We present the underlying mechanism for the mobility enhancement in a pentacene thin-film transistor (TFT) with a photocrosslinking polymeric insulator, poly(vinyl cinnamate) (PVCi). Experimental results for the optical anisotropy, x-ray diffraction, and microscopic layer-by-layer coverage of the pentacene film on the photocrosslinked PVCi layer, exposed to a linearly polarized ultraviolet (LPUV) light, clearly demonstrate the importance of the structural packing of pentacene grains rather than the directional alignment of the pentacene molecules for the mobility enhancement. The packing density of pentacene grains is directly related to the number of photocrosslinking sites of the PVCi insulator produced by the LPUV. It is found that the mobility in the pentacene TFT is linearly proportional to the number of photocrosslinked sites of the PVCi insulator serving as interaction sites for the layer-by-layer coverage of the pentacene molecules with no preferred orientation.
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15 September 2007
Research Article|
September 19 2007
Structural origin of the mobility enhancement in a pentacene thin-film transistor with a photocrosslinking insulator
Jin-Hyuk Bae;
Jin-Hyuk Bae
School of Electrical Engineering No. 32,
Seoul National University
, Kwanak P. O. Box 34, Seoul 151-600, Korea
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Won-Ho Kim;
Won-Ho Kim
School of Electrical Engineering No. 32,
Seoul National University
, Kwanak P. O. Box 34, Seoul 151-600, Korea
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Hyeok Kim;
Hyeok Kim
School of Electrical Engineering No. 32,
Seoul National University
, Kwanak P. O. Box 34, Seoul 151-600, Korea
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Changhee Lee;
Changhee Lee
School of Electrical Engineering No. 32,
Seoul National University
, Kwanak P. O. Box 34, Seoul 151-600, Korea
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Sin-Doo Lee
Sin-Doo Lee
School of Electrical Engineering No. 32,
Seoul National University
, Kwanak P. O. Box 34, Seoul 151-600, Korea
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Appl. Phys. 102, 063508 (2007)
Article history
May 28 2007
July 25 2007
Jin-Hyuk Bae, Won-Ho Kim, Hyeok Kim, Changhee Lee, Sin-Doo Lee; Structural origin of the mobility enhancement in a pentacene thin-film transistor with a photocrosslinking insulator. J. Appl. Phys. 15 September 2007; 102 (6): 063508. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2780869
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