We investigated the behavior of the forward bias current-voltage-temperature characteristics of inhomogeneous heterostructures in the temperature range of . The experimental results show that all forward bias semilogarithmic curves for the different temperatures have a nearly common cross point at a certain bias voltage, even with finite series resistance. At this cross point, the sample current is temperature independent. We also found that the values of series resistance that were obtained from Cheung’s method are strongly dependent on temperature and the values abnormally increased with increasing temperature. Moreover, the ideality factor , zero-bias barrier height obtained from curves, and were found to be strongly temperature dependent and while increases, decreases with increasing temperature. Such behavior of and is attributed to Schottky barrier inhomogeneities by assuming a Gaussian distribution (GD) of the barrier heights (BHs) at the metal∕semiconductor interface. We attempted to draw a versus plot in order to obtain evidence of the GD of BHs, and the values of and for the mean barrier height and standard deviation at a zero bias, respectively, were obtained from this plot. Therefore, a modified versus plot gives and Richardson constant as and , respectively, without using the temperature coefficient of the barrier height. The Richardson constant value of is very close to the theoretical value of for undoped . Therefore, it has been concluded that the temperature dependence of the forward characteristics of the heterostructures can be successfully explained based on the thermionic emission mechanism with the GD of BHs.
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1 September 2007
Research Article|
September 12 2007
The behavior of the characteristics of inhomogeneous heterostructures at high temperatures
Z. Tekeli;
Z. Tekeli
Physics Department, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
Gazi University
, Ankara 06500, Turkey
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Ş. Altındal;
Ş. Altındal
Physics Department, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
Gazi University
, Ankara 06500, Turkey
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M. Çakmak;
M. Çakmak
Physics Department, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
Gazi University
, Ankara 06500, Turkey
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S. Özçelik;
S. Özçelik
Physics Department, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
Gazi University
, Ankara 06500, Turkey
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D. Çalışkan;
D. Çalışkan
Nanotechnology Research Center,
Bilkent University
, Bilkent, Ankara 06800, Turkey; Department of Physics, Bilkent University
, Bilkent, Ankara 06800, Turkey; and Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University
, Bilkent, Ankara 06800, Turkey
Search for other works by this author on:
E. Özbay
E. Özbay
Nanotechnology Research Center,
Bilkent University
, Bilkent, Ankara 06800, Turkey; Department of Physics, Bilkent University
, Bilkent, Ankara 06800, Turkey; and Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University
, Bilkent, Ankara 06800, Turkey
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Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Appl. Phys. 102, 054510 (2007)
Article history
May 28 2007
July 20 2007
Z. Tekeli, Ş. Altındal, M. Çakmak, S. Özçelik, D. Çalışkan, E. Özbay; The behavior of the characteristics of inhomogeneous heterostructures at high temperatures. J. Appl. Phys. 1 September 2007; 102 (5): 054510. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2777881
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