The steady state motion visual evoked potential (SSMVEP)-based brain computer interface (BCI), which incorporates the motion perception capabilities of the human visual system to alleviate the negative effects caused by strong visual stimulation from steady-state VEP, has attracted a great deal of attention. In this paper, we design a SSMVEP-based experiment by Newton's ring paradigm. Then, we use the canonical correlation analysis and Support Vector Machines to classify SSMVEP signals for the SSMVEP-based electroencephalography (EEG) signal detection. We find that the classification accuracy of different subjects under fatigue state is much lower than that in the normal state. To probe into this, we develop a multiplex limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph method, which enables to infer a brain network from 62-channel EEG signals. Subsequently, we analyze the variation of the average weighted clustering coefficient and the weighted global efficiency corresponding to these two brain states and find that both network measures are lower under fatigue state. The results suggest that the associations and information transfer efficiency among different brain regions become weaker when the brain state changes from normal to fatigue, which provide new insights into the explanations for the reduced classification accuracy. The promising classification results and the findings render the proposed methods particularly useful for analyzing EEG recordings from SSMVEP-based BCI system.
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July 2019
Research Article|
July 31 2019
Characterization of SSMVEP-based EEG signals using multiplex limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph
Special Collection:
Focus Issue: Complex Network Approaches to Cyber-Physical Systems
Zhong-Ke Gao;
Zhong-Ke Gao
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University
, Tianjin 300072, China
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Wei Guo;
Wei Guo
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University
, Tianjin 300072, China
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Qing Cai;
Qing Cai
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University
, Tianjin 300072, China
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Chao Ma;
Chao Ma
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University
, Tianjin 300072, China
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Yuan-Bo Zhang;
Yuan-Bo Zhang
School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University
, Tianjin 300072, China
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Jürgen Kurths
Jürgen Kurths
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
, Telegraphenberg A31, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
Department of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin
, 12489 Berlin, Germany
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Electronic mail: [email protected]
Note: The paper is part of the Focus Issue, “Complex Network Approaches to Cyber-Physical Systems.”
Chaos 29, 073119 (2019)
Article history
April 30 2019
July 09 2019
Zhong-Ke Gao, Wei Guo, Qing Cai, Chao Ma, Yuan-Bo Zhang, Jürgen Kurths; Characterization of SSMVEP-based EEG signals using multiplex limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph. Chaos 1 July 2019; 29 (7): 073119.
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