Extracellular vesicles (EVs) play an important role as active messengers in intercellular communication and distant microenvironment modeling. Increasingly, these EVs are recognized as important biomarkers for clinical diagnostics. However, current isolation methods of EVs are time-consuming and ineffective due to the high diffusive characteristics of nanoparticles coupled with fluid flow instability. Here, we develop a microfluidic CEntrifugal Nanoparticles Separation and Extraction (µCENSE) platform for the rapid and label-free isolation of microvesicles. By utilizing centrifugal microhydrodynamics, we subject the nanosuspensions between 100 nm and 1000 nm to a unique fluid flow resulting in a zonal separation into different outlets for easy post-processing. Our centrifugal platform utilizes a gentle and efficient size-based separation without the requirements of syringe pump and other accessories. Based on our results, we report a high separation efficiency of 90% and an extraction purity of 85% within a single platform. Importantly, we demonstrate high EV extraction using a table top centrifuge within a short duration of eight minutes. The simple processes and the small volume requirement further enhance the utility of the platform. With this platform, it serves as a potential for liquid biopsy extraction and point-of-care diagnostics.
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March 2018
Research Article|
March 06 2018
Label-free extraction of extracellular vesicles using centrifugal microfluidics
Joo Chuan Yeo
Joo Chuan Yeo
Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore
, Singapore
Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, A*STAR
, Singapore
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Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore
, Singapore
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Zhihai Zhao;
Zhihai Zhao
Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore
, Singapore
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Pan Zhang;
Pan Zhang
Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore
, Singapore
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Zhiping Wang;
Zhiping Wang
Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, A*STAR
, Singapore
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Chwee Teck Lim
Chwee Teck Lim
Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore
, Singapore
Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore
, Singapore
Biomedical Institute for Global Health Research and Technology, National University of Singapore
, Singapore
117599a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]
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a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]
Biomicrofluidics 12, 024103 (2018)
Article history
December 19 2017
January 30 2018
Joo Chuan Yeo, Kenry, Zhihai Zhao, Pan Zhang, Zhiping Wang, Chwee Teck Lim; Label-free extraction of extracellular vesicles using centrifugal microfluidics. Biomicrofluidics 1 March 2018; 12 (2): 024103. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5019983
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