In this erratum, we correct an existing redaction error that occurred in the introduction article of the Focus Issue: Dynamics of modern power grids.1 In particular, in Sec. II A, where papers belonging to Subsection A, Multistability and bifurcation structure, are summarized, the summary for the paper by Balestra et al.2 was incorrectly retrieved by that of another contributed paper, the latter thus appearing twice. The correct summary replacing the old one is as follows:
Multistability in lossy power grids and oscillator networks, Balestra et al.2 The paper by Balestra et al.2 discovers a new mechanism for the coexistence of multiple stable operating points in power grids in the presence of losses. The key idea is to consider both the losses on the lines and the slack node that compensates them together. Decomposing the problem into a linear flow problem and non-linear constraints, the authors find a basis for the linear part that allows them to solve the full problem for tree like grids. They find that there are more solutions than in the lossless case and that multiple stable operating points can occur even in the case of tree like power grids.