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Data-Driven Models and Analysis of Complex Systems

The 2021 Nobel prize in Physics emphasized the importance of studying complex systems to understand their emerging behaviors, including synchronization, chaos, and extreme events. These behaviors have been studied due to the fascinating patterns they create, possible catastrophic consequences, and the universality that bounds them. Despite coming from natural or man-made systems, these behaviors require no external or central control but depend on the structure of their interactions — the network. Moreover, with more precise data — often big data —, new models, methods, and machine learning techniques allow innovative studies of complex systems.

This Focus Issue welcomes manuscripts that present new insights into complex systems, derived from computational or data-driven models, and the development of new data analysis methods to characterize collective behaviors or network structures.

Guest Editors: Johann H. Martínez, Klaus Lehnertz, and Nicolás Rubido

Special Collection Image
G. Yılmaz Bingöl; O. A. Soysal; E. Günay
S. J. K. Barnes; J. Bjerkan; P. T. Clemson; J. Newman; A. Stefanovska
Rupali Sonone; Neelima Gupte
Julius Trebbien; Anton Tausendfreund; Leonardo Rydin Gorjão; Dirk Witthaut
Maria Mannone; Peppino Fazio; Norbert Marwan
André S. W. Teruya; Breno Raphaldini; Carlos F. M. Raupp; Pedro S. Peixoto; Victor C. Mayta; Pedro L. Silva-Dias
A. Longhena; M. Guillemaud; M. Chavez
Gustavo Menesse; Akke Mats Houben; Jordi Soriano; Joaquín J. Torres
Johan S. Duque; Rafael Santos; Johny Arteaga; Ricardo S. Oyarzabal; Leonardo B. L. Santos
Maria Mannone; Peppino Fazio; Norbert Marwan
Alberto Porta; Raphael Martins de Abreu; Vlasta Bari; Francesca Gelpi; Beatrice De Maria; Aparecida Maria Catai; Beatrice Cairo
C. T. Martínez-Martínez; L. A. Moreno-Rodriguez; J. A. Méndez-Bermúdez; Henri Benisty
Bharat Singhal; Shicheng Li; Jr-Shin Li
Juan P. Tarigo; Cecilia Stari; Cristina Masoller; Arturo C. Martí
Shirin Panahi; Ying-Cheng Lai
Victor E. Camargo; Patrick Louodop; Hilda A. Cerdeira; Fernando F. Ferreira
Mauro Granado; Santiago Collavini; Nataniel Martinez; Federico Miceli; Osvaldo A. Rosso; Fernando Montani
Anja Rabus; Maria Masoliver; Aaron J. Gruber; Wilten Nicola; Jörn Davidsen
Arkady Pikovsky; Michael Rosenblum
Dheeraja Thakur; Athul Mohan; G. Ambika; Chandrakala Meena
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