It is important to APL Photonics and the multidisciplinary photonics community to recognize excellence in early career researchers and to hear the perspectives of future leaders in the field. The Early Career Editorial Advisory Board (ECEAB) advises the Editors on matters of specific significance to early career researchers, on the scientific and educational content of the journal, and on editorial policy. Each year, five board members are chosen in a highly competitive application process by a committee of members of the existing Editorial Advisory Board (including the ECEAB). In addition, the winner of the Future Luminary Award is invited to join the ECEAB. For more information and how to apply, see below.

Be a part of the future of APL Photonics

We ask that the members attend one webinar with the Editors and Editorial Advisory Board per year and one in-person meeting with the Editorial Advisory Board within their two-year term.

Eligibility Requirements:

Candidates must be promising photonics researchers who have completed their Ph.D. within the past 10 years (excluding career breaks such as maternity or paternity leave, adoption, eldercare).

Application and Selection Process:

The deadline for applications is April 30, 2025. Please apply through the online application form.

Five applicants will be chosen by a subset of our Editorial Advisory Board. Following the invitees’ decisions, the new board members will be announced in an editorial in APL Photonics.

Contact Us:

If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected].