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Input signal accumulation capability of the FitzHugh–Nagumo neuron
Chaos 34, 121103 (2024)
Characterization of cardiorespiratory coupling via a variability-based multi-method approach: Application to postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
Beatrice Cairo; Vlasta Bari; Francesca Gelpi; Beatrice De Maria; Franca Barbic; Raffaello Furlan; Alberto Porta
Chaos 34, 122102 (2024)
Stern–Brocot arithmetic in dynamics of a biochemical reaction model
In Special Collection:
From Sand to Shrimps: In Honor of Professor Jason A. C. Gallas
Chaos 34, 123107 (2024)
Traveling waves in an ensemble of excitable oscillators: The interplay of memristive coupling and noise
In Special Collection:
Advances in Adaptive Dynamical Networks
Ivan A. Korneev; Ibadulla R. Ramazanov; Andrei V. Slepnev; Tatiana E. Vadivasova; Vladimir V. Semenov
Chaos 34, 123110 (2024)
Zero-determinant strategy for distributed state estimation against eavesdropping attacks
In Special Collection:
Intelligent Game on Networked Systems: Optimization, Evolution and Control
Chaos 34, 123112 (2024)
Polyglot entrainment for higher dimensional neuronal models
Chaos 34, 123115 (2024)
Adaptive network approach to exploration–exploitation trade-off in reinforcement learning
In Special Collection:
Advances in Adaptive Dynamical Networks
Chaos 34, 123120 (2024)
Distributed optimization consensus for multi-agent systems on matrix-weighted networks
In Special Collection:
Intelligent Game on Networked Systems: Optimization, Evolution and Control
Chaos 34, 123121 (2024)
Finding critical exponents and parameter space for a family of dissipative two-dimensional mappings
In Special Collection:
From Sand to Shrimps: In Honor of Professor Jason A. C. Gallas
Fábio H. da Costa; Mayla A. M. de Almeida; Rene O. Medrano-T; Edson D. Leonel; Juliano A. de Oliveira
Chaos 34, 123124 (2024)
Parrondo’s effects with aperiodic protocols
In Special Collection:
From Sand to Shrimps: In Honor of Professor Jason A. C. Gallas
Chaos 34, 123126 (2024)
Shearless and periodic attractors in the dissipative Labyrinthic map
In Special Collection:
From Sand to Shrimps: In Honor of Professor Jason A. C. Gallas
Chaos 34, 123132 (2024)
Promotion of cooperation in a structured population with environmental feedbacks
In Special Collection:
Intelligent Game on Networked Systems: Optimization, Evolution and Control
Chaos 34, 123136 (2024)
Mapping chaos: Bifurcation patterns and shrimp structures in the Ikeda map
In Special Collection:
From Sand to Shrimps: In Honor of Professor Jason A. C. Gallas
Chaos 34, 123137 (2024)
Brownian non-Gaussian polymer diffusion in non-static media
In Special Collection:
Anomalous Diffusion and Fluctuations in Complex Systems and Networks
Chaos 34, 123144 (2024)
Quasiperiodic shrimp-shaped domains in intrinsically coupled oscillators
In Special Collection:
From Sand to Shrimps: In Honor of Professor Jason A. C. Gallas
Chaos 34, 123146 (2024)
Fractional hyper-ballistic transport under external oscillating electric fields
In Special Collection:
Anomalous Diffusion and Fluctuations in Complex Systems and Networks
Chaos 34, 123148 (2024)
Skeletal structure in domain of periodicity of the forced Brusselator
In Special Collection:
From Sand to Shrimps: In Honor of Professor Jason A. C. Gallas
Chaos 34, 123150 (2024)
Shrimp structure as a test bed for ordinal pattern measures
In Special Collection:
From Sand to Shrimps: In Honor of Professor Jason A. C. Gallas
Chaos 34, 123154 (2024)
Synchronization transitions in adaptive simplicial complexes with cooperative and competitive dynamics
In Special Collection:
Advances in Adaptive Dynamical Networks
Chaos 34, 123155 (2024)
Non-local transitions and ground state switching in the self-organization of vascular networks
In Special Collection:
Advances in Adaptive Dynamical Networks
Chaos 34, 123157 (2024)
Particle transport in open polygonal billiards: A scattering map
Chaos 34, 123158 (2024)
Mitigating epidemic spread in complex networks based on deep reinforcement learning
In Special Collection:
Intelligent Game on Networked Systems: Optimization, Evolution and Control
Chaos 34, 123159 (2024)
Magnetic structures in the explicitly time-dependent nontwist map
In Special Collection:
Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems: Theory, Methods, and Applications
Chaos 34, 123160 (2024)
Tipping detection using climate networks
In Special Collection:
Nonautonomous Dynamics in the Climate Sciences
Chaos 34, 123161 (2024)
Resilience of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation
In Special Collection:
Nonautonomous Dynamics in the Climate Sciences
Chaos 34, 123162 (2024)
Global network control from local information
In Special Collection:
Topics in Nonlinear Science: Dedicated to David K. Campbell’s 80th Birthday
Chaos 34, 123166 (2024)
Synchronization cluster bursting in adaptive oscillator networks
In Special Collection:
Advances in Adaptive Dynamical Networks
Chaos 34, 123167 (2024)
Ordinal Poincaré sections: Reconstructing the first return map from an ordinal segmentation of time series
Zahra Shahriari, Shannon D. Algar, et al.
Generalized synchronization in the presence of dynamical noise and its detection via recurrent neural networks
José M. Amigó, Roberto Dale, et al.
Tipping detection using climate networks
Laure Moinat, Jérôme Kasparian, et al.