Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science is a peer-reviewed journal founded in 1991 to promote the understanding of nonlinear dynamics and the evolution of complex systems and describe their manifestations in a manner comprehensible to researchers from a broad spectrum of disciplines. Chaos welcomes submission of original manuscripts on the full range of topics in the broadly interdisciplinary area of nonlinear science, which includes, among other topics:

  • Nonlinear Dynamics & Complex Systems
  • Bifurcations and Multistability
  • Nonlinear Time Series Analysis and Methods
  • Classical and quantum chaos
  • Synchronization
  • Reaction-diffusion Systems, Coherent Structures, and Pattern Formation
  • Complex Networks
  • Adaptive and Evolving Systems
  • Stochastic Dynamics
  • Statistical Mechanics and Applications
  • Nonlinear Waves and Solitons
  • Nonlinear Dynamics of Computation
  • Applications of nonlinear phenomena in other fields (e.g. chemistry, biology, earth and climate science, fluid dynamics, physiology, medicine, fractional dynamics, computer science, engineering, social sciences)

We encourage authors to submit manuscripts on these and other nonlinear phenomena in all disciplines of science and engineering. We also encourage selected articles on the more mathematical aspects of nonlinear systems, provided that these meet the criteria of the journal and are accessible to the broad nonlinear community. In terms of methodologies, analytical, computational, and experimental studies are all equally welcome.

The editors of Chaos take an active role in developing the content and, together with AIP Publishing, seek to ensure its comprehensibility, relevance, and quality. Chaos publishes several Focus Issues per year with the aim of highlighting specific topics within nonlinear science. These Focus Issues provide a critical introduction and overview of a particular topic, suitable as an introduction to nonspecialists but also of value to experts in the area.

In addition, each article in Chaos is preceded by a lead paragraph targeted at non-specialist readers. This paragraph provides a sense of the context of the work and conveys the primary results in language that is accessible to the journal's broad interdisciplinary audience.

2023 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate, 2024)*:

Five-Year Impact Factor


Impact Factor


Immediacy Index


Cited Half-Life


EigenFactor Score


Article Influence Score


Total Citations


* Data from the 2023 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Clarivate, 2024).

Other Quantitative Metrics:

2023 Scopus CiteScore

 5.2 (Q1 Mathematical Physics; Q1 Applied Mathematics; Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics; Q2 General Physics and Astronomy)

2023 Scimago Journal Ranking (SJR)

Q2 Mathematical Physics; Q1 Physics and Astronomy

2023 Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Ranking:

T2 Mathematics


Print: ISSN 1054-1500
Online: ISSN 1089-7682