A multispectral image camera captures image data within specific wavelength ranges in narrow wavelength bands across the electromagnetic spectrum. Images from a multispectral camera can extract a additional information that the human eye or a normal camera fails to capture and thus may have important applications in precision agriculture, forestry, medicine, and object identification. Conventional multispectral cameras are made up of multiple image sensors each fitted with a narrow passband wavelength filter and optics, which makes them heavy, bulky, power hungry, and very expensive. The multiple optics also create an image co-registration problem. Here, we demonstrate a single sensor based three band multispectral camera using a narrow spectral band red–green–blue color mosaic in a Bayer pattern integrated on a monochrome CMOS sensor. The narrow band color mosaic is made of a hybrid combination of plasmonic color filters and a heterostructured dielectric multilayer. The demonstrated camera technology has reduced cost, weight, size, and power by almost n times (where n is the number of bands) compared to a conventional multispectral camera.
In a conventional CMOS based image sensor, color imaging relies on the integration of filters on top of the photodetector array.1–5 These filters typically cover the three primary colors (bands), red–green–blue (RGB), predominately in a Bayer pattern.6–9 As the human eye is more sensitive to green light than either red or blue, the widely used Bayer filter mosaic is formed from alternating rows of red–green and green–blue filters with twice as many green as red or blue filters. Three different materials are used for producing the primary colors with wide spectral bands (spectral width of around 90–100 nm) for all wavelengths.6,9 Multispectral cameras extend this concept to capture images with multiple color bands and with narrow passbands (i.e., narrow spectral widths).10–12 Images from a multispectral camera can extract significant amount of additional information that the human eye or a normal camera fails to capture and thus have important applications in precision agriculture, forestry, medicine, object identifications, and classifications.10–15 Conventional multispectral cameras are made up of multiple CMOS sensors each externally fitted with a narrow passband wavelength filter. For example, three bands would require three image sensors with associated electronics, three narrow bandpass filters, and three optics. Depending on the application, the spectral width measured at the FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) of a multispectral imaging camera varies between 10 nm and 90 nm.10–12 Figure 1S and Table 1S (see the supplementary material) show a comparison between a conventional multispectral camera with six bands and a single sensor based multispectral camera. The need for multiple sensors for each band results in a number of problems. First, it means that multispectral cameras tend to be bulky and power hungry, which in turn limits their wider deployment in portable applications, such as drone-based precision agriculture, or for handheld and portable uses, such as wound monitoring, vein detection, and skin screening.13–15 It also greatly complicates the task of optical alignment, which ensures that precisely the same scene is captured across all bands. Furthermore, image co-registration problems will emerge from a slight mismatch between images in each band, which will require complex image processing to correct.16,17 The above problems can be eliminated if a multispectral camera is developed using one single image sensor. This has prompted research in developing single sensor based multispectral cameras.18,19
Conventional pigments and dye-based filters are not suitable for making narrow band filter mosaic because their spectral widths tend to be too large (90–180 nm) and hence prevent the use of a normal color camera for multispectral imaging applications.11,20 Furthermore, these pigments also tend to be sensitive to UV radiation, degrade at high temperatures, and are not particularly environmentally friendly.
Conventional technology for making a single narrow bandpass filter requires deposition of several layers of different dielectric materials (for example, 40 layers21) with precise thickness. Here, making each narrow color band requires different thickness combinations for these 40 layers. For example, three narrow color bands require three different filters with each color band repeated thousands of times to form a filter mosaic on a CMOS sensor using the conventional technology for getting an image. This will require thousands of steps for laying down thin films of precise thickness for each band separately with multiple complex masking and alignment processes with a large failure rate that significantly increases manufacturing costs and complexity.20 As a result, it is extremely difficult to develop a low cost color mosaic with narrow passbands integrated onto the pixels of a CMOS chip.
Advancement in nanofabrication has enabled fabrication of novel nanophotonic devices including color filters.6,22–26 Plasmonic color filters with different geometries have proven their ability to tune the wavelength from the UV to NIR range.26–48 Furthermore, plasmonic filters are shown to be suitable for developing one single narrow band filter in the visible wavelengths46,47 and short wavelength infrared (SWIR).48 In these filters, spectral FWHM values of 30 nm (visible) and 80 nm (SWIR) were achieved in selected wavelengths. 1D metal grating filters have been explored with an aim to reduce the spectral width of plasmonic color filters. Here, the plasmons are excited through an interface between the metal and the dielectric.32,46–48 A spectral width of 64 nm was demonstrated using a 1D metal grating filter made of a silver nanoslit array fabricated on a glass substrate.48 In addition, a 1D metal grating filter based on the Al nanoslit integrated onto a thick Al2O3 buffer layer has been demonstrated with spectral widths of 20 nm.32 However, it has been proved both theoretically and experimentally33,49 that 1D metal grating filters are polarization dependent and can produce colors only under transverse magnetic (TM) illumination. 2D metal grating filters and dielectric guided mode resonance (GMR) filters are reported to bypass the polarization effects.25,50–52 A hexagonal hole array inserted in a metal–dielectric–metal multilayer has been reported to slightly reduce the spectral width.20 Overall, it appears that most of the narrow-band spectral filters reported are unsuited for use in multispectral image sensors for a range of reasons, including the inability to achieve a narrow spectral width over a wide range of wavelengths, fabrication complexity to achieve narrow multi-band filter mosaic, polarization sensitivity, and the requirement for TM illumination in the case of 1D metal grating filters.
Here, we demonstrate a single sensor-based multispectral camera using a hybrid narrow spectral band RGB color mosaic fabricated on a quartz substrate and then integrated on a monochrome CMOS image sensor. The presented filter mosaic can be easily tuned to any wavelength and requires only one processing stage to derive multiple bands. The filter mosaic consists of a hybrid combination of a double sandwich of silicon nitride–silica–silicon nitride layers (heterostructured dielectric multilayer) covered by a hole array patterned in CMOS compatible aluminum (the plasmonic filter). The heterostructured dielectric multilayer is a common base layer for all the bands, and the thickness values were optimized to reduce the spectral width in a given wavelength range of interest. A single layer of the plasmonic filter is used for wavelength tuning. The mosaic on quartz is then integrated onto a monochrome CMOS image chip (Sony) using a flip-chip bonder resulting in a 3 × 3 cm2 size, three-bands single-sensor based multispectral image camera. The performance of the camera is first demonstrated using a standard Macbeth chart. It is then fitted onto a lightweight DJI Phantom 3 drone to demonstrate its imaging capabilities in the field and for making handheld sensors. Because only a single camera chip is required, weight, power, and complexity can be reduced by a factor of n, where n is the number of bands, compared to the conventional approach using multiple cameras.
Design and optimization of the hybrid color mosaic
The RGB hybrid filter mosaic was designed and optimized by 3D simulation within the finite element based COMSOL Multiphysics® package. Each filter geometry was investigated separately using a 10 nm wavelength step size. Figure 1(a) shows the 3D simulation model of the color mosaic with six layers. The basic unit cell for this simulation encompassed the diamond shaped pattern of holes highlighted in red in the top of Fig. 1(a). The simulation model [Fig. 1(a)] consists of a 150 nm thick layer of aluminum patterned with a hexagonal arrangement of holes (the plasmonic filter: one layer) over repeating layers of Si3N4–SiO2–Si3N4 (heterostructured dielectric multilayer: five layers), deposited on a semi-infinite glass substrate (n = 1.5). A 200 nm layer of Spin-On-Glass (SOG) was assumed to cover the aluminum layer for index matching and to avoid any shorting with metallic pads on the CMOS chip while integration. Finally, a perfectly matched layer (PML) was used at the top and bottom of the model to avoid the effects of the reflected light in the transmittance spectrum, and periodic boundary conditions were applied to the four sides to allow a large area to be simulated without costing excessive memory and time.
(a) 3D simulation model of the hybrid filter in the color mosaic. The hybrid filters consist of six layers made of double Si3N4 (230 nm)–SiO2 (350 nm)–Si3N4 (230 nm) sandwich layers that form a common base multilayer structure (heterostructured dielectric multilayer: five layers) and a 150 nm thick aluminum perforated with the hexagonal arrangement of holes (plasmonic layer: 1 layer). (b) Numerically simulated transmission spectra of the blue plasmonic layer and blue hybrid filter showing the reduction in spectral width. The wavelength is swept from 400 nm to 900 nm. The spectral width at full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the hybrid blue filter is reduced to 17 nm from 70 nm produced by the plasmonic aluminum layer. The inset image shows the normalized electric field at the peak wavelength of 440 nm. (c) The spectral width (FWHM) of the hybrid green filter is reduced to 30 nm from 95 nm produced by the plasmonic layer. The inset shows the normalized electric field at the peak wavelength of 530 nm. (d) The spectral width (FWHM) of the hybrid red filter is reduced to 35 nm from 160 nm produced by the plasmonic layer. The inset shows the normalized electric field at the peak wavelength of 625 nm. (e) CIE chromaticity chart of simulated blue, green, and red hybrid color filters in the mosaic.
(a) 3D simulation model of the hybrid filter in the color mosaic. The hybrid filters consist of six layers made of double Si3N4 (230 nm)–SiO2 (350 nm)–Si3N4 (230 nm) sandwich layers that form a common base multilayer structure (heterostructured dielectric multilayer: five layers) and a 150 nm thick aluminum perforated with the hexagonal arrangement of holes (plasmonic layer: 1 layer). (b) Numerically simulated transmission spectra of the blue plasmonic layer and blue hybrid filter showing the reduction in spectral width. The wavelength is swept from 400 nm to 900 nm. The spectral width at full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the hybrid blue filter is reduced to 17 nm from 70 nm produced by the plasmonic aluminum layer. The inset image shows the normalized electric field at the peak wavelength of 440 nm. (c) The spectral width (FWHM) of the hybrid green filter is reduced to 30 nm from 95 nm produced by the plasmonic layer. The inset shows the normalized electric field at the peak wavelength of 530 nm. (d) The spectral width (FWHM) of the hybrid red filter is reduced to 35 nm from 160 nm produced by the plasmonic layer. The inset shows the normalized electric field at the peak wavelength of 625 nm. (e) CIE chromaticity chart of simulated blue, green, and red hybrid color filters in the mosaic.
The pitch and hole diameters were varied to obtain the peak transmission at 440 nm, 530 nm, and 625 nm29 using the plasmonic layer. The objective was then to determine and validate the wavelength at which the maximum transmittance occurs for these filters. Light was excited from the aluminum side (top side) using port boundary conditions, and S-parameters were used to find the transmittance (|S21|2) of the filters. As in Ref. 53, refractive index values of 1.42 and 1.5 were used for the SOG layer and quartz substrate, respectively. Filmetrics was used to experimentally determine a refractive index for SiO2 of 1.45 and around 1.9 for Si3N4 and then was used in the simulations. As shown in Figs. 1(b)–1(d), the plasmonic layer has produced the required transmission peak (color) but with large spectral width of 70 nm, 95 nm, and 160 nm for blue, green, and red, respectively.
The plasmonic layer was then combined with a heterostructured dielectric multilayer with five layers made of double Si3N4 (230 nm)–SiO2 (350 nm)–Si3N4 (230 nm) sandwich layers to form the hybrid filter with optimized thickness values to reduce the spectral width. The heterostructured dielectric multilayer with constant thickness values forms a common base layer for all RGB bands in the filter mosaic. In the hybrid filter, one single plasmonic layer has removed most of the spectral contents on either side of the peak transmission wavelength in a given range of wavelengths. This has significantly reduced the requirement of large number of layers in the multilayer to produce narrow bands. Figures 1(b)–1(d) show the simulated spectra of the red, green, and blue filters in the mosaic from 400 nm to 900 nm along with the electric field distributions at peak wavelengths. Here, the thickness of the Si3N4–SiO2–Si3N4 base layer and the plasmonic layer (Al) is kept constant, and the pitch (period) and diameter of the holes in the 150 nm aluminum plasmonic layer are varied to tune the red, green, and blue filters. The optimized hybrid filter mosaic parameters are given in the supplementary material (Table 2S). The FWHM of the hybrid red filter was reduced to 35 nm from this simulated spectrum. For the green and blue filters, the FWHM was reduced to 30 nm and 17 nm, respectively. Furthermore, this topology has considerably reduced the fabrication complexity as the thickness of the layers can be kept constant when fabricating the narrow band mosaic, and wavelength tuning can achieved by varying the pitch of the holes in the top single nanoscale thick plasmonic layer. The resonance peak shift with respect to different angles of incidence [0°–80° field of view (FOV)] was estimated for the hybrid filter (green hybrid filter was taken as an example), as shown in the supplementary material (Fig. 2S). The resonance peak position remains almost constant irrespective of the angle of incidence with a slight decrease in the transmission intensity. This FOV is in the acceptable limit with suitable optics attached to the multispectral camera.
Fabrication of the hybrid color mosaic
The hybrid filter mosaic was fabricated on a 4-in. quartz wafer. The fabrication process is shown in Fig. 2. First, the wafer was cleaned using acetone and IPA (isopropyl alcohol) with ultrasonic agitation followed by 2 min of plasma pre-cleaning. The wafer was then deposited with a-Si3N4 and a-SiO2 by plasma enhanced CVD (Oxford Instruments PLASMALAB 100 PECVD). The circular 4-in. wafer was diced into 2 × 2 cm2 pieces, and the center pieces were selected for further fabrication due to their uniformity of Si3N4 and SiO2 film thicknesses. The measured refractive index of Si3N4 and SiO2 developed by PECVD were 1.9 and 1.45, respectively. The deposition rates were optimized and are approximately 23 nm/min (10% tolerance) and 70 nm/min with the composition shown in Table 3S of the supplementary material.
Fabrication process for our proposed narrow band filters mosaic with a common base.
Fabrication process for our proposed narrow band filters mosaic with a common base.
The thickness of Si3N4 was optimized to be 230 nm and that of SiO2 to be 350 nm. Starting with Si3N4, a total of five layers of Si3N4 and SiO2 were deposited on the quartz wafer. After fabricating the multilayer structure, a 150 nm thick aluminum layer was deposited on the top of the structure using an E-beam evaporator (Intlvac Nanochrome II) at a constant rate of 0.2 Å/s. An ellipsometer was used to measure the refractive index of the aluminum and the result showed that it fits Rakić’s experiment.54 These data were subsequently used in the simulation model. A metallic nanohole array comprising varying pitch and hole diameters was fabricated on the aluminum film using the EBL lithography process and deep reactive ion etching process using the optimized values from simulations (Table 2S). A thin ZEP 520A resist was spin coated on the device at 1500 rpm for 1.5 min, followed by 5 min baking at 180 °C. The pattern was exposed by EBL (Vistec EBPG5000plusES) with 1.5 nA current and 400 μm aperture for 4 h. The sample was then developed in n-Amyl acetate for a minute followed by a rinse with IPA and DI water. The exposed pattern was etched by deep reactive-ion etching (DRIE Oxford Instruments PLASMALAB100 ICP380) at 40 °C with a forward power of 1000 W and 20 SCCM Cl2 under a 2 mT chamber pressure for 40 s to form the holes. The ZEP resist was then removed by DRIE at 40 °C with a forward power of 1000 W and 50 SCCM O2. Finally, the Spin-On-Glass53 was spin coated on the top surface at 4000 rpm for 20 s, followed by baking on a hotplate at 210 °C for 10 min.
Spectrum measurement and discussion
The fabricated hybrid color filter on the quartz substrate was cut into 2 × 2 mm2 squares using a dicing saw. The dicing step is carried out using the G1A flange blade and is optimized with hairline alignment. This alignment can adjust the cut on the substrate to the center of the hairline to precisely dice the edge with minimal edge damage. Hence, the dicing has not affected optical performances of the sensor. Figure 3(a) shows optical images of the RGB filter mosaic in transmission mode under an optical microscope (Olympus BX53M) with 40× magnification. The SEM image of a section of the hybrid filter mosaic from the top view is shown in Fig. 3(b). One unit size of the hybrid RGBG mosaic is 11.2 × 11.2 μm2. The spectra of the hybrid RGB filters were measured using a CRAIC spectrometer (Apollo RamanTM microspectrometer) and CytoViva hyperspectral imaging in the transmission mode. Figure 3(c) shows the RGB spectrum from 400 nm to 900 nm. The spectral sensitivity (responsivity) of most commercial image sensors working in the visible and near-IR is different with respect to wavelengths (see Fig. 3S of the supplementary material). Hence, the experimentally measured spectra of the RBG was multiplied with responsivity vs wavelength for the image sensor to get the actual spectra, as shown in Fig. 3S(b). Figure 3(f) shows the CIE chromaticity chart overlaid with the transmission data, demonstrating that the RGB filter values are falling in the appropriate part of the color space. There is a small shift of green toward yellow due to a minor secondary peak in the green transmission spectrum. However, this small shift in the green coordinate is still falling around the achromatic point and is within acceptable limits. The experimental transmission efficiency of RGB filters in the mosaic is around 10%. The low transmission efficiency is compensated by making each filter band of size 11.2 μm, covering 2 × 2 pixels (one pixel size: 5.6 μm) to increase the light absorption by using the photodetectors and hence to increase the signal content. Furthermore, compensation can be achieved by increasing the exposure time of the image sensor in low light conditions while capturing the images. The FWHM of the red filter in the mosaic has the best performance with a width of around 45 nm, while the blue and green filters exhibit FWHM values of 60 nm and 60 nm, respectively. The measured FWHM values are slightly wider than the results obtained from computer simulations for two primary reasons. First, variations in the deposition rate of Si3N4 and the fact that the SiO2 growth using PECVD has larger tolerances than in the E-beam evaporator. While a high temperature (250 °C) during the deposition of Si3N4 and SiO2 results in a good quality of dielectric, it restricts the available methods for verifying the exact deposition thickness to the Filmetrics software sensor system in the PECVD, which is less accurate than AFM. Second, as shown in the SEM image of Fig. 3(b), the pitch and the hole shape in the plasmonic layer can vary due to fabrication tolerances (such as minor under cut in holes and nanoscale thickness variations) from the ideal (simulated) case. The crosstalk among pixels is reduced by mounting the filter mosaic upside down to minimize the effect of substrate thickness. This prevents the off normal incident light of one pixel entering the neighboring pixels. Furthermore, cross talk reduction was achieved by making each filter band of size 11.2 μm, covering 2 × 2 pixels (one pixel size: 5.6 μm) to increase the light absorption by the photodetectors and hence to increase the signal content.
Integration of the hybrid narrow spectral band mosaic on the image sensor. (a) Image of the color mosaic under the optical microscope in transmission mode with magnification ×40. (b) SEM image of a section of the hybrid mosaic from the top view. One narrow band RGBG unit size is 11.2 × 11.2 μm2. (c) Experimental transmission spectra of the narrow spectral band red, blue, and green (RGB) color filters from the color mosaic. The spectral widths (FWHM) of RGB are 45 nm, 60 nm, and 60 nm, respectively. (d) The color mosaic integrated on SONY ICX618 sensor pixels using a flip-chip bonder for alignment (size 3 × 3 cm2). (e) The single sensor based multispectral camera. The mosaic integrated image sensor fitted with housing and optics with an f number 1.4 for multispectral imaging. (f) CIE chromaticity chart of the hybrid narrow band blue, green, and red color filters in the color mosaic from experimental spectra.
Integration of the hybrid narrow spectral band mosaic on the image sensor. (a) Image of the color mosaic under the optical microscope in transmission mode with magnification ×40. (b) SEM image of a section of the hybrid mosaic from the top view. One narrow band RGBG unit size is 11.2 × 11.2 μm2. (c) Experimental transmission spectra of the narrow spectral band red, blue, and green (RGB) color filters from the color mosaic. The spectral widths (FWHM) of RGB are 45 nm, 60 nm, and 60 nm, respectively. (d) The color mosaic integrated on SONY ICX618 sensor pixels using a flip-chip bonder for alignment (size 3 × 3 cm2). (e) The single sensor based multispectral camera. The mosaic integrated image sensor fitted with housing and optics with an f number 1.4 for multispectral imaging. (f) CIE chromaticity chart of the hybrid narrow band blue, green, and red color filters in the color mosaic from experimental spectra.
Integration of the hybrid color mosaic onto a CMOS image sensor
The narrow band filter mosaic was then integrated onto a CMOS chip using a flip-chip bonder (Fig. 4S) for accurate alignment, as shown in Fig. 3(d). The top of the filter mosaic was coated with SOG to match the refractive index (thus increasing the transmission) and also to reduce the spectral width as well as preventing shorting the sensor while integration (the hybrid filter was integrated on the image sensor upside down to avoid crosstalk). The image sensor used was SONY ICX618 with a pixel size of 5.6 μm and a resolution of 0.3 megapixels (640 × 480). The image sensor protective glass was removed for the filter integration (Fig. 5S). To compensate for the low transmission of filters and also to increase the light absorption in photodetectors (pixels), each filter in the mosaic covered a 2 × 2 block of photodetectors in the CMOS image sensor, resulting in 160 × 120 pixels per band. For the integration, the PMMA based homemade adhesive (the PMMA powder was diluted in a small amount of anisole, followed by staying in the 100 class cleaning room for two weeks for making the adhesive) is used between the filter mosaic and the image sensor while performing the integration using the flip-chip bonder. Here, we first spin coat a thin layer of PMMA on the top of the image sensor and then integrate the filter on it after aligning with the flip-chip bonder (see Fig. 4S of the supplementary material). The performance of the color filter was also verified by integrating on another image sensor MT9P031 (Fig. 5S).
The optics used for the camera has an f number 1.4 with f = 6 mm (f-focal length), and the developed single sensor based multispectral camera is shown in Fig. 3(e). The camera was characterized using a 24-patch Macbeth color checker as an object [Fig. 4(g)]. 8-bit multispectral raw object data were captured by using the camera and then transmitted to a laptop for image processing using MATLAB, as shown in Fig. 4(a). Figure 4(f) shows a plot of the signals from the pixels across the transect indicated by the red dashed line across the Macbeth chart in Fig. 4(a). The red dotted line spans across the gray patches on the Macbeth color checker and shows that the pixel intensity variations are captured in the raw image. A demosaicing algorithm was used to extract red, blue, and green channels from the multispectral raw data of the Macbeth chart [Fig. 4(b)]. The red, green, and blue channels were recombined to get a color image, as shown in Fig. 4(c). Due to the initial uncertainty of the RGB color balance, color correction and white balancing were required. Figures 4(d) and 4(e) show images after color correction and white balancing, respectively.
Image reconstruction process from the single sensor based multispectral camera: (a) 8-bit multispectral raw data of the 24-patch Macbeth chart captured by using the multispectral camera. (b) Three narrow wavelength channels (RGB) extracted from the raw image. (c) The three channels are recombined to get a RGB color image. (d) The color image after color correction and (e) white balance. (f) The plot shows signals from pixel numbers along the red dotted line in the raw image. (g) Original image of the 24-patch Macbeth color chart.
Image reconstruction process from the single sensor based multispectral camera: (a) 8-bit multispectral raw data of the 24-patch Macbeth chart captured by using the multispectral camera. (b) Three narrow wavelength channels (RGB) extracted from the raw image. (c) The three channels are recombined to get a RGB color image. (d) The color image after color correction and (e) white balance. (f) The plot shows signals from pixel numbers along the red dotted line in the raw image. (g) Original image of the 24-patch Macbeth color chart.
Figure 4 demonstrates that each band can be retrieved from the 8-bit multispectral raw image data. Another requirement of the multispectral image camera is the extraction of each narrow band and then overlay for different spectral band combinations [red–green (RG), green–blue (GB), etc.]. Figure 5 shows that the recovered Macbeth chart from Fig. 4(e) can be used to recover different multispectral band combinations, such as RG, RB, and GB [Fig. 5(b)], which is desirable in many applications for finding NDVI (normalized differential vegetation index) for precision agriculture to find plant diseases,9,10 finding required information in a band for object identification and also in finding emissions in a narrow band for biomedical applications. Figure 5(c) shows the CIE chart of the recovered Macbeth chart. The chart demonstrates that the recovered color values are falling in the appropriate part of the color space in comparison to a standard CIE chart of the Macbeth chart (see Fig. 6S of the supplementary material).
Demonstration of image overlay of different bands. (a) Recovered Macbeth chart from the single sensor based multispectral camera from Fig. 4. (b) RG, GB, and RB combinations of Macbeth color checker. (c) CIE chart for the recovered 24-patch Macbeth colors.
Demonstration of image overlay of different bands. (a) Recovered Macbeth chart from the single sensor based multispectral camera from Fig. 4. (b) RG, GB, and RB combinations of Macbeth color checker. (c) CIE chart for the recovered 24-patch Macbeth colors.
The single sensor based multispectral camera was mounted on a DJI Phantom 3 for testing the sensor performance from a real aerial platform in an outdoor environment (an outer urban park), as shown in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b). The sensor was mounted without gimbal, as shown in Fig. 6(a). Figure 6(c) shows the raw multispectral images of the Macbeth color chart on the ground captured from a 15 m height above the ground, and the other patches are calibration images. Figure 6(d) shows pixel intensity values across a line over the white and black crossing and the Macbeth chart images captured by using the single sensor based multispectral camera. The pixel intensity variations with respect to positions are consistent with color intensity variations in the Macbeth chart and black and color variations without any white balance. From the intensity variations, it was demonstrated that the image clarity was well within acceptable limits. Furthermore, the suitability of the raw multispectral image for making handheld sensors for precision agriculture was demonstrated by creating a red–blue vegetation index (RBVI), (R − B) × 255/(R+B). An area with the green grass and dry grass was captured by holding the drone mounted camera 1.5 m above the ground, and the recorded multispectral raw image is shown in Fig. 6(e). R, G, and B individual bands were recovered from the raw multispectral image to get RBVI, as shown in Fig. 6(f). The RBVI image shows that the area of high dense green grass (red color in the image) is compared to the dry grass (blue color), which demonstrates the capability of the sensor platform in real applications.
Demonstration of multispectral imaging of the camera using a drone platform. (a) The single sensor based multispectral camera mounted on a DJI Phantom drone without using any gimbal. (b) Image capturing using the camera. (c) 8-bit raw image captured from 15 m by using the single sensor based camera showing the clarity of different patterns on the ground. (d) The plot shows signals from pixel numbers along the red dotted line in the raw image of crossing (blue line) and Macbeth chart (red line). (e) 8-bit raw multispectral image of the healthy grass and dry grass captured by using the camera. (f) R, G, and B bands are recovered from the raw multispectral image to get RB vegetation index (RBVI). RBVI images show the area of the high dense green grass (red color in the image) compared to the dry grass (blue color).
Demonstration of multispectral imaging of the camera using a drone platform. (a) The single sensor based multispectral camera mounted on a DJI Phantom drone without using any gimbal. (b) Image capturing using the camera. (c) 8-bit raw image captured from 15 m by using the single sensor based camera showing the clarity of different patterns on the ground. (d) The plot shows signals from pixel numbers along the red dotted line in the raw image of crossing (blue line) and Macbeth chart (red line). (e) 8-bit raw multispectral image of the healthy grass and dry grass captured by using the camera. (f) R, G, and B bands are recovered from the raw multispectral image to get RB vegetation index (RBVI). RBVI images show the area of the high dense green grass (red color in the image) compared to the dry grass (blue color).
In conclusion, the paper demonstrated a single sensor based narrow band multispectral imaging using a hybrid RGB color mosaic integrated onto a CMOS sensor. The color mosaic was designed in such a way that multiple bands can be fabricated on a quartz wafer in a single run and offers easy tuning of colors, in contrast to conventional techniques that demand several independent runs with complex alignment processes. The hybrid filter mosaic was made of a heterostructured dielectric multilayer structure consisting of a Si3N4–SiO2–Si3N4 sandwich as a common base layer for the filter mosaic to reduce the spectral width followed by a metal layer made of the aluminum film perforated with holes on the base structure as a plasmonic layer. The color tuning is achieved by varying the pitch of holes and hence can be fabricated in a single run with no complex alignment required for the different bands. The thickness values required for the base and the plasmonic layers were optimized to obtain narrow spectral widths. The spectral widths of the RGB mosaic are 60 nm, 60 nm, and 45 nm for the red, green, and blue, respectively. The mosaic is then integrated onto a Sony sensor using a flip-chip bonder for better alignment accuracy with a thin layer of PMMA for adhesion and refractive index matching. The single sensor based narrow multispectral imaging capability was demonstrated using a Macbeth color chart followed by retrieving individual bands using demosaicing techniques and their combination to retrieve the Macbeth chart after color correction and white balancing. The sensor was then fitted onto a lightweight DJI Phantom 3 drone to demonstrate its imaging capabilities in a field using the RB vegetation index. Because only a single sensor chip was used for the camera, it required only around one-third of the weight and power of a conventional multispectral camera. In general, weight, power, and complexity were reduced by a factor of n times (where n is the number of bands) compared to a conventional multispectral camera using multiple sensors, electronics, and optics. The demonstrated sensor will have applications in drone-based imaging for precision agriculture, developing portable low-cost sensors for wound healing, blood vein detection, mining, and forensic applications.
See the supplementary material for a detailed discussion on the fabrication and characterization of the single sensor based multispectral camera.
X.H. and R.R.U. conceived the idea. X.H. carried out the theoretical design and performed the numerical simulations. X.H. fabricated the mosaic filter and performed the optical measurement with the help of F.E., D.S., and H.U.. X.H. and Y.L. performed the integration of the mosaic filter with the image sensor with the help of K.G., A.A., R.R.U., and X.H. Y.L. and P.B. processed the image data and analyzed the results. X.H. and R.R.U. wrote the paper. Y.L. and P.B. contributed to writing the paper. R.R.U. supervised and directed the project with the help of co-supervisors H.U. and A.N. All authors discussed the results and commented on this manuscript.
This work was performed, in part, at the Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication (MCN) and the RMIT Micro Nano Research Facility (MNRF) in the Victorian Node of the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF). The authors acknowledge the help from Mr. Bryce Widdicombe for drone tests. The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Australia Research Council under Discovery Project No. DP170100363. This work was performed, in part, at the Materials Characterisation and Fabrication Platform (MCFP) at the University of Melbourne and the Victorian Node of the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF).
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.