Plasmas are generated in a low ionization potential gas, tetrakis(dimethylamino)ethylene (TMAE) vapor through a one‐photon ionization process by an ultraviolet laser beam at a 193 nm wavelength. The TMAE plasma characteristics are studied by means of a Langmuir probe and microwave scattering. A new method is used to measure the 193 nm ultraviolet (UV) photon absorption cross section in TMAE. It is determined to be 1.1±0.3×10−17 cm2 from the axial profile of electron density. The temporal evolution of electron temperature is measured. A peak electron density of ne=5×1013/cm3 and peak electron temperature of Te=1 eV are measured at 500 mTorr TMAE pressure. The plasma decay process is studied, and the electron‐ion recombination coefficient is measured to be 5.4±0.5×10−6 cm3/s. A theoretical model is derived to describe the photon flux and the one photon ionization process. An application of a TMAE plasma as a mirror for microwave reflections is proposed.
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15 May 1993
Research Article|
May 15 1993
Plasma generation in an organic molecular gas by an ultraviolet laser pulse
Y. S. Zhang;
Y. S. Zhang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1500 Johnson Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53706
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J. E. Scharer
J. E. Scharer
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1500 Johnson Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53706
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J. Appl. Phys. 73, 4779–4784 (1993)
Article history
August 31 1992
January 19 1993
Y. S. Zhang, J. E. Scharer; Plasma generation in an organic molecular gas by an ultraviolet laser pulse. J. Appl. Phys. 15 May 1993; 73 (10): 4779–4784.
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