In this study, we discuss the effects of a type of surfactant (oleylamine, oleic acid, and trioctylamine) and hot pressing on the hard magnetic properties of crystallographically anisotropic SmCo5 nanoflakes prepared by surfactant-assisted high energy ball milling. The phase, microstructure, and magnetic properties of the hot-pressed SmCo5 were investigated by using x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and vibrating sample magnetometry. The coercivities of the precursor flakes prepared using oleylamine, oleic acid, and trioctylamine were 14.9, 15.8, and 15 kOe, respectively. Hot-compacted SmCo5 magnets prepared from the nanoflakes milled with oleic acid had the lowest coercivity of 8.1 kOe. It is believed that even after repeated washing in an ultrasonic bath with different solvents, the remaining oleic acid in the SmCo5 nanoflakes led to oxidation of SmCo5 at the surface/interface of nanoflakes during the hot-pressing process. The compacted SmCo5 magnets prepared from the nanoflakes milled with trioctylamine and oleylamine had higher coercivity values of 14.8 and 12.8 kOe, respectively. Unlike oleic acid, oleylamine and trioctylamine contain no oxygen atoms, and therefore there was less oxidation during the process. The compaction temperature also influences the coercivity. The SmCo5 magnets hot pressed at 550 °C had the highest coercivity, whereas those hot pressed at 650 °C had the lowest coercivity; this is attributed to the change of phases and composition of SmCo5 alloys during the hot-pressing process.
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1 April 2011
14-18 November 2010
Atlanta, Georgia
Research Article|
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials|
April 01 2011
Influence of the type of surfactant and hot compaction on the magnetic properties of SmCo5 nanoflakes
Liyun Zheng;
Liyun Zheng
1Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Delaware
, Newark, Delaware 19716, USA
2School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
Hebei University of Engineering
, Handan, Hebei 056038, China
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Alexander M. Gabay;
Alexander M. Gabay
1Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Delaware
, Newark, Delaware 19716, USA
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Wanfeng Li;
Wanfeng Li
1Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Delaware
, Newark, Delaware 19716, USA
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Baozhi Cui;
Baozhi Cui
1Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Delaware
, Newark, Delaware 19716, USA
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George C. Hadjipanayis
George C. Hadjipanayis
1Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Delaware
, Newark, Delaware 19716, USA
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected]. Fax: 1-302-8311637.
J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07A721 (2011)
Article history
September 23 2010
December 03 2010
Liyun Zheng, Alexander M. Gabay, Wanfeng Li, Baozhi Cui, George C. Hadjipanayis; Influence of the type of surfactant and hot compaction on the magnetic properties of SmCo5 nanoflakes. J. Appl. Phys. 1 April 2011; 109 (7): 07A721.
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