The problem of coupling a whispering gallery mode laser into an optical fiber is considered. The whispering gallery mode laser is generated in a polymer microring formed coaxially on the optical fiber. The focus of this paper is to determine factors that influence the coupling between the laser and the fiber around which it is formed. The coupling mechanism is analyzed and it is found that when the microring and the fiber are of elliptical cross section, there exists controllable coupling between the laser and propagation mode in the fiber. The coupling between laser mode and fiber mode is due to characteristics of Mathieu functions that describe the fields in elliptical waveguides. It is shown that the coupling between the laser and the dominant mode in the fiber can be optimized by the designing the dimension of microring, the eccentricity of the elliptical cross section, and the material contrast between fiber and microring.
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15 January 2010
Research Article|
January 25 2010
An analysis of coupling between a whispering gallery mode laser in an elliptical microring and the dominant mode in the coaxially oriented elliptical optical fiber
Reyhan Baktur;
Reyhan Baktur
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Utah State University
, Logan, Utah 84322-4120, USA
Search for other works by this author on:
L. Wilson Pearson;
L. Wilson Pearson
Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Clemson University
, Clemson, South Carolina 29634-0915, USA
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John Ballato
John Ballato
Center for Optical Materials Science and Engineering Technologies (COMSET), School of Material Science and Engineering,
Clemson University
, Clemson, South Carolina 29634-0971, USA
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Electronic mail: [email protected].
J. Appl. Phys. 107, 023104 (2010)
Article history
October 27 2009
December 07 2009
Reyhan Baktur, L. Wilson Pearson, John Ballato; An analysis of coupling between a whispering gallery mode laser in an elliptical microring and the dominant mode in the coaxially oriented elliptical optical fiber. J. Appl. Phys. 15 January 2010; 107 (2): 023104.
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