Gamma frequency oscillations have been proposed to contribute to memory formation and retrieval. Fast-spiking basket cells (FS-BCs) are known to underlie development of gamma oscillations. Fast, high amplitude GABA synapses and gap junctions have been suggested to contribute to gamma oscillations in FS-BC networks. Recently, we identified that, apart from GABAergic synapses, FS-BCs in the hippocampal dentate gyrus have GABAergic currents mediated by extrasynaptic receptors. Our experimental studies demonstrated two specific changes in FS-BC GABA currents following experimental seizures [Yu et al., J. Neurophysiol. 109, 1746 (2013)]: increase in the magnitude of extrasynaptic (tonic) GABA currents and a depolarizing shift in GABA reversal potential (EGABA). Here, we use homogeneous networks of a biophysically based model of FS-BCs to examine how the presence of extrasynaptic GABA conductance (gGABA-extra) and experimentally identified, seizure-induced changes in gGABA-extra and EGABA influence network activity. Networks of FS-BCs interconnected by fast GABAergic synapses developed synchronous firing in the dentate gamma frequency range (40–100 Hz). Systematic investigation revealed that the biologically realistic range of 30 to 40 connections between FS-BCs resulted in greater coherence in the gamma frequency range when networks were activated by Poisson-distributed dendritic synaptic inputs rather than by homogeneous somatic current injections, which were balanced for FS-BC firing frequency in unconnected networks. Distance-dependent conduction delay enhanced coherence in networks with 30–40 FS-BC interconnections while inclusion of gap junctional conductance had a modest effect on coherence. In networks activated by somatic current injections resulting in heterogeneous FS-BC firing, increasing gGABA-extra reduced the frequency and coherence of FS-BC firing when EGABA was shunting (−74 mV), but failed to alter average FS-BC frequency when EGABA was depolarizing (−54 mV). When FS-BCs were activated by biologically based dendritic synaptic inputs, enhancing gGABA-extra reduced the frequency and coherence of FS-BC firing when EGABA was shunting and increased average FS-BC firing when EGABA was depolarizing. Shifting EGABA from shunting to depolarizing potentials consistently increased network frequency to and above high gamma frequencies (>80 Hz). Since gamma oscillations may contribute to learning and memory processing [Fell et al., Nat. Neurosci. 4, 1259 (2001); Jutras et al., J. Neurosci. 29, 12521 (2009); Wang, Physiol. Rev. 90, 1195 (2010)], our demonstration that network oscillations are modulated by extrasynaptic inhibition in FS-BCs suggests that neuroactive compounds that act on extrasynaptic GABA receptors could impact memory formation by modulating hippocampal gamma oscillations. The simulation results indicate that the depolarized FS-BC GABA reversal, observed after experimental seizures, together with enhanced spillover extrasynaptic GABA currents are likely to promote generation of focal high frequency activity associated with epileptic networks.
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December 2013
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November 20 2013
Seizure-induced alterations in fast-spiking basket cell GABA currents modulate frequency and coherence of gamma oscillation in network simulations
Archana Proddutur;
Archana Proddutur
Department of Neurology and Neurosciences, New Jersey Medical School
, Rutgers, Newark, New Jersey 07103, USA
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Jiandong Yu;
Jiandong Yu
Department of Neurology and Neurosciences, New Jersey Medical School
, Rutgers, Newark, New Jersey 07103, USA
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Fatima S. Elgammal;
Fatima S. Elgammal
Department of Neurology and Neurosciences, New Jersey Medical School
, Rutgers, Newark, New Jersey 07103, USA
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Vijayalakshmi Santhakumar
Vijayalakshmi Santhakumar
Department of Neurology and Neurosciences, New Jersey Medical School
, Rutgers, Newark, New Jersey 07103, USA
Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, New Jersey Medical School
, Rutgers, Newark, New Jersey 07103, USA
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]
Chaos 23, 046109 (2013)
Article history
April 10 2013
October 30 2013
Archana Proddutur, Jiandong Yu, Fatima S. Elgammal, Vijayalakshmi Santhakumar; Seizure-induced alterations in fast-spiking basket cell GABA currents modulate frequency and coherence of gamma oscillation in network simulations. Chaos 1 December 2013; 23 (4): 046109.
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