Turbulence in Plasmas and Fluids
The broad range of physical processes active in turbulence and the diversity of applications where turbulence is important are evident in the disciplines of fluid dynamics and plasma physics. At the same time there is commonality across these applications rooted in nonlinearities that can be the same or mathematically similar. A joint special topic on turbulence in the journals Physics of Fluids and the Physics of Plasmas aims to showcase these aspects of turbulence while increasing awareness of current research trends, emerging developments and understanding, and key issues in areas covered by these journals. Submissions to this special topic are now solicited in all submission categories, including articles, letters, brief communications, tutorials, reviews, and perspectives (with reviews and perspectives especially welcomed). Papers dealing with turbulence in non-ionized fluids should be submitted to Physics of Fluids, while those that treat plasmas should be submitted to Physics of Plasmas. Presentations that help bridge these disciplines are particularly encouraged.
Read this collection’s papers published in Physics of Fluids here and published in Physics of Plasmas here.
Guest Editors: Chunxiao Xu and Paul Terry