We propose a new type of locally interacting quantum circuits—quantum cellular automata—that are generated by unitary interactions round-a-face (IRF). Specifically, we discuss a set (or manifold) of dual-unitary IRFs with local Hilbert space dimension [DUIRF], which generate unitary evolutions both in space and time directions of an extended 1+1 dimensional lattice. We show how arbitrary dynamical correlation functions of local observables can be evaluated in terms of finite-dimensional completely positive trace preserving unital maps in complete analogy to recently studied circuits made of dual-unitary brick gates (DUBGs). The simplest non-vanishing local correlation functions in dual-unitary IRF circuits are shown to involve observables non-trivially supported on two neighboring sites. We completely characterize the ten-dimensional manifold of DUIRF for qubits () and provide, for , empirical estimates of its dimensionality based on numerically determined dimensions of tangent spaces at an ensemble of random instances of dual-unitary IRF gates. In parallel, we apply the same algorithm to determine and show that they are of similar order though systematically larger than for . It is remarkable that both sets have a rather complex topology for in the sense that the dimension of the tangent space varies among different randomly generated points of the set. Finally, we provide additional data on dimensionality of the chiral extension of DUBG circuits with distinct local Hilbert spaces of dimensions residing at even/odd lattice sites.
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September 2021
Research Article|
September 01 2021
Many-body quantum chaos and dual-unitarity round-a-face
Special Collection:
Dissipative Quantum Chaos
Tomaž Prosen
Tomaž Prosen
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Universty of Ljubljana
, Jadranska 19, Si-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: tomaz.prosen@fmf.uni-lj.si
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a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: tomaz.prosen@fmf.uni-lj.si
Note: This paper is part of the Focus Issue, Dissipative Quantum Chaos.
Chaos 31, 093101 (2021)
Article history
May 16 2021
August 11 2021
Tomaž Prosen; Many-body quantum chaos and dual-unitarity round-a-face. Chaos 1 September 2021; 31 (9): 093101. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0056970
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