We present a numerical approach to compute and characterize both guided and leaky modes in a multilayer planar optical waveguide made of any lossy and dispersive materials. Usually, in numerical calculations based on finite element methods, perfectly matched layers (PMLs) are used to truncate the unbounded substrate and cover layers. However, it is difficult to make such PMLs transparent for both guided and leaky modes at the same time, and often, different or even contradictory PML parameters are required for these two types of modes. In contrast, the transparent boundary conditions (TBCs) that we use in this work can terminate the unbounded waveguide and, simultaneously, provide perfect transparency for the modes. In addition, this type of boundary condition does not contaminate the solutions with non-existent modes, such as PML modes. More importantly, the TBC approach yields the nonlinear eigenvalue solutions that can be intrinsically mapped to the parameter space of transverse wavenumbers in the claddings. This allows us to uniquely determine the power flow properties of all the calculated modes. A finite element Python package is developed to treat a variety of planar waveguides in a robust and systematic way.

Multilayer planar waveguides are of great interest in optics since they are basic parts of many photonic devices, such as semiconductor lasers,1,2 sensors,3 Bragg reflectors, optical switches and modulators, spectral filters, waveguide polarizers,4 directional couplers,5 photonic crystal waveguides, plasmonic sensors, and metasurfaces.6 However, even for the simplest three-layer waveguide, the eigenmode equation is already transcendental, and numerical methods are required to find the waveguide modes.7,8 A heuristic, graphical approach to the problem is often introduced in scientific textbooks for the purpose of demonstration.7,9 For a planar waveguide of more than three layers of lossless or lossy materials, one can use the transfer matrix method that transforms the original mode solving problem into a problem of finding zeros of a complex-valued characteristic equation (the dispersion relation).10,11 However, the matrix becomes numerically unstable when the number of layers increases and the floating error propagates across the layers and accumulates.12 Worst scenarios happen if the transfer matrix method is applied to graded-index waveguides treated as a stuck of a large number of ultrathin layers of homogeneous materials. A more stable and versatile method to find the modes of a multilayer waveguide is a finite element method (FEM).

When using FEM, unbounded waveguides with semi-infinite superstrate and substrate are usually truncated by perfectly matched layers (PMLs), which are artificial anisotropic absorbing media,13,14 or equivalently modeled by a complex coordinate stretching.15 The choice of the PML parameters, including the number of the elementary sublayers, their thickness, and the real and imaginary parts of the refractive index, affects the absorption efficiency of the PML. We emphasize that a PML designed to absorb the guided modes may cause significant errors for the leaky mode calculations.16 If, on the other hand, the PML is made to guarantee an effective absorption of the leaky modes, it fails to properly absorb the guided modes (see  Appendix B). Hence, a single choice of a set of the PML parameters is, in general, not suitable for both types of modes.

In this work, we generalize a one-dimensional FEM using transparent boundary conditions (TBCs)12,17,18 to solve for the modes of an arbitrary unbounded multilayer waveguide. The semi-infinite regions of the waveguide are modeled rigorously by terminating them with TBCs at the two cladding interfaces, which avoids any numerical discretization and PML-related problems for the two unbounded cladding layers.12 The TBC involves the transverse wave number that depends on the propagation constant, i.e., the eigenvalue we are searching for in the original problem.12,17,18 Using TBCs, the equation may be formulated as an eigenvalue problem of the propagation constant17,18 or the transverse wave number.12 For the latter case, the original problem is transformed into a polynomial nonlinear eigenvalue problem written in terms of the two transverse wave numbers in the two semi-infinite regions. We develop a Python package to solve this nonlinear eigenvalue problem. The finite element part is implemented via the open-source library NGSolve.19 The nonlinear eigenvalue problem is solved by the Polynomial Eigenvalue Problem (PEP) solver of the Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations (SLEPc).20,21 In addition to numerical stability against possible PML-induced problems, the TBC approach we propose here permits one to perform a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the solved modes in terms of their power flow characteristics.

The paper is organized as follows: In Sec. II, we write the general equations for the electric and magnetic fields of a waveguide mode. Then, in Sec. III, we generalize a weak formulation expression of the waveguide mode problem that can be solved with FEM. After that, the approach is applied to a general planar multilayered waveguide, as described in Sec. IV. In Sec. V, we show how to use TBCs to simplify the numerical calculation process. Importantly, in Sec. VI, we systematically group modes into categories differing by their power flow characteristics. In Sec. VII, we analyze some typical examples of unbounded planar waveguides and discuss their properties. Finally, in Sec. VIII, our results are summarized and discussed.

A waveguide mode has a transverse field profile that is sustained as the mode propagates.22–24 It is worth emphasizing that possible attenuation of a mode is related to the decrease in the mode amplitude rather than a change in the field profile. Consider a mode with a harmonic time-dependence eiωt. The complex amplitudes of the electric and magnetic fields of the mode can be written as
where e(r) and h(r) represent the vectorial electric and magnetic field profiles, respectively. Vector K is the propagation wave vector that may be decomposed into its Cartesian components as25 
where Knx, Kny, and Knz are the normalized, real-valued components of the wave vector, such that Knx2+Kny2+Knz2=1, and β is the propagation constant that can take complex value for modes that exhibit attenuation or amplification. The fields are subject to frequency-domain Maxwell’s equations,
where ϵ and μ denote the relative permittivity and permeability tensors, respectively, and ϵ0 and μ0 are, correspondingly, the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of vacuum; the speed of light in vacuum is c=1/ϵ0μ0.
The wave equation for the magnetic field, obtained by inserting Eq. (2) into Maxwell’s Eqs. (4) and (5), is
The electric field equation can be obtained in a similar way. In a concise form, we write the wave equation as
where the optical parameters are
To solve the wave equation with FEM, we use the weak formulation of Eq. (7) written by applying the variation principle and testing the field equation with a vector function v = test(u),25,26
where the function
is integrated over volume Ω. Applying the divergence theorem,
the weak formulation can be rewritten as
The third term is an integral over the surface Ω enclosing the volume Ω. With a boundary condition on Ω, it can be readily solved by using any standard FEM.
We consider a general multilayer planar waveguide that may contain any lossy and dispersive media. Let the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of layer n of the structure be denoted by ϵn and μn (see Fig. 1). The layers are considered to be infinite in the y- and z-directions. Furthermore, the optical properties in each layer are allowed to vary along the x-axis, i.e., we have ϵn(x) and μn(x). Since all directions in the yz-plane are equivalent, we may assume that the mode propagates in the positive y-direction with propagation constant β (implying that Kny = 1 and Knx = Knz = 0). In this case, the fields are written as
FIG. 1.

A multilayer planar waveguide. The layers are perpendicular to the x-axis. The modes of the waveguide are assumed to propagate in the y-direction and have a wave vector K.

FIG. 1.

A multilayer planar waveguide. The layers are perpendicular to the x-axis. The modes of the waveguide are assumed to propagate in the y-direction and have a wave vector K.

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As explained in  Appendix A, a TM mode has a transverse magnetic field (along the z-axis), i.e., h(x)=ẑhz(x). It can conveniently be found from Eq. (12) by setting u=ẑuz(x), where uz = hz. When solving for a TE mode, uz is interpreted as the only transverse electric field component, ez. Hence, in general, we set
Substituting Eqs. (15) and (16) into Eq. (12), we obtain the following reduced weak formulation:
which can be numerically solved using a one-dimensional FEM.
Taking into account the fact that the field profile is independent of the y- and z-coordinates, we can simplify the integrals ΩdΩ and ∮ΩdA in this equation. Furthermore, when the permittivity and permeability tensors are diagonal, we obtain
This is a linear eigenvalue problem for β2. In conventional numerical calculations, the limits xmin and xmax are x-coordinates usually taken far enough from the outer interfaces of the waveguide in the substrate and cover layer, e.g., to reduce numerical reflections (see Fig. 1).
We denote the effective complex refractive index of the mode by κ = κ′ + ″, such that
where k0 = ω/c is the wavenumber in vacuum. When considering each layer separately, we treat the modes as plane waves with longitudinal and transverse components of the wave vector characterized, respectively, by indices κ and τi=τi+iτi in the ith layer. These indices are connected to the relative complex permittivity and permeability of the layer in question, ϵi and μi, through the relations
When the medium of the ith layer is nonmagnetic, the above equations are simplified to take the form
We are interested in waveguide modes whose field profile in the substrate/cover layer takes the following analytical form:12,
where τs is used at xxn and τc at xx0 (see Fig. 1), and xn/0 is the coordinate of the substrate/cover interface. Using this expression, we can remove the substrate and cover regions from numerical considerations and terminate the structure at xmin = xn and xmax = x0. The weak formulation then yields
Let us introduce an auxiliary variable,12,27
Using this variable, we can write
where δ2 = ϵcϵs. In addition, we obtain
where Σ2 = ϵc + ϵs. Hence, if we know λ, we can find the mode index κ. Equation (25) written in terms of λ assumes the form of a polynomial nonlinear eigenvalue problem,12,
where the sparse matrix Ap with p = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 can be assembled using the finite element library NGSolve.19 Then, the nonlinear eigenvalue problem can be solved by the PEP solver of the SLEPc.20,21 In the case of identical substrate and cover layers, we have δ2 = 0, and Eq. (30) becomes a quadratic nonlinear eigenvalue equation A2 + λA3 + λ2A4 = 0.

Equations (26)(30) make it possible to find β2. To obtain β, we may choose a branch with the positive imaginary parts of β.28,29 In the absence of optical gain media in the structure, our choice for β results in a picture that the overall energy carried by a mode must propagate in the positive y-direction [see the exponential factor e2κk0y in Eqs. (31)(34)]. If the gain is present, the overall energy propagation direction becomes dependent on whether or not the gain surpasses the loss. In the latter case, the mode still propagates in the positive y-direction. In the former case, however, the mode propagates in the negative y-direction, and its overall energy grows upon propagation. The real part of β, however, can be negative, showing a negative effective index of the mode. This can happen, for example, if the mode involves plasmons.28–30 The modes for which β has equal values but different signs are the same, but counter-propagating modes, as dictated by the mirror symmetry of the structure with respect to the xz-plane. By examining the power flow in each layer, it becomes clear that not all of the obtained solutions are physically meaningful.

For a TE mode, the two nonzero components of the Poynting vector are [see Eqs. (A13), (A14), and (A22)]
which are the longitudinal and transverse components, respectively. Similarly, for a TM mode, the components of the Poynting vector are [see Eqs. (A15), (A16), and (A22)]
The first terms in Eqs. (31)(34) oscillate, while the second terms are the time-averaged components S̄y(TE), S̄x(TE), S̄y(TM), and S̄x(TM), respectively.
The transverse components of the Poynting vector in the substrate and cover layers can be evaluated analytically using Eq. (24)
for a TE mode and
for a TM mode. It can be seen that the longitudinal and transverse components of the Poynting vector in each layer can depend on the values of ϵ, μ, and κ. Since for most materials we have μ = 1 at optical frequencies, the dependence on μ for the TE modes can be neglected. The TM modes, on the other hand, can show some interesting dependence on ϵ and κ.

In a layer of a typical dielectric with ϵ′ ≫ϵ″≥ 0 [see the blue dot in Figs. 2(a) and 2(e)], three propagation regimes of the modes depending on the values of κ′ and κ″ can be recognized. In Fig. 2(b), the thick blue line drawn in the (κ′, κ″)-space corresponds to S̄y(TM)=0 and reflects the regime of a frozen power flow. This line divides the (κ′, κ″)-space into two parts. On the right-hand side of the line, the parameters make the power flow in the positive y-direction (red-colored regions U and W, in which S̄y(TM)>0). On the left-hand side of the blue line, we have S̄y(TM)<0 (green-colored regions V and X). At κ″ > 0, the power in the layer (as well as the total power in the mode) is lower at larger values of y, independently of the light propagation direction. This is shown in the figure schematically by a reduced number of arrows. In contrast, when κ″ < 0, higher powers are observed at larger values of y. Note that in regions V and W, light power in the layer increases upon propagation, while in regions U and X it decreases. The longitudinal power flow is typically co-directed with the phase velocity. However, it becomes opposite to the phase velocity of the mode in the layer, for example, if S̄y(TM) is positive and κ′ is negative [see the wedge in the red region U at negative κ′ in Fig. 2(b)]. The waveguide in this case behaves similarly to a negative-index material. In the green region at positive κ″, the Poynting vector in this specific layer points in the negative y-direction together with the phase velocity of the mode, even though the overall energy of the mode (integrated overall layers) propagates in the positive y-direction (if there is no optical gain in the structure, discussed at the beginning of this section). Typically, waveguides such as this contain metal layers.28–30 

FIG. 2.

Schematic presentations of (a) the refractive indices and (e) dielectric constants of a typical low-loss dielectric (blue dot) and a metal (orange dot). Different regimes of the time-averaged power flow of a TM mode in a waveguide layer are represented by the green- and red-colored areas for longitudinal component S̄y(TM) in the (κ′, κ″)-plane [see (b) and (f)] and transverse component S̄x(TM) in the substrate and cladding [see the (τs, τs)-plane in (c) and (g) and the (τc, τc)-plane in (d) and (h)]. Cases (b), (c), and (d) are for a dielectric layer and (f), (g), and (h) for a layer of metal. The red and green areas in the plots correspond to the positive and negative energy flows (in the positive and negative y- or x-direction, respectively). The gray regions are excluded, corresponding to unrealistic regimes of the power flow.

FIG. 2.

Schematic presentations of (a) the refractive indices and (e) dielectric constants of a typical low-loss dielectric (blue dot) and a metal (orange dot). Different regimes of the time-averaged power flow of a TM mode in a waveguide layer are represented by the green- and red-colored areas for longitudinal component S̄y(TM) in the (κ′, κ″)-plane [see (b) and (f)] and transverse component S̄x(TM) in the substrate and cladding [see the (τs, τs)-plane in (c) and (g) and the (τc, τc)-plane in (d) and (h)]. Cases (b), (c), and (d) are for a dielectric layer and (f), (g), and (h) for a layer of metal. The red and green areas in the plots correspond to the positive and negative energy flows (in the positive and negative y- or x-direction, respectively). The gray regions are excluded, corresponding to unrealistic regimes of the power flow.

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In the case of a metallic layer with −ϵ′≫ϵ″≥ 0 [indicated by the orange dot in Figs. 2(a) and 2(e)], the longitudinal power flow is usually opposite to the mode’s phase velocity [see the green and red regions in Fig. 2(f)]. The drawing in Fig. 2(f) is similar to that in Fig. 2(b), except for a different slope of the line S̄y(TM)=0 (the orange line) and interchanged green- and red-colored regions.

In practice, the modes to be used are often required to have a quality factor higher than a certain critical value, i.e., κ/κ>Qc, in order for the mode to propagate over at least Qc wavelengths before its amplitude vanishes.28 In Figs. 2(b) and 2(f), the gray dashed lines correspond to κ/κ=10. The points for modes with higher Q-factors are located closer to the κ′-axis. For a layer of an ideal lossless dielectric or metal with negligible ϵ″, the locations of the blue and orange dots in Figs. 2(a) and 2(e) approach the ϵ′-axis, and the blue and orange lines in Figs. 2(b) and 2(f) become vertical.

Using Eq. (36), we can also characterize the time-averaged transverse power flow in the substrate and cover layers. Different regimes of the power flow are identified, respectively, in Figs. 2(c) and 2(d) for a dielectric layer and Figs. 2(g) and 2(h) for a metal layer. Again, the blue and orange lines separate the regions of positive and negative values of S̄x(TM) (red and green regions, respectively). In regions A and D, the power in the substrate or cover layer flows toward the waveguide core, while regions B and C correspond to the power flowing away from the core. In addition, the power density decreases with the distance from the core when τs<0 or τc>0, and it increases otherwise.

Since the value of τs or τc may appear in any of regions A–D, the number of all possible combinations of the power flow types is 16 (see the table in Fig. 3 describing the case of κ″ > 0). However, the regimes corresponding to the gray regions in both Figs. 2 and 3 require the energy to be fed into the waveguide core from an unrealistic source located infinitely far away from the waveguide.31 We can, therefore, exclude these modes from practical consideration, reducing the number of combinations to 9. Note that the Poynting vector corresponding to region As/c also points toward the core, but this can happen, for instance, in a lossy guided mode when the core is absorbing and the cladding is not, in which case the energy flows from the evanescent part of the mode in the cladding toward the core to compensate for the energy loss. In the limit κ″ → 0, the guided mode is lossless and the transverse fields are purely evanescent, where the power flow direction is parallel to the propagation direction (see the limit cases of As–Ac and Bs–Bc enclosed by the dashed rectangles in Fig. 3). In practice, for dielectric slab waveguides, modes with their energy flowing from the more to the less optically dense cladding should also be excluded.28 For example, if ϵs>ϵc>0 and ϵs=ϵc=0, the mode cannot simultaneously have a power flow of type As–Cc (see the drawing on the purple background in Fig. 3). A quality factor threshold in the propagation constant, for example κ/κ>1, further restricts the number of modes to be retained.30 Due to the considered restrictions, only in a certain region of the complex λ-plane [see Eq. (26)] we can find physical modes, which can help us in searching for the eigenvalues with the PEP solver.

FIG. 3.

All possible combinations of the power flow types in the substrate and cover layers. The arrow inclination angle only reflects the ratio S̄x(TM)/S̄y(TM) qualitatively.

FIG. 3.

All possible combinations of the power flow types in the substrate and cover layers. The arrow inclination angle only reflects the ratio S̄x(TM)/S̄y(TM) qualitatively.

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If both the substrate and cover media are lossless dielectrics with ns=nc=0 and ns/c>0,10 we have
where i denotes c or s [see Eqs. (22) and (23)]. If κ′ and κ″ are both positive, τi and τi must be opposite in sign. In addition, the line S̄x(TM)=0 in Figs. 2(c) and 2(d) becomes vertical, coinciding with the τ″-axis. The only allowed power flow regimes are A and C in this case. If ns > nc, then the regime As–Cc in Fig. 3 is physically impossible because the energy does not flow from a more to a less optically dense cladding layer.28 The other three regimes As–Ac, Cs–Ac, and Cs–Cc permit physical modes (as will be discussed in the following paragraphs, they correspond to guided, substrate leaky, and air leaky modes, respectively). If κ′ is negative and κ″ is positive, for example, in the presence of a metal or optical gain medium in the waveguide, then τi and τi must take the same sign. In this situation, the modes are only allowed to exhibit the power flow type Bs–Bc.

1. Guided modes

The media in the waveguide may be either lossless or lossy. If all the media are lossless, we have κ″ = 0 for guided modes. Otherwise, we have κ″ > 0 even for a guided mode that does not radiate to the surroundings. In the case of κ″ = 0, we obtain either a pure real or a pure imaginary transverse wave number, as required by Eq. (38). The former case implies that the wave propagates in the cladding either toward or away from the core, which contributes to a continuum of the radiation modes.7 The latter case results in an evanescent or a growing transverse field in the cladding, meaning that the mode is either bounded or leaky.7,32 For a bounded mode, the effective mode index must exceed the refractive index of the cladding, i.e., (κ)2>ϵi, such that the transverse wave number is purely imaginary, as required by Eq. (37). A leaky mode must radiate and lose its energy into the cladding layers, and therefore, we have κ″ > 0, which contradicts the assumption that κ″ = 0. In other words, the bounded and guided mode solution requires τi=0 and τs<0 or τc>0 so that the transverse fields in the substrate and cover layer are evanescent.

When a lossy material is present in the waveguide core, even a guided mode becomes lossy. The power of such a mode must decrease as the mode propagates, and consequently, we have κ″ > 0. In addition, the transverse intensity of the mode is evanescent, and therefore, it decreases with the distance from the core, i.e., τs<0 or τc>0. When κ′ > 0, Eq. (38) written for the cladding layers leads to the inequality ττ″ < 0, which in turn implies that the total time-averaged Poynting vector is directed toward the core (see the power flow types U and As/c in Fig. 2 and As–Ac in Fig. 3). The other case, κ′ < 0, results in an opposite inequality, ττ″ > 0, and consequently, the Poynting vector is directed away from the core (see the power flow types V and Bs/c in Fig. 2 and Bs–Bc in Fig. 3). For a power flow corresponding to the case As–Ac in Fig. 3 when κ′ > 0, the intensity of the evanescent field in the lossless cladding decreases upon the mode propagation. This is explained by the fact that the energy in the cladding is lost as a result of flowing into the core, in which it is absorbed.28 For the power flow corresponding to the case Bs–Bc in Fig. 3 when κ′ < 0, the intensity of the evanescent field in the cladding grows as the field propagates downward. This growing field seems counterintuitive since we have assumed that both the claddings are made of lossless dielectric materials and no gain medium is present. In fact, the energy in the cladding is increased along the longitudinal propagation direction due to the power flow from the core to the cladding. However, the total power carried by the mode still decreases in the upward direction (recall that κ″ > 0), implying that the energy flow in the core must be opposite to that in the cladding. It is also interesting that, in the limit of κ″ = 0 (see the insets outlined with the dashed rectangles in Fig. 3), the power flow is parallel or anti-parallel to the mode propagation direction and the transverse field becomes purely evanescent.

2. Leaky modes

Leaky modes of waveguides can be divided into two types. In a so-called substrate leaky mode, energy “leaks” out of the waveguide core into the substrate. The value of τs for such a mode appears in region Cs in Fig. 2(c). In the substrate, the wave has a transversely outgoing component, with the intensity increasing with the distance from the core. On the other hand, the wave in the cover region is still bounded to the waveguide core, which is transversely incoming and decaying in its amplitude with the distance from the core [see region Ac in Fig. 2(d)]. The energy of this type of mode is partly absorbed in the core and partly radiating into the substrate. If the waveguide is lossless, the energy coming from the cover region will be transmitted completely to the substrate through the waveguide core. Such a substrate leaky mode is demonstrated schematically in the drawing of Cs–Ac on the light yellow rectangle in Fig. 3.

The modes leaking through both the substrate and the cover layers are called air leaky modes. The value of τi for such a mode must be in region C also for the cover layer (see the power flow Cs–Cc on the dark yellow rectangle in Fig. 3). As a consequence of energy leakage, the power of the mode inside the core decreases as the mode propagates, even if the waveguide is made of lossless dielectric materials. On the other hand, the intensity of the field radiated into the cladding increases with the distance from the core.

If one of the cladding layers is made of a lossless dielectric and the other of a lossless metal, then the directions of the longitudinal power flow in the cladding layers are opposite to each other [see Figs. 2(b) and 2(f) in the limit of an ideal dielectric and an ideal metal, respectively]. Repeating a similar analysis for the case of lossless dielectric cladding layers, we conclude that the power flow types corresponding to Bs–Ac, As–Bc, Bs–Cc, and Cs–Bc in Fig. 3 can exist.

3. Four-layer lossless waveguide

In this example, we consider a planar waveguide with a core consisting of four layers of lossless media. Such a waveguide has also been studied previously.10,33,34 The refractive indices of the six media of the waveguide are nc = 1, n1 = 1.66, n2 = 1.53, n3 = 1.60, n4 = 1.66, and ns = 1.5. The thickness of each core layer is the same: d1 = d2 = d3 = d4 = 500 nm. The waveguide modes are studied at a wavelength of 632.8 nm. In the FEM calculation, we use 31 second-order Lagrange finite elements per wavelength, resulting in 201 degrees of freedom (DoFs) in the complex-valued finite element space.19 In addition, the SLEPC’s PEP module is configured with the tolerance and maximum number of iterations being 1 × 10−8 and 50, respectively, and to search for eigenvalues that outnumber the DoFs by four times. On a Linux laptop equipped with an 8-core 11th Gen Intel(R) i5-1135G7@2.4 GHz processor, the simulation for all the modes takes about 10 s. We noticed that when a large amount of the eigenvalues are requested, the actual iteration is small. In the case of using the default TOAR solver in the PEP module, it takes three iterations. In Fig. 4, the modes obtained with our FEM simulations are represented by the circles. For comparison, the red crosses correspond to the results extracted from the literature for the modes calculated using the transfer matrix method.10,33,34 The gray circles stand for the solutions that are not physical because the modes have either of the following three properties: (1) τs corresponds to the regime Ds, (2) τc corresponds to the regime Dc, and (3) the power flow is of type As–Cc (when ns > nc). The physical modes with κ/κ>1 are marked by the colored circles, with each mode having its own color. In Figs. 4(a)4(d), we show all the revealed modes in their κ-plane, λ-plane, τs-plane, and τc-plane, respectively.

FIG. 4.

Modes of a four-layer lossless waveguide in the complex κ, λ, τs, and τc planes. The colored circles mark the physical modes selected from all the solutions of the FEM simulations. Unphysical modes are marked by the gray circles. The red crosses represent the results extracted from Ref. 33.

FIG. 4.

Modes of a four-layer lossless waveguide in the complex κ, λ, τs, and τc planes. The colored circles mark the physical modes selected from all the solutions of the FEM simulations. Unphysical modes are marked by the gray circles. The red crosses represent the results extracted from Ref. 33.

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Four guided modes, for which κ′ > ns, are found by both methods [see the four blue circles that overlap with the large red crosses in the zoomed-in part of Fig. 4(a)]. The corresponding transverse fields of the four guided modes are purely evanescent outside the core, as their τs values lie on the negative τs-axis in Fig. 4(c) and the τc values on the positive τc-axis in Fig. 4(d). As follows from Eq. (26), the four guided modes must have positive values of λ″, which is the case in Fig. 4(b). In the range of nc < κ′ < ns, five modes are found by both the methods, as indicated by the overlapping colored circles and red crosses in the region between the two vertical dashed lines in Fig. 4(a). It is evident that they are substrate leaky modes that reside in the Cs region of the τs-plane and the Ac region of the τc-plane. We discover that the transfer matrix method failed to find the other four physical modes with nc < κ′ < ns, which are marked by the four dark green circles without red crosses in Figs. 4(a)4(d). They behave as air leaky modes because τs lies in the region Cs and τc is in the region Cc. These modes were overlooked in Refs. 10, 33, and 34, since only one of two possible transverse wave numbers in the substrate/cover layer has been chosen [for example, when using Eq. (25) in Ref. 10]. The missed modes have an opposite sign in the transverse wavenumber τc with respect to the other modes in the same range. Finally, in the range of κ′ < nc, three air leaky modes are found by both the methods, but three substrate modes [see the light green markers that are not overlapping with any red crosses in Fig. 4(a)] are overlooked by the transfer matrix method for the same reason of selecting only one sign in the τc values.

4. Four-layer lossy waveguide

We next consider another four-layer structure that is the same as the previous one, except for the two core layers that are made weakly absorbing by changing their refractive indices to n1 = 1.66(1 + 10−4i) and n2 = 1.53(1 + 10−4i).10,34 The simulation is performed using the same discretization as in the corresponding lossless case, and the computational time is approximately the same. The inserted low loss causes no significant disturbance to the modes in the waveguide [see Figs. 5(a) and 5(b) that greatly resemble those of Figs. 4(a) and 4(b)]. Again, the unphysical modes and the modes of a low quality factor with κ/κ<1 are marked by gray circles. A slight difference is revealed in the inset of Figs. 5, 5(c), and 5(d), where six extra modes (colored circles not overlapping with any red crosses) are found in the range of κ′ > ns. Three of them behave as substrate leaky modes, with their τs values located in the region Cs and τc values in the region Ac. The other three modes have the τs values in the region Cs and τc values in Cc, and therefore, they are air leaky modes. The former modes appear because the energy transmitted from the cover to the core is partially absorbed and partially leaked into the substrate. In the latter, air leaky modes, the energy is absorbed in the core and radiated into both the cladding layers. This implies that the condition κ′ > ns does not guarantee that the mode will be guided by the structure, especially for waveguides with multiple layers of close refractive indices.

FIG. 5.

Modes of a four-layer lossy waveguide in the complex κ, λ, τs, and τc planes. The colored circles mark the physical modes selected from all the solutions of the FEM simulations. Unphysical modes are marked by the gray circles. The red crosses represent the results extracted from Ref. 34.

FIG. 5.

Modes of a four-layer lossy waveguide in the complex κ, λ, τs, and τc planes. The colored circles mark the physical modes selected from all the solutions of the FEM simulations. Unphysical modes are marked by the gray circles. The red crosses represent the results extracted from Ref. 34.

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5. Plasmonic slab and gap waveguides

In this section, we investigate two typical plasmonic waveguides with (1) a dielectric/metal/dielectric (DMD) sandwich structure and (2) a metal/dielectric/metal (MDM) heterostructure. The DMD waveguide consists of a 20-nm layer of gold in air. The relative permittivity of gold is taken from the Drude model of the form
where the angular plasma frequency is ωp = 1.37 × 1016 (rad/s) and the electron damping rate is γ = 4.05 × 1013 (rad/s).30 In this simulation, a total of 22 second-order Lagrange finite elements are used for the core slab, which is proved to be enough to resolve the field distribution in the metallic layer [see Figs. 6(b) and 6(c)]. The full spectrum of 65 wavelengths is obtained in 2 s. The major difference between the DMD structure and the four-layer waveguide considered above is a negative value of ϵ′ in the waveguide core, which can result in opposite directions of the longitudinal power flow in the core and the air cladding [compare Figs. 2(b) and 2(f)]. Such a DMD structure is known for supporting two lowest-order TM modes, TM0 and TM1, resulting from the coupling of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) at the two air–gold interfaces.
FIG. 6.

Modes of a DMD (air/gold/air) planar waveguide with a 20-nm thick gold core. Dispersion curves (a), mode profiles hz (b) and (c), κ values (d), and τc values (e) are shown for the TM0 (blue star) and TM1 (orange star) modes. In (b) and (c), the solid green curve shows the Poynting vector component S̄y(TM) normalized to its maximum value in each layer, while the dashed purple curve represents the normalized component S̄x(TM).

FIG. 6.

Modes of a DMD (air/gold/air) planar waveguide with a 20-nm thick gold core. Dispersion curves (a), mode profiles hz (b) and (c), κ values (d), and τc values (e) are shown for the TM0 (blue star) and TM1 (orange star) modes. In (b) and (c), the solid green curve shows the Poynting vector component S̄y(TM) normalized to its maximum value in each layer, while the dashed purple curve represents the normalized component S̄x(TM).

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Our FEM simulation results are plotted in Fig. 6. They agree with the analytical solutions presented in Ref. 30. At frequency ω = 0.74ωp, the κ value of the TM0 mode (the blue star or blue curve in Fig. 6) is located in the V region for the cladding layers [see Figs. 2(b) and 6(d)] but in the U region for the gold core [see Figs. 2(f) and 6(d)]. The anti-parallel power flows with S̄y(TM)<0 in the claddings and S̄y(TM)>0 in the core are also reflected in the normalized S̄y(TM) profile [see the green curve in Fig. 6(b)]. The τc value of the TM0 mode in the region Bc of Fig. 6(e) indicates a Bs–Bc power flow type, where the energy is radiated from the core to the claddings [see the purple dotted curve in Fig. 6(b)]. As discussed earlier, one may expect that the leaked energy in the claddings should give rise to a growing power flow, which contradicts the assumption of no gain in the structure. Indeed, the power flow in the claddings increases in the direction opposite to the mode propagation direction, which is the same as that in the gold core. Hence, the power flow in the claddings actually decreases as the mode propagates [see the power flow type Bs–Bc in Fig. 3 and assume the upward directions of the mode propagation and power flow in the gold core], which removes the contradiction. On the other hand, the TM1 mode has its κ value in the X region of the cladding and W region of the core [see the orange star in Fig. 6(d)], and its τc value is in the Ac region [see the orange star in Fig. 6(e)]. Therefore, the TM1 mode has a power flow type As–Ac, similar to that of the guided modes of the four-layer lossy waveguide, except for the negative direction of the power flow inside the gold core.

In an MDM waveguide, we consider two semi-infinite gold claddings separated by an air gap of 80 nm. We use 22 second-order Lagrange finite elements for the core layer, and the spectrum of 65 wavelengths is obtained in about 3 s. Due to the negative ϵ′ of the gold claddings, the longitudinal power in the claddings points in the negative y-direction. This can be seen in Fig. 7(d), where the κ values of the two modes at normalized frequency ω/ωp = 0.57 reside in the V region of the (κ′, κ″)-plane, and the normalized values of S̄y(TM) in the claddings are negative [see the green curves in Figs. 7(b) and 7(c)]. In the transverse direction, the power flows from the core to the claddings, which is seen from Figs. 7(b) and 7(c); the normalized values of S̄x(TM) shown by the dashed purple curve are positive in the cover medium and negative in the substrate. The power flow type is then Bs–Bc, but it is slightly different from that of the mode TM0 of the DMD waveguide. Here, the mode propagation direction is parallel to the power flow in the dielectric core and anti-parallel to that in the gold claddings. In addition, the energy loss in the core is due to the radiation into the gold claddings, where light is absorbed.

FIG. 7.

Modes of a MDM (gold/air/gold) planar waveguide with an 80-nm thick air gap. Dispersion curves (a), mode profiles hz (b) and (c), κ values (d), and τc values (e) are shown for the TM0 (blue star) and TM1 (orange star) modes. In (b) and (c), the solid green curve shows the Poynting vector component S̄y(TM) normalized to its maximum value in each layer, while the dashed purple curve represents the normalized component S̄x(TM).

FIG. 7.

Modes of a MDM (gold/air/gold) planar waveguide with an 80-nm thick air gap. Dispersion curves (a), mode profiles hz (b) and (c), κ values (d), and τc values (e) are shown for the TM0 (blue star) and TM1 (orange star) modes. In (b) and (c), the solid green curve shows the Poynting vector component S̄y(TM) normalized to its maximum value in each layer, while the dashed purple curve represents the normalized component S̄x(TM).

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6. Asymmetric waveguide of metal and dielectric claddings

In so-called metal-clad waveguides,35 the core is separated from the substrate by a metal film, allowing the refractive index of the core to be independent of that of the substrate. Here, we investigate a planar metal-clad waveguide, which consists of a semi-infinite silver substrate, a 200-nm thick silica slab as a core with a refractive index of 1.4537, and an unbounded air cover. We use 25 second-order Lagrange finite elements in the core layer, and the spectrum of 60 wavelengths is calculated in 20 s. The refractive index of silver is taken from Johnson and Christy’s tabulated data.36 At normalized frequency ω/ωp = 0.57, where ωp = 1.376 × 1016 (rad/s), the simulation results reveal four modes of relatively high quality factors, i.e., κ/κ>1, which are represented by colored stars in Figs. 8(a), 8(f), 8(g), and 8(h). It is evident that the modes TM0 and TM1 have nearly the same κ and τs values [where the blue star is hidden under the orange star in Figs. 8(f) and 8(g)], but opposite τc values [the blue star is in the region Ac, whereas the orange star is in the region Cc of Fig. 8(h)]. The TM0 mode has a power flow type Bs–Ac, and the energy in the air cover is transmitted through the lossless silica slab to the silver substrate, where it is absorbed. On the other hand, the energy of the TM1 mode leaks from the silica core into both the silver substrate and the air cover, manifesting a power flow type Bs–Cc. In the substrate, the leaked energy is absorbed. However, the energy leaked into the air cover is directed parallel to the mode propagation direction, resulting in an energy accumulation and, therefore, a growing transverse field. This is in contrast to the bounded transverse field in the substrate, where the leaked energy is directed anti-parallel to the mode propagation direction and the transverse field decreases away from the cover interface. The power flow types of the TM2 and TM3 modes are similar to those of TM0 and TM1, respectively. It should be noted that the τs value of the TM2 mode is still located in the region Bs, where S̄x(TM)<0. Therefore, the TM2 mode does not have a power flow type As–Ac, even though it obeys the inequality τs<0.

FIG. 8.

Modes of an Ag–SiO2–air slab waveguide. The thickness of the silica core is 200 nm. In (a), we show the dispersion curves of modes with the quality factor κ/κ>1. The field profiles hz of (b) TM0, (c) TM1, (d) TM2, and (e) TM3 modes corresponding to the normalized frequency ω/ωp = 0.37 are shown by the blue, orange, red, and cyan solid curves, respectively. The modes are shown in (f) κ-plane, (g) τs-plane, and (h) τc-plane by the colored stars and gray circles. The solid green and dotted purple curves stand for the normalized values of S̄y(TM) and S̄x(TM), respectively.

FIG. 8.

Modes of an Ag–SiO2–air slab waveguide. The thickness of the silica core is 200 nm. In (a), we show the dispersion curves of modes with the quality factor κ/κ>1. The field profiles hz of (b) TM0, (c) TM1, (d) TM2, and (e) TM3 modes corresponding to the normalized frequency ω/ωp = 0.37 are shown by the blue, orange, red, and cyan solid curves, respectively. The modes are shown in (f) κ-plane, (g) τs-plane, and (h) τc-plane by the colored stars and gray circles. The solid green and dotted purple curves stand for the normalized values of S̄y(TM) and S̄x(TM), respectively.

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We presented a numerical approach that allows one to investigate and comprehensively characterize both guided and leaky modes of multilayered planar optical waveguides. The approach is based on FEM using TBCs. We outlined a general weak formulation for the FEM-based analysis and derived a linear eigenvalue problem, Eq. (18), for the modes of planar waveguides composed of multiple layers of different materials. We modeled the two unbounded cladding regions analytically, which removed the necessity to treat them numerically using, e.g., PMLs. This was done by applying the TBCs to the cover-core and substrate-core interfaces. We have then transformed the weak formulation into a nonlinear eigenvalue problem, Eq. (30), that can be solved using the PEP module of the numerical library SLEPc. We have also categorized the modes in terms of their possible transverse and longitudinal power flow directions and densities, S̄x and S̄y (see Fig. 3). We have shown how to find physical and unphysical solutions and how to select the modes that can be relevant for practical applications, e.g., the ones with |κ′/κ″| > Qc. Several typical power-flow types were considered in more detail using the examples of four-layer lossless and lossy waveguides, MDM and DMD plasmonic waveguides, and an asymmetric metal-clad waveguide, which are all common optical components in integrated optics. We have made our approach accessible as an open-source Python package at GitHub.37 It provides researchers with a framework to systematically analyze and characterize eigenmodes of planar optical waveguides.

In contrast to FEM without TBCs, where the unbounded claddings are usually truncated with PMLs, the TBC approach is particularly suitable for the eigenmode analysis in planar optical waveguides. First, the TBC approach avoids the numerical discretization of the unbounded claddings, and therefore, it is numerically more stable. Moreover, usually, the absorption performance of a special PML design is determined by the transverse wavenumber, which is different for waveguide modes of different propagation constants. Therefore, it is challenging or even impossible to accurately calculate both guided and leaky modes using a single PML design. Another advantage of applying TBCs is that the nonlinear eigenvalue solutions can be intrinsically mapped to the parameter space of complex-valued τs and τc, using Eqs. (27) and (28), making it possible to uniquely determine the power flow properties of all the calculated modes. This is not the case, however, when using a PML-based approach, in which the transverse wavenumber τ is obtained from Eqs. (22) and (23) and the sign of the square root is undetermined.

It remains to figure out how to use TBCs for studying the scattered fields in the coupling of light from a source to a waveguide because the scattered field usually involves several modes with different transverse wavenumbers. In addition, it is yet to explore the application of FEM with TBCs to a three-dimensional periodic lattice of planar layers. It is critical to have an analytical form for the field profile beyond the interface where the TBC is to be applied. In addition, the challenge to be expected is that more terms will emerge in the nonlinear eigenvalue problem since the Bloch modes will exhibit all three vector components of the electric and magnetic fields.

We acknowledge the Research Council of Finland Flagship Program, Photonics Research and Innovation (PREIN; decision number 346529, grant number 320167). We thank the developers of the open-source finite element library NGSolve and the nonlinear eigenvalue computation library SLEPc. We also appreciate the computational resources provided by the Aalto Science-IT project.

The authors have no conflicts to disclose.

Xiaorun Zang: Software (equal); Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Andriy Shevchenko: Supervision (equal); Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal).

The data and codes that support the findings of this study can be found in Github at https://github.com/shelvon/ngslab/.

Consider a multilayered planar waveguide shown in Fig. 1. The waveguide modes are assumed to propagate along the y-axis with propagation constant β and have the field profiles independent of z. Therefore, we may write the electric and magnetic fields of a waveguide mode in the following form:
Since the medium in each layer can be dispersive and anisotropic, we characterize it by the relative electric permittivity tensor ϵ(ω)=Σiîîϵii(ω) and magnetic permeability tensor μ(ω)=Σiîîμii(ω) written in a diagonal form; here, i = x, y, z. These tensors are often encountered in numerical simulations when PMLs are used for truncating an open waveguide because a PML is equivalent to a uniaxial medium even when the medium to be truncated by it is isotropic. Under these conditions, Maxwell’s equations written in terms of the vector field components of e and h are
Eliminating hx, hz, ex, and ez separately, we obtain the following four wave equations:
For a TE mode, the only nonzero electric-field component is ez. The corresponding nonzero magnetic-field components are obtained from ez via
Similarly, for a TM mode, the only magnetic-field component is hz, and the electric-field components are
The energy conservation in the waveguide is expressed by Poynting’s theorem in the absence of external current sources,38 
is the electric energy density and
is the magnetic energy density. The last two terms in Eq. (A17) describe the energy dissipation,
For a monochromatic wave, the instantaneous Poynting vector can be written as
The first term oscillates at a double frequency around zero, and the second term is the usual time-average Poynting vector.
In the PML-based FEM simulations, we place PML layers on both sides of the structure, where the field becomes proportional to14,39
where s = s′ + is″ is a complex scaling profile for the PML layer, ki0 is the wavenumber in the region before the PML layer is inserted, and Δx is the distance to the innermost side of the PML layer of thickness L [see also Eq. (24)].

We now calculate the mode effective indices κ of the same four-layer lossless waveguide as in Fig. 4 by means of FEM simulations using both PML-based and TBC-based methods and then compare them with the reference results obtained previously by using the T-matrix method.33 In Fig. 9, we show the values of κ and their relative differences obtained with the PML scaling profile s′ + is″ = 1 + 10|Δx/L|2 + 10ix/L|2. In addition, the PML layer is placed 1.5 wavelengths away from the cladding interface and has a thickness of 1 vacuum wavelength. It is discretized by 17 sublayers of equal thickness. This PML-based design results in approximately the same guided modes as the TBC approach. However, the PML-based simulation for leaky modes with the effective indices close to the refractive indices of the claddings degrades in accuracy. In an attempt to increase the accuracy for the leaky modes, we try another scaling profile s′ + is″ = 1 − 2|Δx/L|2 + 10ix/L|2 while keeping all the other parameters unchanged. Although the accuracy slightly increases, the PML design results in relatively large errors in the guided mode calculations (Fig. 10).

FIG. 9.

(a) The relative difference and (b) the absolute values of the mode effective indices κ obtained by a PML-based method (green markers) with a PML scaling profile s′ + is″ = 1 + 10|Δx/L|2 + 10ix/L|2 and the TBC-based (red markers) FEM simulations. The gray crosses represent the reference results extracted from the T-matrix method.33 

FIG. 9.

(a) The relative difference and (b) the absolute values of the mode effective indices κ obtained by a PML-based method (green markers) with a PML scaling profile s′ + is″ = 1 + 10|Δx/L|2 + 10ix/L|2 and the TBC-based (red markers) FEM simulations. The gray crosses represent the reference results extracted from the T-matrix method.33 

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FIG. 10.

The same results as in Fig. 9 except for a different PML scaling profile that is s′ + is″ = 1 − 2|Δx/L|2 + 10ix/L|2.

FIG. 10.

The same results as in Fig. 9 except for a different PML scaling profile that is s′ + is″ = 1 − 2|Δx/L|2 + 10ix/L|2.

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