Microring resonator filters, which are made of dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguides and operate in the telecom spectral range, are thoroughly analyzed by means of vectorial three dimensional (3D) finite element method (FEM) simulations. The filters’ functional characteristics, such as the resonant frequencies where the transmission minima occur, the free spectral range, the extinction ratio, and the minima linewidth associated with the quality factor of the resonances, are investigated for different values of the key structural parameters, namely, the ring radius and the gap separating the bus waveguide from the ring. The rigorous 3D-FEM simulations are qualitatively complemented by a simplified model. Apart from the harmonic propagation simulations, the uncoupled microring is treated as an eigenvalue problem, and the frequencies of the resonances are compared with those of the transmission minima. Furthermore, the possibility of exploiting the thermally tuned microring resonator filter as a switching element is explored. The shift in the transmission minima is quantified when the ring’s refractive index is altered by virtue of Ohmic heating, and in addition to that, the temporal response is assessed by solving the transient problem.
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1 November 2009
Research Article|
November 10 2009
Theoretical analysis of thermally tunable microring resonator filters made of dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguides
Odysseas Tsilipakos;
Odysseas Tsilipakos
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
, Thessaloniki GR-54124, Greece
Search for other works by this author on:
Traianos V. Yioultsis;
Traianos V. Yioultsis
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
, Thessaloniki GR-54124, Greece
Search for other works by this author on:
Emmanouil E. Kriezis
Emmanouil E. Kriezis
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
, Thessaloniki GR-54124, Greece
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Electronic addresses: [email protected] and [email protected].
J. Appl. Phys. 106, 093109 (2009)
Article history
July 24 2009
September 30 2009
Odysseas Tsilipakos, Traianos V. Yioultsis, Emmanouil E. Kriezis; Theoretical analysis of thermally tunable microring resonator filters made of dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguides. J. Appl. Phys. 1 November 2009; 106 (9): 093109. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3256139
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