We have investigated the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of antiferromagnetic Ising spin chain CoV2O6 by magnetization and heat capacity measurements. Both monoclinic α-CoV2O6 and triclinic γ-CoV2O6 exhibit field-induced metamagnetic transitions from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic state via an intermediate ferrimagnetic state with 1/3 magnetization plateau. Due to the field-induced metamagnetic transitions, these systems show large conventional as well as inverse magnetocaloric effects. In α-CoV2O6, we observe field-induced complex magnetic phases and multiple magnetization plateaus below 6 K when the field is applied along c axis. Several critical temperatures and fields have been identified from the temperature and field dependence of magnetization, magnetic entropy change, and heat capacity to construct the H–T phase diagram. As compared to α-CoV2O6, γ-CoV2O6 displays a relatively simple magnetic phase diagram. Due to the large magnetic entropy change and adiabatic temperature change at low or moderate applied magnetic field, γ-CoV2O6 may be considered as a magnetic refrigerant in the low-temperature region below 20 K.
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7 April 2016
Research Article|
April 06 2016
Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of quasi-one-dimensional Ising spin chain CoV2O6
J. Appl. Phys. 119, 133904 (2016)
Article history
August 05 2015
March 23 2016
M. Nandi, P. Mandal; Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of quasi-one-dimensional Ising spin chain CoV2O6. J. Appl. Phys. 7 April 2016; 119 (13): 133904. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4945395
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