Sustainable energy conversion modules are the main challenges for building complex reaction cascades in artificial cells. Recent advances in biotechnology have enabled this sustainable energy supply, especially the adenosine triphosphate (ATP), by mimicking the organelles, which are the core structures for energy conversion in living cells. Three components are mainly shared by the artificial organelles: the membrane compartment separating the inner and outer parts, membrane proteins for proton translocation, and the molecular rotary machine for ATP synthesis. Depending on the initiation factors, they are further categorized into artificial mitochondrion and artificial chloroplasts, which use chemical nutrients for oxidative phosphorylation and light for photosynthesis, respectively. In this review, we summarize the essential components needed for artificial organelles and then review the recent progress on two different artificial organelles. Recent strategies, purified and identified proteins, and working principles are discussed. With more study on the artificial mitochondrion and artificial chloroplasts, they are expected to be very powerful tools, allowing us to achieve complex cascading reactions in artificial cells, like the ones that happen in real cells.
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Artificial organelles for sustainable chemical energy conversion and production in artificial cells: Artificial mitochondrion and chloroplasts
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March 2023
Review Article|
March 28 2023
Artificial organelles for sustainable chemical energy conversion and production in artificial cells: Artificial mitochondrion and chloroplasts
Hyun Park
Hyun Park
(Investigation, Writing – original draft)
Department of Chemistry and Institute of Biological Interfaces, Sogang University
, South Korea
Search for other works by this author on:
Weichen Wang;
Weichen Wang
(Investigation, Resources, Writing – original draft)
State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology
, Harbin, China
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Seo Hyeon Min
Seo Hyeon Min
(Investigation, Writing – original draft)
Department of Chemistry and Institute of Biological Interfaces, Sogang University
, South Korea
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Yongshuo Ren;
Yongshuo Ren
(Resources, Writing – original draft)
State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology
, Harbin, China
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Kwanwoo Shin
Kwanwoo Shin
(Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Project administration, Supervision, Writing – review & editing)
Department of Chemistry and Institute of Biological Interfaces, Sogang University
, South Korea
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Xiaojun Han
Xiaojun Han
(Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Supervision, Writing – review & editing)
State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology
, Harbin, China
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Biophysics Rev. 4, 011311 (2023)
Article history
October 17 2022
February 17 2023
Hyun Park, Weichen Wang, Seo Hyeon Min, Yongshuo Ren, Kwanwoo Shin, Xiaojun Han; Artificial organelles for sustainable chemical energy conversion and production in artificial cells: Artificial mitochondrion and chloroplasts. Biophysics Rev. 1 March 2023; 4 (1): 011311.
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