much faster than other methods, accurately describes the resonance field of localized modes when exchange fields are negligible, and demonstrating the accessibility of localized mode analysis.
The study of dynamic ferromagnetic phenomena at submicron lengthscales is important for the development of spintronic devices that exploit spin-torque,1 such as spin-torque memory2 and spin-torque oscillators.3 Understanding the behavior of magnetization dynamics in the presence of nonuniform fields is necessary to model confined dynamics such as in edge modes4,5 and the coupling of magnetic dynamics to electromagnetic fields.6 The confinement of localized modes by the dipole field from a micron-sized particle combined with measurement by ferromagnetic resonance force microscopy (FMRFM) has shown promise as a non-invasive technique for the imaging of the internal fields of ferromagnetic films7,8 as well as the study of size-dependent relaxation.9 The inhomogeneity of the precessing magnetization within the mode makes calculation of the resonance fields for these modes challenging, typically requiring time-consuming micromagnetic or numerical analysis. In this paper, we compare these two methods in addition to an analytic solution to the localized mode problem that facilitates computationally fast analysis in the regime, where exchange fields are negligible.
Micromagnetics have previously been used to model the complicated problem of in-plane localized modes,8 for which a simple solution is difficult to obtain due to the non-symmetric nature of the problem. Here, we apply micromagnetics to the modeling of localized modes in an out-of-plane geometry for which the modes are cylindrically symmetric and for which numerical solutions have previously been obtained.7,9 We use an implementation of micromagnetics that calculates the eigenfrequencies of a system of exchange-coupled spins, taking into account both exchange and dipole fields. The result of micromagnetics in this case shows good agreement with the experimental data for the first four localized modes, as shown in Fig. 1, and the results are almost indistinguishable from the numerical solution published previously,9 confirming that micromagnetic calculations can accurately model the behavior of these localized modes.
It is illuminating to compare the mode profiles produced by micromagnetic simulations to the Bessel functions assumed for the numerical minimization technique. The resulting mode shapes are given in Fig. 2. From the figure, it is clear that the mode shapes found by micromagnetics are qualitatively similar to the Bessel function approximations used by the numerical technique, albeit with some modifications to the mode shapes. The main difference occurs at the edge of the mode. For the numerical minimization, the mode is defined by a radius outside which the mode is assumed to fall to zero, exhibiting a discontinuous derivative at the mode edge, while the mode shape from micromagnetics has a more gradual mode profile near the mode edge. This gradual mode profile is more physically permissible, as the abrupt cutoff of the Bessel mode would result in a divergent exchange energy in a continuous film. The computation time for the micromagnetic method, together with the accuracy of the Bessel function approximation suggests micromagnetics are unnecessary for calculating the resonance fields of localized modes in an out-of-plane geometry, but it is reassuring that the two techniques provide similar results for the resonance field of the localized modes.
Magnetization precession localized within an inhomogeneous field was suggested by Schlömann in 1964.6 He pointed out the similarity between the Landau-Lifshitz equation and the Schrödinger equation for a particle in a potential:
“The internal magnetic field H obviously plays the role of potential energy of this ‘particle.’ It would be interesting to shape the magnetic field in such a way that it has a deep minimum somewhere inside the sample. In that case our quasi-particle would never reach any surface of the sample and its properties might be expected to be particularly simple.”
This simple problem was indeed experimentally verified by Kalinikos et al. in the 1980s10 using the dipole field from a magnet pole with a hole along its axis to localize precession modes. They derived an analytic solution for localized precession in a parabolic field well and sufficiently small wavevectors such that exchange fields are negligible, which is a reasonable assumption for localization radius larger than a micron. Here, we apply the solution found by Kalinikos to localized modes confined by the dipole field from a micron sized probe and find very good agreement with the experimental data for the observed discrete modes in thin film YIG.
The analytic solution10 is derived for a parabolic magnetic field well of the form , where x is the lateral position in the film relative to the position of the probe. The boundary condition is
where xn is defined as the position where kx(x = xn) = 0 and χn is the nth zero of the Bessel function J0(x). Note that the boundary condition used in previous studies7,9 describes a localized mode with a single wavevector kn = χn∕R, where R is the mode radius. The two boundary conditions are equivalent if it assumed that kn is an average wavevector that satisfies . However, the boundary condition involving the integral is more general, and physically it suggests that the mode varies its wavevector according to the local field H(x) and is injected at the position xn with wavevector k = 0.
The resulting analysis10 yields the resonance field
where is the effective saturation magnetization field of the film, t is the film thickness, and is the applied external field for the uniform mode. For our case, the total field at the center of the field well z = 0 including external applied field and the dipole field from the probe magnet of moment mp at a distance z away is
and the parameter describing the parabolic field well from this probe magnet is found from a binomial expansion of the dipole field to be
The expected resonance fields Hn for the first four localized modes n = 1–4 are plotted in Fig. 3 as solid lines together with the experimental data. The experimental parameters are t = 25 nm, Oe, emu, and 4 GHz. This analytic solution shows very good agreement with the experimental data for n = 1, but begins to fail for the higher order modes. Nevertheless, the merit of the analytic solution is in its efficiency: it is at least 2 orders of magnitude faster to compute than the numerical minimization, and it is a good representation of the first localized mode resonance field. The discrepancy for higher order modes can be attributed to the fact that exchange fields are not negligible for these higher wavevector modes, and this is confirmed by the fact that similar results are produced when exchange fields are ignored for the numerical minimization technique.
In addition, the radius of the localized mode can be estimated by the analytic technique10 to be
This can be compared with the experimental resolution obtained by the analysis of the feature size in FMRFM images of a permalloy film in a previous study.7 This experimental resolution is shown together with the predicted radius obtained by analytic and numerical methods in Fig. 4. The numerical method overestimates the mode radius, while the analytic method underestimates it; however both methods at least qualitatively describe the experimentally obtained resolution.
In conclusion, we show that analytic and micromagnetic methods can be used to complement the established numerical minimization method to solve the resonance condition for probe localized modes. While the analytic method is the fastest, it is inaccurate at high k due the omission of exchange energy terms. Adding exchange energy to the calculation would be a useful extension to the technique, but attempts have so far only led to lengthy equations that in the end have to be solved numerically. Nevertheless, the current implementation of the analytic solution is very accurate for the first localized mode, indicating this method can be used to accurately model localized mode behavior for micron-sized modes, enabling localized mode experiments, and analysis to a wider audience without the need for complicated numerical analysis. On the other hand, micromagnetic simulations were found to accurately model the experimental data for all modes and provide insight into the true shapes of the modes; however, this is achieved at the cost of increased computational time.
This work was primarily supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences (BES), under Award No. DE-FG02-03ER46054 (FMRFM measurement) and Award No. DE-SC0001304 (sample synthesis). This work was partially supported by the Center for Emergent Materials, an NSF-funded MRSEC under Award No. DMR-1420451 (structural characterization). This work was supported in part by Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. (magnetic characterization) and an allocation of computing time from the Ohio Supercomputer Center (micromagnetic simulations). We also acknowledge the technical support and assistance provided by the NanoSystems Laboratory at the Ohio State University.