In the work, we prove the presence of chaotic dynamics, for suitable values of the model parameters, for the discrete-time system, composed of two coupled logistic maps, as formulated in Yousefi et al. [Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc. 5, 161–177 (2000)], which describes two interdependent economies, characterized by two competitive markets each, with a demand link between them. In particular, we rely on the SAP (Stretching Along the Paths) method, based on a stretching relation for maps defined on sets homeomorphic to the unit square and expanding the paths along one direction. Such technique is topological in nature and allows to establish the existence of a semiconjugacy between the considered dynamical system and the Bernoulli shift, so that the main features related to the chaos of the latter (e.g., the positivity of the topological entropy) are transmitted to the former. In more detail, we apply the SAP method both to the first and to the second iterate of the map associated with our system, and we show how dealing with the second iterate, although being more demanding in terms of computations, allows for a larger freedom in the sign and in the variation range of the linking parameters for which chaos emerges. Moreover, the latter choice guarantees a good agreement with the numerical simulations, which highlight the presence of a chaotic attractor under the conditions derived for the applicability of the SAP technique to the second iterate of the map.
In the paper, we rigorously prove the presence of complex dynamics for the coupled logistic map, as formulated in Ref. 1, by means of the Stretching Along the Paths (henceforth, SAP) method, which is a topological technique that has been developed in the planar case in Refs. 2 and 3 and then extended to the -dimensional framework, with , in Ref. 4. Despite in the Introduction of Ref. 1, Yousefi et al., referring to their system composed of two logistic maps, coupled by linear terms, say that “To the best of our knowledge, so far, this kind of system has not been subjected to mathematical investigations at an advanced level. Any such investigation must incorporate two different aspects, namely the global dynamics of diffeomorphisms and the theory of critical lines developed in Mira et al.5 ,” we here follow, in view of showing the presence of chaos in that setting, a different approach that, being topological in nature, does not require any differentiability condition. Moreover, the SAP technique has proven to be successfully applicable both in discrete-6–8 and continuous-time contexts (see, e.g., Refs. 9–11). The versatility of the SAP method comes from the fact that it does not call for a direct proof of chaos according to one of the many existing definitions, which are often difficult or impossible to handle in practical contexts. In particular, the SAP technique, in agreement with a canonical strategy in the chaos literature (cf., for instance, Refs. 12 and 13), allows to establish a semiconjugacy between the function under investigation, or one of its iterates, and the Bernoulli shift on two (or more) symbols, which displays many chaotic features, such as topological transitivity, sensitivity on initial conditions, and positive topological entropy. In that indirect manner, it is possible to conclude that the considered dynamical system satisfies all the properties of the Bernoulli shift that are preserved by the semiconjugacy relation. This is the strategy that we shall employ along the paper, where, after determining the parameter conditions that ensure the emergence of chaotic dynamics when applying the SAP method to the first iterate of the map associated with the system considered in Ref. 1, we apply the SAP method to the second iterate of the same map in order to weaken those conditions, in regard to both the sign and the variation range of the parameters involved. Furthermore, the application of the SAP method to the second iterate of the map generating the dynamics allows us to obtain a good agreement with the numerical simulations, which confirm the presence of a chaotic attractor under the conditions derived for the applicability of the SAP technique to the second iterate of the map, but not to the first iterate, in which case chaotic sets are not attractive. To the best of our knowledge, the one we provide is the first discrete-time application of the SAP technique in which numerical simulations highlight the presence of a chaotic attractor.
The present work aims at providing a topological proof of the existence of chaotic dynamics for the discrete-time system composed of two coupled logistic maps, according to the formulation given in Ref. 1, which describes two interdependent economies, characterized by two competitive markets each, with a demand link between them.
Indeed, our study belongs to the vast literature that, starting from the 1980s, investigates via simulative (see, e.g., Refs. 14–16) or analytical (cf., for instance, Ref. 17) methods the dynamic effect of various, linear or nonlinear, coupling formulations between two or more logistic maps.18 The study of coupled logistic maps went on in the past decades (see, e.g., Refs. 19–23), and still in very recent times, many authors have been dealing with such a topic, either in its simplest form encompassing just two functions, for instance, in order to study, mainly by means of analytical tools, its bifurcations, like done in Refs. 24 and 25, as well as in Refs. 26 and 27 in the presence of noise, or in more complex versions, encompassing noise signals and networks, like in Refs. 28–30, mostly from a numerical viewpoint.
In agreement with the former, more theoretical literature strand, in this work, we rigorously prove the presence of complex dynamics for the coupled logistic map, as formulated in Ref. 1, by means of the Stretching Along the Paths (henceforth, SAP) method, which is a topological technique that has been developed in the planar case in Refs. 2 and 3 and then extended to the -dimensional framework, with in Ref. 4. It allows to detect the existence of fixed points, periodic points, and chaos for maps for which it is known, or for which it is possible to show, that they are expansive (thus stretching the paths) along one direction and contractive along the remaining directions, being defined on subsets of homeomorphic to the -dimensional cube, which we will call generalized rectangles for . In the planar case, the SAP method consists in finding a generalized rectangle, which, when appropriately oriented by choosing two disjoint arcs in its boundary, contains at least two disjoint compact subsets on which a suitable stretching relation is fulfilled between the generalized rectangle and itself, while keeping its orientation unchanged, so that the generalized rectangle is stretched at least twice across itself by the considered map. The possibility of detecting, by means of analytical conditions, such a generalized rectangle depends on the geometry associated with the iterates of the map governing the dynamics, and, in particular, on the way in which sets are deformed by its forward iterates. This task turns out to be easy when the function under consideration produces a stretching and a folding on some set similar to that impressed by the original Smale Horseshoe in Ref. 31 on the unit square (see also Chap. 23 in Ref. 32 for a detailed construction and description of the features for a simplified version of it).33
Starting from Refs. 2 and 3, the SAP method has been used in both discrete- and continuous-time models. In the latter case, a field of application is given by Hamiltonian systems with a nonisochronous center in which it is sensible to assume a periodic variation in some of the model coefficients, so as to enter the geometrical framework of “Linked Twist Maps” (henceforth, LTMs), where the SAP method is applied to the Poincaré map associated with the considered system, and this leads again to the study of a discrete-time setting. We refer the interested reader, e.g., to Refs. 9, 10, 11, 34, 35, and 36 for continuous-time planar applications of the SAP method and to Refs. 37 and 38 for 3D continuous-time applications of it to non-Hamiltonian systems. On the other hand, to the best of our knowledge, the only applications of the SAP technique to discrete-time models can be found in Refs. 6–8, where 1D,39 2D (in Ref. 6), and 3D (in Refs. 7 and 8) economic settings are considered. In more detail, in Refs. 7 and 8, different triopoly game models with heterogeneous players, taken, respectively, from Refs. 41 and 42, are analyzed, while in Ref. 6, OLG models with and without production (taken, e.g., from Refs. 43 and 44), as well as the duopoly game model with heterogeneous players taken from Ref. 45, are considered.
Following the approach employed in Refs. 6–8, along the paper, we show how to apply the SAP method to the model in Ref. 1 so as to detect chaotic dynamics therein. In particular, the possibility of finding a generalized rectangle for which the stretching relation is satisfied with respect to two disjoint compact subsets of it depends, in addition to the value assumed by the usual parameter present in the two logistic maps, on the sign and on the value of the parameters describing the link between the two economies. Specifically, when dealing with the first iterate of the map generating the dynamics, we obtain that the SAP method can be applied only when one of the linking parameters is negative. In order to overcome such limitations, we also consider the second iterate of the same map and we show that applying the SAP method to it, although being more demanding in terms of computations, allows for a larger freedom in the sign and in the variability range of the linking parameters for which chaos emerges. In addition to this, the application of the SAP method to the second iterate of the map generating the dynamics guarantees a good agreement with the numerical simulations, which confirm the presence of a chaotic attractor under the conditions derived for the applicability of the SAP technique to the second iterate of the map, but not to the first iterate, in which case chaotic sets are not attractive. Indeed, in general, the SAP method ensures the existence of chaotic sets, but not their attractiveness, as discussed in Ref. 6. To the best of our knowledge, the one provided here is the first application of the SAP technique to a discrete-time framework in which numerical simulations highlight the presence of a chaotic attractor, thanks to the careful way in which our method is employed, justifying the cumbersome computations involved.
We finally stress that the analysis we shall perform and the kind of obtained results would be valid also when investigating the analogous system composed of three coupled logistic maps. In more detail, the stretching relation, on which the SAP method is based, may be satisfied when the function associated with the 3D system is compressive along two directions and expansive along the third one. However, in order not to overburden the paper, we prefer to focus on the planar framework only, making just some remarks along the manuscript on how our findings would look like in the three-dimensional setting, also by means of a few illustrations, which confirm the presence of a chaotic attractor when the SAP method is applicable to prove the existence of chaotic sets for the second iterate of the function associated with the three-dimensional dynamical system.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we recall the main definitions and results connected with the SAP method. In Sec. III, we briefly introduce the model that we are going to analyze. In Sec. IV, we show how to apply the SAP method to the first iterate of the map generating the dynamics. In Sec. V, we explain how to apply the SAP technique to the second iterate. In Sec. VI, we conclude.
The Stretching Along the Paths (henceforth, SAP) method is a topological technique that allows to detect the existence of chaotic dynamics for maps, defined on subsets of homeomorphic to the -dimensional cube, for which it is known, or it is possible to show that they are expansive along one direction and contractive along the remaining directions. It has been developed in the planar case in Refs. 2 and 3 and extended in Ref. 4 to the -dimensional framework, with The SAP method, which is based on the stretching relation in Definition II.1 and on its properties, has been applied both to discrete-time (cf. Refs. 6–8) and to continuous-time (see, e.g., Refs. 9, 34, 35, 37, and 38) 2D and 3D systems.
For brevity’s sake, in what follows, we recall just the definitions and the results about the SAP relation that are needed in view of some remarks about the related literature and that we will use in our applications in Sec. IV and in Sec. V, focusing on the 2D framework. Further details and more general planar formulations can be found, e.g., in Refs. 46 and 47. We will make some comments about the 1D setting at the end of the present section, while we address the reader to Ref. 8 for the theoretical results in the 3D framework, since along the paper, the three-dimensional model will be considered just in a marginal way.
A path in is a continuous map for some Without the loss of generality, we usually take the unit interval as the domain of and we denote by its image. A subpath of is the restriction of to a compact subinterval of its domain. A generalized rectangle is a subset of , which is homeomorphic to the unit square through homeomorphism A generalized rectangle is oriented by choosing two disjoint arcs in its boundary, which will be named left and right sides of the generalized rectangle. Indeed, we call the left side of and its right side and an oriented rectangle of is a pair where is a generalized rectangle and Moreover, we call the down side of and its up side.48
The stretching along the paths (SAP) relation for maps between oriented rectangles is recalled in the following:
is continuous on
for every path with and belonging to the different components of there exists such that and with and belonging to the different components of
Thanks to Lemma 2.11 in Ref. 46, when the SAP relation in (2.1) is fulfilled, there exists a compact, connected set contained in and joining to (see Fig. 1 for a graphical illustration, where, for simplicity’s sake, we let coincide with ).
Moreover, according to Theorem 2.1 in Ref. 6, when the stretching relation in (2.1) is satisfied with so that and the orientation of the two generalized rectangles coincides, too, a fixed point localized in the compact set exists. Under the same assumptions, since the stretching relation is preserved under composition of maps (see Lemma 2.2 in Ref. 47), dealing with the forward iterates of a function allows to show the existence of periodic points of any period.49 We further stress that, despite the similarity between the SAP relation and the crossing property by Kennedy and Yorke in Ref. 13, where connections and preconnections play the role of our paths and subpaths, the latter approach, also due to the generality of the spaces considered, does not guarantee the existence of fixed points and periodic points when the crossing property in Ref. 13 is fulfilled between a domain and itself, as shown by Example 10 therein. In particular, such a difference affects the definition of chaos that it is possible to deal with by using the two methods. Indeed, under the assumptions of Theorem II.1, in agreement with points (ii) and (iii) of that result, rather than the classical characterization of chaos in the coin-tossing sense by Kirchgraber and Stoffer in Ref. 50—considered also, among others, in Refs. 13 and 51—according to which the iterates of the map generating the system dynamics mimic the sequences of two symbols, we can also require that periodic sequences of symbols are realized by means of periodic itineraries of the map. See Ref. 6, and in particular, Definition 2.2 and the proof of Theorem 2.2 therein, for additional details.
Furthermore, notice that if it holds that for some and is continuous on then it is true that , as well. However, in order, e.g., to localize fixed points when in agreement with Theorem 2.1 in Ref. 6, we are interested in finding the smallest, rather than the largest, compact set on which the stretching relation is fulfilled. Such a need arises also when trying to prove the presence of chaos, in which case the stretching relation in (2.1) has to be satisfied at least with respect to two pairwise disjoint compact sets playing the role of .52 Indeed, the result that we will use in Secs. IV and V reads as follows:
- is semiconjugate to the one-sided Bernoulli shift on two symbols that is, there exists a continuous map from onto53 endowed with the distancefor and such that
the set of the periodic points of is dense in , and the preimage of every -periodic sequence contains at least one -periodic point.
Furthermore, from conclusion , it follows that
there exists a compact invariant set such that is semiconjugate to the one-sided Bernoulli shift on two symbols, topologically transitive, and displays sensitive dependence on initial conditions.
The result immediately follows by combining Definition 2.2 in Ref. 6 with Theorems 2.2 and 2.3 therein.
Given Theorem II.1, the SAP method, which allows to prove the presence of chaotic dynamics for a continuous planar map, consists in finding a generalized rectangle inside its domain, which, if suitably oriented, contains (at least) two disjoint compact subsets on which the stretching relations in (2.2) are fulfilled. This means that we need to detect a generalized rectangle that is stretched at least twice across itself by the map under analysis, when keeping its orientation unchanged.49 If we succeed in such tasks, all the features related to chaos listed in Theorem II.1 will follow for our system.
In particular, since for any continuous self-map of a compact topological space, it holds that for where denotes the topological entropy of and is its th iterate (cf. Theorem 2 in Ref. 54), in order to show the existence of chaos for a map, at least in the sense of positive topological entropy, recalling also in Theorem II.1, it is sufficient to prove that one of its forward iterates is semiconjugate to the Bernoulli shift on two (or more) symbols (see Ref. 12), for instance, by applying the SAP technique to that forward iterate.55 This is the strategy that we will follow in Sec. V, where we shall apply the SAP method to the second iterate of the map associated with System (3.1), so as to obtain weaker parameter conditions with respect to those, that will be found in Sec. IV, ensuring the emergence of chaotic dynamics when dealing with the first iterate of Moreover, we will see that the consideration of allows to detect attractive chaotic sets, while the numerical simulations we performed do not highlight the presence of chaotic attractors when dealing with . Indeed, in general, as discussed in Ref. 6, via Theorem II.1, we only prove the existence of an invariant, chaotic set, not its attractiveness.
We conclude the present discussion with some comments, motivated by what we will show in Sec. IV, about how the SAP method looks like when dealing with 1D maps. In particular, a pair where is a compact interval and is the set of its end points, may be seen as a degenerate oriented rectangle. Accordingly, the stretching property with compact set on which the function is continuous, is equivalent to the fact that contains a compact interval such that Hence, in the one-dimensional case, the stretching along the paths relation coincides with the classical covering relation considered, e.g., in Ref. 56, i.e., in the 1D framework, becomes -covers . Moreover, noticing that, in the just described scenario, we actually have then, if contains two disjoint compact intervals and on which is continuous and such that for we enter the setting of Theorem II.1, with playing the role of and with so that the conclusions listed therein about the chaotic features of the system hold true in the one-dimensional framework too. Indeed, according to the results in Sec. 5 in Ref. 4, Theorem II.1 holds true when dealing with oriented -dimensional rectangles for any in addition to the cases and
Despite this drawback arising with the application of the SAP method to , we chose to present the corresponding result in Proposition IV.1 because it allows to understand how the SAP technique works in a simpler setting, which will then be modified, probably becoming less intuitive, when dealing with in Sec. V. In particular, in Proposition IV.1, we focus on nonnull values for the coupling coefficients and since we are interested in understanding the role they play in the emergence on chaotic dynamics.
We split our proof into two main steps.
- First, we show that the conditions in (4.2) guarantee the validity of the following properties for :according to which stretching and folding61 along the -direction occur, and we prove that, depending on the value of , the conditions in (4.3) or in (4.4) imply the next features for ,which describe a compression62 along the -direction.63
As a second and final stage in the process, we will verify that, under (4.6) and (4.7), the SAP relations in (4.5) are fulfilled relatively to two suitably defined disjoint compact subsets and of [cf. (4.8)].
In regard to Step 1, as concerns (4.6) we notice that, for every we have , which is non-positive for Discarding null values for the coupling coefficients and we then obtain as sufficient condition for and With a negative value for for , it holds that that is larger than for which is possible just with Hence, the first and the third conditions in (4.2) imply (4.6). Turning now to (4.7), we start by noticing that admits a minimum and a maximum value on due to the Weierstrass theorem. Since the gradient of never vanishes when is nonnull, by the Fermat theorem, the minimum and maximum points of need to belong to the boundary of . In particular, is non-negative for , and in such a case, we also have recalling that Moreover, for if then and while if then and . Hence, for , it holds that and , so that (4.7) is implied by (4.3). If instead , we have and so that (4.7) is implied by (4.4). This concludes the first half of the proof.
We conclude the present section about the analysis of in (3.4) by stressing that, similar to what happens when applying the SAP method to the first iterate of the map associated with the 2D System (3.1), in which, as discussed before Proposition IV.1, one parameter between and has to be larger than 4, also with a 3D formulation of the same issue arises, and, thus, the chaotic set, whose existence is guaranteed by the three-dimensional counterpart of Theorem II.1,64 is not attractive, since almost all the trajectories diverge.
In order to verify the 3D version of the stretching relations66 in (4.5) for we need to assume that two out of the -, -, and -directions are compressive and that the remaining one is expansive. Just the expansion along one direction, whatever it is, requires the corresponding value for the parameter, to exceed 4. In fact, the analysis performed above and the kind of findings obtained in the present section would be valid also when studying System (4.10). In more detail, its investigation would follow similar lines to Refs. 7 and 8, where the SAP method has been applied to 3D discrete-time settings. However, in order not to overburden the paper, we prefer to focus on the 2D framework only. One more aspect supporting our choice lies in the fact that the described weak point connected with the application of the SAP method to the dynamical system generated by could be fixed by dealing with its second iterate, similar to what we shall do in the 2D framework in Sec. V, where we will consider with as in (3.4). Since working with the second iterate of would lead to cumbersome computations, in Sec. V we will confine ourselves to the study of the two-dimensional setting, just showing some illustrations of the 3D framework in Figs. 8 and 9.
In view of trying to find more general conditions on the model parameters than those derived in Proposition IV.1 but still guaranteeing the emergence of chaotic dynamics, in the present section, we apply the SAP method to the second iterate of in (3.4).
As an intermediate step in order to explain how this can be performed, we start by focusing on the case in which the two economies are totally disconnected, so that we consider (3.2) in place of (3.1), and we are, thus, led to deal with the logistic map in (3.3), together with its second iterate. Using then a perturbative method, grounded on what learned in the 1D framework and in which the value of the linking parameters is gradually increased, we will be able to exploit a similar geometry also in the two-dimensional framework.67
We have seen in Fig. 2 the way the 1D version of the SAP method, described at the end of Sec. II, can be applied to on the interval in which case its maximum value has to exceed 1, condition requiring . However, in such a manner, the forward iterates of almost all initial points limit to . On the other hand, as observed in Sec. 3 in Ref. 6 (cf. Fig. 2 therein), when dealing with the second iterate of , it is possible to apply the SAP method on a subset of for as well. We analyze more closely the needed geometry with the aid of Fig. 4, in which we show two disjoint compact subintervals68, and of such that for . Thanks to this construction, the one-dimensional version of the stretching conditions in (2.2) is satisfied for and all the features related to chaos listed in Theorem II.1 are fulfilled for the second iterate of . In particular, from in Theorem II.1, it holds that , where in general, denotes the topological entropy of for any continuous self-function69 of a compact topological space . Then, since by Theorem 2 in Ref. 54, it follows that and, thus, the topological entropy of is positive. We recall that the positivity of the topological entropy for a map is generally considered one of the trademarks of chaos for the associated dynamical system.
A. Analysis with the first parameter configuration
The first parameter set we consider is given by As shown in Fig. 5, the SAP technique can be applied to when choosing and so that Let us try to understand why it is so, disregarding for the moment the values of and , that can be assumed to be equal to 0, so that we are in the isolated economy scenario. Focusing at first on the expansive direction, i.e., the horizontal one, we notice that since , has a minimum point in and two maximum points in that, in agreement with the construction in Fig. 4, are internal to since it holds that In order to observe an expansion and a folding for along the -direction when the two economies are isolated,70 we could impose and . However, due to the closeness of the maximum points of to the end points of rather than the latter condition, for simplicity’s sake, we will consider the stronger , which also implies that , recalling that is symmetric with respect to for any and observing that .
In particular, focusing on the case and , as concerns the first condition in (5.5), we have that is increasing for since is positive for , since in the considered scenario, is negative. Hence, on is equivalent to . In regard to on studying the sign of , we obtain a minimum point in . Thus, the second condition in (5.5) is equivalent to . Notice that both the derived conditions are satisfied in our framework, since and .
Turning now to the compressive direction, i.e., the vertical one, we remark that, assuming for the moment since , then is a unimodal map, with a maximum point in and two minimum points in the end points of . More precisely, since and, thus, recalling that is symmetric with respect to we have to witness a contraction for along the -direction when the two economies are isolated, we impose, in addition to also which implies .
B. Analysis with the second parameter configuration
Turning now to the second parameter set,72 i.e., the SAP method can be applied to when choosing and so that as illustrated in Fig. 6. Indeed assuming for the moment that we are in the isolated economy scenario, i.e., that let us start by focusing on the horizontal, expansive direction. Since is larger than 2, has a minimum point in and two maximum points in that this time are, however, external to since it holds that . Despite such a difference with the construction in Fig. 4, caused by a larger value for with respect to the first parameter set, as shown in Fig. 6(a) a double covering of is produced by when and since the latter condition also implies that due to the symmetry of with respect to for any and observing that The conditions and then generate an expansion for along the -direction when the two economies are isolated.
Dealing now with the compressive, vertical direction, for the time being with since like with the first parameter set it happens that admits a maximum point in and two minimum points in the end points of . More precisely, recalling that and that is symmetric with respect to it holds that . Thus, to witness a contraction for along the -direction when the two economies are isolated, like with the first parameter set, in addition to we impose which implies .
Hence, supposing that and are positive but small, we impose again the conditions in (5.6), which, however, have to be checked in relation to the new parameter configuration. As concerns on we have seen just after (5.6) that has a maximum point in that now coincides with while the minimum points are located in the end points of In particular, since it holds that on is equivalent to . Finally, considering for every we have already seen that a study of the sign of shows that has a maximum point in , that now coincides with . Thus, the second condition in (5.6) is equivalent to . The derived conditions are satisfied in the considered framework, since and .
The analysis above is meant to give an idea of the variety in the conditions [cf. (5.5), (5.6), (5.7), and what they are equivalent to in the various frameworks] that need to be imposed in order to apply the SAP method according to the considered parameter configuration, despite the similarity between the geometry in Figs. 5 and 6. The horseshoe shape of therein is common to the chaotic attractors that emerge in the two investigated scenarios and that are illustrated in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b), respectively, where the initial conditions are and . We stress that, to the best of our knowledge, the ones provided above are the first applications of the SAP method to two-dimensional discrete-time frameworks in which chaotic attractors emerge. Indeed, according to Theorem II.1, if the SAP relations in (2.2) are satisfied for a certain map there exists a nonempty invariant set on which the function is chaotic, but nothing can be inferred about the attractiveness of the chaotic set in general,73 and we have to rely on numerical simulations to investigate such a feature. In the considered frameworks, the theoretical results obtained for are supported by the performed simulative exercises, which highlight the presence of the chaotic attractors in Fig. 7 when the SAP method is applicable.
We conclude by remarking that, due to the formulation of the 3D setting described at the end of Sec. IV, the three-dimensional version of the SAP method (cf. Definition 2.1 in Ref. 8 for the SAP relation between oriented 3D-rectangles, called oriented parallelepipeds therein, as well as Theorem 2.1 in Ref. 8, and the comments below it) can be easily applied to the second iterate of in (4.10) on the cube , when modifying the first parameter configuration considered above for , and on perturbing the second parameter set. In particular, it is possible to choose parameter sets with for so that chaotic attractors can emerge by dealing with the dynamical system generated by . For instance, we could start from the two parameter configurations considered above and take close or equal to , , close or equal to , as well as small, positive or negative, values for , so that , which in this way is a three-dimensional perturbation of produces an expansion along the -direction, and a contraction along the - and -directions. A different possibility consists in imposing symmetry between the second and the third components of , by choosing , as well as , , for . The numerical exercises we performed confirm that, starting from both the above considered parameter configurations, each solution is successful in view of applying the SAP method to , witnessing chaotic attractors in the simulations. For brevity’s sake, we do not show the results in all four cases, illustrating in Fig. 8 the effect of the symmetry strategy when dealing with the first parameter set and in Fig. 9 the effect of the perturbation strategy with reference to the second parameter set. The chaotic attractors in Figs. 8 and 9 are obtained with and as initial conditions. Similar to what observed above for the two-dimensional settings, we recall that, for the 3D discrete-time applications of the SAP method provided in the literature (see Refs. 7 and 8), no chaotic attractors emerged, since in those frameworks, the SAP technique was applied to the first, rather than to the second, iterate of the map generating the dynamics.
In the present work, we have shown how to apply the Stretching Along the Paths (SAP) method to prove the existence of chaotic dynamics for the 2D discrete-time model considered in Ref. 1, composed of two logistic maps, coupled by linear terms. As we have seen, the SAP technique, being topological in nature, does not require any differentiability condition. Moreover, it does not call for a direct proof of chaos according to one of the many existing definitions, which are often difficult, or impossible to handle in practical contexts.
In greater detail, along the paper, after determining the parameter conditions that ensure the emergence of chaotic dynamics when applying the SAP method to the first iterate of the map associated with the system considered in Ref. 1, we applied the SAP method to the second iterate of the same map in order to weaken those conditions, in regard to both the sign and the variation range of the parameters involved. Furthermore, the application of the SAP method to the second iterate of the map generating the dynamics allowed us to obtain a good agreement with the numerical simulations that confirm the presence of a chaotic attractor under the conditions derived for the applicability of the SAP technique to the second iterate of the map, but not to the first iterate, in which case chaotic sets are not attractive. Indeed, in general, the SAP method ensures the existence of chaotic sets, but not their attractiveness, as discussed in Ref. 6. To the best of our knowledge, the one we provided is the first two-dimensional discrete-time application of the SAP technique in which numerical simulations highlight the presence of a chaotic attractor.
Since, as shown at the end of Sec. V, the same agreement between theoretical and simulative results occurs also with the 3D version of the considered model, composed by three coupled logistic maps, just when dealing with the second iterate of the function generating the dynamics, it would be interesting to understand whether, considering the second iterate of the maps associated with the 2D settings in Ref. 6 and with the 3D frameworks in Refs. 7 and 8, numerical simulations would confirm the presence of chaotic attractors when the model parameters satisfy the conditions for the applicability of the SAP method, recalling that in those contexts no chaotic attractors emerged when the SAP technique was applied to the first iterate of the map generating the dynamics. We will perform such an investigation in a future work.
The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for the helpful and valuable comments. This research did not receive any specific grant.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
A. Bosisio: Formal analysis (equal); Investigation (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). A. Naimzada: Conceptualization (lead); Software (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). M. Pireddu: Formal analysis (equal); Investigation (equal); Methodology (lead); Software (equal); Writing – original draft (lead); Writing – review & editing (equal).
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study.