The electronic structure as well as the optical response of kesterite and stannite structures of and are analyzed by a relativistic full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method. The energy dispersion of the conduction-band edge reveals larger effective electron mass of the two compounds compared with . Whereas the effective electron mass tensor is fairly isotropic, the effective hole masses show strong anisotropy. The fundamental band-gap energy is estimated to be for and for . The larger band gap results in a smaller high-frequency dielectric constant: for whereas for . The characteristic anisotropy of the dielectric function in the stannite compounds allows for a complementary identification of the crystalline structure type. Overall, however, all four compounds show similar atomic-resolved density-of-states, dielectric function, and optical absorption coefficient .
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1 March 2010
Research Article|
March 05 2010
Electronic and optical properties of and
Clas Persson
Clas Persson
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Royal Institute of Technology
, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
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Electronic mail: [email protected].
J. Appl. Phys. 107, 053710 (2010)
Article history
October 13 2009
January 18 2010
Clas Persson; Electronic and optical properties of and . J. Appl. Phys. 1 March 2010; 107 (5): 053710.
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