A complete understanding of domain wall motion in magnetic nanowires is required to enable future nanowire based spintronics devices to work reliably. The production process dictates that the samples are polycrystalline. In this contribution, we present a method to investigate the effects of material grains on domain wall motion using the GPU-based micromagnetic software package MuMax3. We use this method to study current-driven vortex domain wall motion in polycrystalline Permalloy nanowires and find that the influence of material grains is fourfold: an extrinsic pinning at low current densities, an increasing effective damping with disorder strength, shifts in the Walker breakdown current density, and the possibility of the vortex core to switch polarity at grain boundaries.
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21 June 2014
Research Article|
June 17 2014
Current-driven domain wall mobility in polycrystalline Permalloy nanowires: A numerical study
J. Leliaert;
J. Leliaert
1Department of Electrical Energy, Systems and Automation,
Ghent University
, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent, Belgium
2Department of Solid State Science,
Ghent University
, Krijgslaan 281/S1, 9000 Gent, Belgium
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B. Van de Wiele;
B. Van de Wiele
1Department of Electrical Energy, Systems and Automation,
Ghent University
, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent, Belgium
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A. Vansteenkiste;
A. Vansteenkiste
2Department of Solid State Science,
Ghent University
, Krijgslaan 281/S1, 9000 Gent, Belgium
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L. Laurson;
L. Laurson
3COMP Centre of Excellence and Helsinki Institute of Physics, Department of Applied Physics,
Aalto University School of Science
, P.O. Box 11100, FI-00076 AALTO, Finland
Search for other works by this author on:
G. Durin;
G. Durin
Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica
, Strada delle Cacce 91, 10135 Torino, Italy
5ISI Foundation, Via Alassio 11/c, 10126, Torino,
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L. Dupré;
L. Dupré
1Department of Electrical Energy, Systems and Automation,
Ghent University
, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent, Belgium
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B. Van Waeyenberge
B. Van Waeyenberge
2Department of Solid State Science,
Ghent University
, Krijgslaan 281/S1, 9000 Gent, Belgium
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Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Appl. Phys. 115, 233903 (2014)
Article history
April 07 2014
June 02 2014
J. Leliaert, B. Van de Wiele, A. Vansteenkiste, L. Laurson, G. Durin, L. Dupré, B. Van Waeyenberge; Current-driven domain wall mobility in polycrystalline Permalloy nanowires: A numerical study. J. Appl. Phys. 21 June 2014; 115 (23): 233903. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4883297
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