It is of great significance to explore the ocean environment and strategic deployment under the polar ice layer. In this paper, the evolution laws of the water entry cavity of projectiles passing through ice holes with different shapes and sizes are studied, and the motion states of projectiles passing through holes are described. The case of zero-gap contact motion between a projectile and a hole is considered. The results show that the initial resistance drag of the projectile passing through the circular ice hole is the largest in the case of zero-gap contact, and the cavity collapse is serious, while almost no cavity appears at the shoulder of the projectile when passing through the square hole. The intersection of splash crowns is formed at the square and triangular ice holes as the hole size increases, a diffused cavity is formed at the bottom of the hole edge, and the formation of the jet appears multiple times at each stage. Some unique vortices appear near the hole when the projectile passes through the hole. The variations of force and velocity of the projectile passing through the triangular hole are stable, but the velocity drop is the largest.
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21 March 2023
Research Article|
March 17 2023
Cavity dynamics of the projectile passing through the ice hole
Xinyu Hu
Xinyu Hu
(Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Software)
School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology
, Harbin 150001, China
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Yingjie Wei
Yingjie Wei
(Conceptualization, Methodology)
School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology
, Harbin 150001, China
a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]
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Cong Wang;
Cong Wang
(Methodology, Visualization)
School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology
, Harbin 150001, China
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Guilin Wang;
Guilin Wang
(Resources, Software)
School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology
, Harbin 150001, China
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Yulin Wang
Yulin Wang
(Investigation, Supervision)
School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology
, Harbin 150001, China
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a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]
J. Appl. Phys. 133, 114702 (2023)
Article history
January 12 2023
March 05 2023
Xinyu Hu, Yingjie Wei, Cong Wang, Guilin Wang, Yulin Wang; Cavity dynamics of the projectile passing through the ice hole. J. Appl. Phys. 21 March 2023; 133 (11): 114702.
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