We have investigated radio-frequency single-electron transistor operation of single-walled carbon nanotube quantum dots in the strong tunneling regime. At a temperature of 4.2 K and with a carrier frequency of 754.2 MHz, we reach a charge sensitivity of over a bandwidth of 85 MHz. Our results indicate a gain-bandwidth product of , which is by one order of magnitude better than those for typical radio-frequency single-electron transistors.
By studying the Coulomb diamond pattern around the optimum sensitivity, we deduce that and . This suggests that we are in the quantum Coulomb blockade (QCB) regime, where and only few levels are involved in transport. However, comparing the conductance peak line shapes around optimum sensitivity with theory (Ref. 30), we find deviations between the experimental data and QCB predictions. From the experimental data we get at peak maximum and as optimum transconductance. These values should be compared to and as predicted by theory. Also the predictions from the metallic Coulomb blockade regime with and are deviating, but the peak maximum is close to the measured. This discrepancy is explained by the fact that we are in the strong tunneling regime with , which broadens the energy levels. Since we still have strong Coulomb blockade, we are not quite in the Breit–Wigner limit but rather in an intermediate regime , which behaves closest to the strong tunneling description.