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Pyroelectric thin films—Past, present, and future
In Special Collection:
100 Years of Ferroelectricity — a Celebration
APL Mater. 9, 010702 (2021)
High output power density and strong vibration durability in a modified barbell-shaped energy harvester based on multilayer Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3–Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–PbTiO3 single crystals
In Special Collection:
100 Years of Ferroelectricity — a Celebration
Jinfeng Liu; Xiangyu Gao; Chaorui Qiu; Liao Qiao; Jingya Yang; Ming Ma; Kexin Song; Haisheng Guo; Zhuo Xu; Fei Li
APL Mater. 9, 010703 (2021)
Low-energy ferroelectric–paraelectric phase transitions of three-dimensional A(II)B(I)X3-type perovskite ferroelectrics: How to realize high phase transition temperatures
In Special Collection:
100 Years of Ferroelectricity — a Celebration
APL Mater. 9, 010704 (2021)
Expanding the application space for piezoelectric materials
In Special Collection:
100 Years of Ferroelectricity — a Celebration
APL Mater. 9, 010901 (2021)
Solution processable poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based ferroelectric polymers for flexible electronics
In Special Collection:
100 Years of Ferroelectricity — a Celebration
APL Mater. 9, 010902 (2021)
Mild and wild ferroelectrics and their potential role in neuromorphic computation
In Special Collection:
100 Years of Ferroelectricity — a Celebration
APL Mater. 9, 010903 (2021)
Ultra-stretchable, self-adhesive, transparent, and ionic conductive organohydrogel for flexible sensor
In Special Collection:
Advanced Materials and Devices for Medical Applications
APL Mater. 9, 011101 (2021)
Micro-coil probes for magnetic intracortical neural stimulation: Trade-offs in materials and design
In Special Collection:
Advances in Bioelectronics: Materials, Devices, and Translational Applications
Krishnan Thyagarajan; Rene A. Lujan; Qian Wang; JengPing Lu; Sivkheng Kor; Bruce Kakimoto; Norine Chang; Julie A. Bert
APL Mater. 9, 011102 (2021)
A systems theory approach to describe dynamic coupling at the cell–electrode interface
In Special Collection:
Advances in Bioelectronics: Materials, Devices, and Translational Applications
APL Mater. 9, 011103 (2021)
Tailoring exchange bias in reentrant spin glass by ferromagnetic cluster size engineering
Fanghua Tian; Xiaoqin Ke; Kaiyan Cao; Dingchen Wang; Qizhong Zhao; Jianing Li; Zhiyong Dai; Dong Wang; Yin Zhang; Chao Zhou; Yu Wang; Wenliang Zuo; Minxia Fang; Sen Yang
APL Mater. 9, 011104 (2021)
A physical method for investigating defect chemistry in solid metal oxides
APL Mater. 9, 011106 (2021)
Roadmap to neuromorphic computing with emerging technologies
Adnan Mehonic, Daniele Ielmini, et al.
Advances in artificial intelligence for artificial metamaterials
Liming Si, Rong Niu, et al.
New frontiers in acoustic and elastic metamaterials and metasurfaces
Yabin Jin, Yifan Wang, et al.