High permittivity hafnium titanate thin films deposited by chemical vapor deposition have been studied systematically as gate insulators. The electrical and physical characteristics of the films were analyzed using a variety of techniques. It was observed that the films with higher Ti content are more resistant to crystallization when subjected to high temperature annealing. The capacitance-voltage curves for devices with hafnium titanate displayed relatively low hysteresis. When the concentration of Hf is comparable to the concentration of Ti, both the interfacial layer equivalent oxide thickness and permittivity of increase linearly with increasing Ti content. The sample with higher Hf content showed weaker temperature dependence of the current. In metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor devices with hafnium titanate films, normal transistor characteristics were observed. The devices exhibited electron mobility degradation. The thermodynamic stability of stoichiometric films in contact with Si was also studied.
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15 February 2007
Research Article|
February 23 2007
Hafnium titanate as a high permittivity gate insulator: Electrical and physical characteristics and thermodynamic stability
Min Li;
Min Li
Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Minnesota
, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
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Zhihong Zhang;
Zhihong Zhang
Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Minnesota
, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
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Stephen A. Campbell;
Stephen A. Campbell
Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Minnesota
, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
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Hong-Jyh Li;
Hong-Jyh Li
International SEMATECH
, Austin, Texas 78741
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Jeff J. Peterson
Jeff J. Peterson
International SEMATECH
, Austin, Texas 78741
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Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Appl. Phys. 101, 044509 (2007)
Article history
July 20 2006
December 05 2006
Min Li, Zhihong Zhang, Stephen A. Campbell, Hong-Jyh Li, Jeff J. Peterson; Hafnium titanate as a high permittivity gate insulator: Electrical and physical characteristics and thermodynamic stability. J. Appl. Phys. 15 February 2007; 101 (4): 044509. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2434833
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