Studying natural phenomena via the complex network approach makes it possible to quantify the time-evolving structures with too many elements and achieve a deeper understanding of interactions among the components of a system. In this sense, solar flare as a complex system with the chaotic behavior could be better characterized by the network parameters. Here, we employed an unsupervised network-based method to recognize the position and occurrence time of the solar flares by using the ultraviolet emission (1600 Å) recorded by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board Solar Dynamics Observatory. Three different regions, the flaring active regions, the non-flaring active regions, and the quiet-Sun regions, were considered to study the variations of the network parameters in the presence and absence of flaring phases in various datasets over time intervals of several hours. The whole parts of the selected datasets were partitioned into sub-windows to construct networks based on computing the Pearson correlation between time series of the region of interest and intensities. Analyzing the network parameters such as the clustering coefficient, degree centrality, characteristic length, and PageRank verified that flare triggering has an influence on the network parameters around the flare occurrence time and close to the location of flaring. It was found that the values of the clustering coefficient and characteristic length approach those obtained for the corresponding random network in the flaring phase. These findings could be used for detecting the occurrence times and locations of the region at ultraviolet images.
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April 2020
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April 20 2020
Ultraviolet solar flare signatures in the framework of complex network
Nastaran Lotfi
Nastaran Lotfi
Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
, Recife, PE 50670-901, Brazil
Department of Physics, University of Zanjan
, P.O. Box 45371-38791, Zanjan, Iran
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Mohsen Javaherian
Mohsen Javaherian
Research Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics of Maragha (RIAAM), University of Maragheh
, P.O. Box 55136-553, Maragheh, Iran
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Bardia Kaki
Bardia Kaki
Department of Physics, University of Zanjan
, P.O. Box 45371-38791, Zanjan, Iran
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Amir Hossein Darooneh
Amir Hossein Darooneh
Department of Physics, University of Zanjan
, P.O. Box 45371-38791, Zanjan, Iran
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo
, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada
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Hossein Safari
Hossein Safari
Department of Physics, University of Zanjan
, P.O. Box 45371-38791, Zanjan, Iran
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]
Chaos 30, 043124 (2020)
Article history
September 28 2019
March 30 2020
Nastaran Lotfi, Mohsen Javaherian, Bardia Kaki, Amir Hossein Darooneh, Hossein Safari; Ultraviolet solar flare signatures in the framework of complex network. Chaos 1 April 2020; 30 (4): 043124.
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