The Kerr response of seven nematic substances has been measured just above their nematic‐isotropic transition temperature, in their isotropic state. If the reciprocal of the Kerr constant B is plotted against temperature, a linear relationship analogous to the Curie‐Weiss dielectric relationship in ferroelectrics is found in all cases. The transient Kerr response—that is, the variation of induced birefringence with time in response to a field step—was also measured in three of the compounds. In p‐(p‐ethoxybenzylidene) amino benzonitrile (EBAB), a maximum Kerr constant of 175×10−10 cm2 V−1 was observed, together with a response time of 13 nsec. The extremely short response time indicates that molecular association does not take place. On the other hand, n‐(p‐methoxybenzylidene)‐p‐butylaniline (MBBA) under similar conditions showed a response time of 3 μsec, indicating that a high degree of association does take place in the isotropic phase.
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July 1973
Research Article|
July 01 1973
Kerr response of nematic liquids
Alan R. Johnston
Alan R. Johnston
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91103
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J. Appl. Phys. 44, 2971–2974 (1973)
Article history
February 09 1973
Alan R. Johnston; Kerr response of nematic liquids. J. Appl. Phys. 1 July 1973; 44 (7): 2971–2974.
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