Due to an error in the preparation of the manuscript, the solutions of Eqs. (2) and (3), reported in the paper and used in the data fitting, are not correct. We report the correct fitting functions and the revised results of the time resolved data. The error removal leads to a decrease of the Förster radius extracted from the time resolved PL from R0=80±15Å to R0=48±3Å, which is closer to the one extracted from the spectra (R0=56±2Å), thus strengthening the general conclusions of the paper. The best fit acceptor decay time is also reduced from about τA=220±10ps to τA=145±10ps.

The fitting function for the donor PL is


with fi=Ai(A1+A2).

Good agreement between the best fit curves and the experimental data is still obtained (see Fig. 3) with fi and τDi fixed to the PDFC best fit values, and with a maximum β=(2.2±0.2)102ps12 (see Table I) for sample S5, corresponding to a Förster radius R0=48±3Å, which is close to the value extracted from the spectra (R0=56±2Å). The solution of Eq. (3), if 1τ=1τD1τA>0 is


where nD0 is the initial donor population. If 1τ<0, the solution is


with Ierf(x)=erf(ix)i. The best fits (see Fig. 4) of the dot relaxation dynamics are obtained by fitting the data to a linear combination of n1A and n2A with relative amplitudes f1 and f2, in order to take into account of the polymer biexponential decay, with τA=145±10ps, and f1,f2,τ1,τ2, and β fixed to the donor best fit values.

FIG. 3.

Relaxation dynamics of the PDFC in all the investigated samples. The dotted lines are the best fit curves. Inset: different contributions to the S5 relaxation.

FIG. 3.

Relaxation dynamics of the PDFC in all the investigated samples. The dotted lines are the best fit curves. Inset: different contributions to the S5 relaxation.

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Table I.

Doping fraction of the analyzed samples, dot density and best fit Förster β factor.

SampleDoping fraction dot/moleculeDot density dotcm3β102ps12
S1 6.9×104 3.0×1015 0 
S2 1.4×103 6.1×1015 0.28±0.05 
S3 2.7×103 1.2×1016 0.6±0.1 
S4 5.5×103 2.4×1017 1.1±0.1 
S5 1.1×102 4.9×1017 2.2±0.2 
SampleDoping fraction dot/moleculeDot density dotcm3β102ps12
S1 6.9×104 3.0×1015 0 
S2 1.4×103 6.1×1015 0.28±0.05 
S3 2.7×103 1.2×1016 0.6±0.1 
S4 5.5×103 2.4×1017 1.1±0.1 
S5 1.1×102 4.9×1017 2.2±0.2 
FIG. 4.

Relaxation dynamics of the dot emission in all the investigated samples. The dotted lines are the best fit curves.

FIG. 4.

Relaxation dynamics of the dot emission in all the investigated samples. The dotted lines are the best fit curves.

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