Special collection in honor of Freeman Dyson
Freeman Dyson who passed away in 2020 at the age of 96 was by any measure one of the most influential scientists of the past century. Maybe one could go further and say that he was one of the most influential thinkers. It is, however, his work in mathematics and physics from number theory to the foundation of quantum electrodynamics that we would like to celebrate in this special honorary collection. The collection will feature both original articles and review articles. It is only fitting that Journal of Mathematical Physics in this way celebrates the seminal contributions of Dyson, as he, indeed, authored and co-authored some of his most groundbreaking papers in JMP: The threefold way. Algebraic Structure of Symmetry Groups and Ensembles in Quantum Mechanics (1962), Statistical Theory of the Energy Levels of Complex Systems I-V (1962-63, IV and V with M.L. Mehta), Stability of Matter I-II (1967 with A. Lenard), Ground State Energy of a Finite System of Charged Particles (1967), Class of Matrix Ensembles (1972).
Guest Editors: Jan Philip Solovej, Rafael Benguria, and Martin Zirnbauer