Thin mesoporous photoconductive layers are critically important for efficient water-spitting solar cells. A detailed understanding of photoconductivity in these materials can be achieved via terahertz transient absorption measurements. Such measurements are commonly interpreted using the thin-film approximation. We compare this approximation with a numerical solution of the transfer function without approximations using experimental results for thin-film mesoporous tin oxide (SnO2) samples which range in thickness from 3.3 to 12.6 µm. These samples were sensitized with either a ruthenium polypyridyl complex or a porphyrin dye. The two sensitizers have markedly different absorption coefficients, resulting in penetration depths of 15 µm and 1 µm, respectively. The thin-film approximation results are in good agreement with the numerical work-up for the short penetration length dye. For the longer penetration length samples, the thin-film formula fails even for thicknesses of only 3 µm ≈ λ/100. The imaginary part of the conductivity calculated using the thin-film formula was significantly larger in magnitude than the value without approximations. This discrepancy between the commonly used thin-film approximation and the numerical solution demonstrates the need for a careful analysis of the thin-film formula.
The sun is the largest energy source available to humankind and research towards harvesting this energy is crucially important. One feasible option is found in water-splitting dye sensitized photoelectrochemical cells (WS-DSPECs) that use solar energy to renewably produce chemical fuels.1–6 A critical component of WS-DSPECs is the photoanode material, which consists of a wide bandgap metal oxide material that has a photoabsorbing dye attached to its surface. In the dark, the metal oxide material is an insulator, yet when the dye molecule is photoexcited, it can transfer its excited state electron into the conduction band of the metal oxide material.4,7 The metal oxide allows the transport of the photogenerated charges, which travel through the porous nanoparticulate metal oxide film until being transported to a dark cathode to facilitate a proton reduction reaction to generate H2. Understanding this transport mechanism, and in particular, carrier mobility and lifetime, is crucial for the optimization of WS-DSPECs.
Terahertz (THz) radiation has proven to be an excellent tool for studying photoexcited electron dynamics in photoanode materials.7–13 THz radiation provides a noncontact electrical probe that monitors the concentration of free carriers in the system and their associated charge mobility. Since the THz electric field is measured coherently, both amplitude and phase information in the frequency-domain is obtained. As a result, the complex-valued, frequency-dependent refractive index of the photoexcited sample, np, at a particular time delay, tpump, after photoexcitation can be determined. Previous publications have used the thin-film approximation.7–11 This approximation was originally designed for microwave spectroscopy on thin superconductive layers.14 Application of this formula to THz studies of photoexcited layers is common in the field. In this letter, we compare this approximation with non-approximated, computationally expensive calculations of np.
For this study, two different photosensitizers were anchored on mesoporous SnO2, 5-4(methoxycarbonylphenyl)-10,15,20-tris(2,4,6-trimethypheyl)-porphyrin (referred to as porphyrin) and (4,4′-diphosphonato-2,2′-bipyridine)bis(2,2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) bromide (which is referred to as RuP). Their structures are shown in the supplementary material. These samples were prepared following previously published techniques,15,16 and a screen-printed paste of SnO2 was prepared as described previously.3,4,10 The deposition of the layer and sensitization was repeated one, three, and five times, resulting in a total layer thickness of 3.3 µm ± 0.3 µm, 8.2 µm ± 0.3 µm, and 12.6 µm ± 1.0 µm, respectively.
The absorption spectra are shown in Fig. 1. The two sensitizers are markedly different, with porphyrin exhibiting a strong Soret band absorption on the order of 105 M−1 cm−1, while the molar extinction coefficient for the metal to ligand charge transfer band in RuP is on the order of 104 M−1 cm−1.17,18 At the wavelength of our pump laser (400 nm), this difference in absorption results in a pump beam penetration depth of ∼1 µm for porphyrin and of ∼15 µm for RuP, which is larger than 3.3–12.6 µm of thick SnO2 films.
The optical absorption of (a) porphyrin/SnO2 and (b) RuP/SnO2 of thickness of 3.3 µm ± 0.3 µm, 8.2 µm ± 0.3 µm, and 12.6 µm ± 1.0 µm, respectively. The vertical purple line marks the pump wavelength of the photoexcitation (400 nm) used in the THz experiments.
The optical absorption of (a) porphyrin/SnO2 and (b) RuP/SnO2 of thickness of 3.3 µm ± 0.3 µm, 8.2 µm ± 0.3 µm, and 12.6 µm ± 1.0 µm, respectively. The vertical purple line marks the pump wavelength of the photoexcitation (400 nm) used in the THz experiments.
The use of these two photosensitizers allows us to access two distinct physical scenarios: The RuP-sensitized SnO2 films generate charge carriers throughout the full thickness of the films, while the porphyrin-sensitized SnO2 films exhibit a very thin photoexcited layer on top of a thicker layer of a nonphotoexcited porphyrin/SnO2 film (see Fig. 2).
The THz spectrometer has been described in detail in previous publications.10,19 In short, the output of a 1 kHz 4 mJ amplifier at 800 nm is split into a pump and a THz generation beam. The generation beam is frequency doubled to 400 nm for photoexcitation; the other beam is used to generate THz radiation via two-color air plasma. Based on previous studies, we chose a pump delay of 1350 ps.11 This delay time is significantly larger than the injection time of ≈100 ps, and hence we can assume steady-state behavior of the mobile charges in the conduction band. The measured THz pulses at a particular tpump are Fourier transformed, resulting in the frequency-dependent THz field Epump(ω, tpump). Additionally a THz spectrum without photoexcitation is measured and used as a reference, Eref(ω), to calculate the spectral transfer function .
Figure 2 presents a schematic diagram of the samples. The reference sample is not photoexcited, in the RuP-sensitized sample, the entire film is photoexcited, and in the porphyrin-sensitized sample, only a fraction of the film is photoexcited. na, nq, nn, and np are the complex-valued refractive indices of air na (ν = 1 THz) = 1, fused quartz nq (ν = 1 THz) = 1.95, and non-photoexcited SnO2 nn (ν = 1 THz) = 2.2 (see supplementary material), and photoexcited SnO2, respectively. For the presented calculations, frequency resolved measured refractive indices are used. dn is the thickness of the SnO2 layer and dp is the thickness of the excited layer, which is equal to dn in the case of RuP. In the case of porphyrin sensitization, is the thickness of the non-photoexcited material and is the thickness of the photoexcited material. It is seen that (and also dp). The terms account for the Fabry-Perot reflections within a layer of material “j” sandwiched between materials of “i” and “k.” Furthermore, we define the Fresnel reflection coefficient as and tij = 1 + rij and the propagation function as , with the wavevector of vacuum k0.
The quartz substrate is thick enough such that no internal reflections from it are collected. These considerations allow us to define the complex transfer functions of a known input field E0 for photoexcited or non-photoexcited SnO2. The simplest case is non-photoexcited SnO2 to give the transmission T
The equation for the RuP-sensitized sample is identical except that the quantities for the photoexcited material are used
Finally, the most general case of porphyrin-sensitized SnO2 that has both photoexcited and non-photoexcited layers is given by
All measurable Fabry-Perot reflections are captured within our 6.5 ps THz transient; therefore, the infinite series of reflections reduces to the form shown in the second line of Eq. (4). This infinite sum converges for non-gain natural materials. To calculate the refractive index np, Eq. (3) is normalized to a reference measurement through non-photoexcited SnO2
with a similar equation for the RuP-sensitized case where the entire SnO2 layer is photoexcited. Inserting the Fresnel coefficients and propagation functions yields
Alternatively, if the penetration-depth for the pump beam is larger than the layer thickness (as is the case with RuP/SnO2), the complete SnO2 film is photoexcited and the transfer function is described by
Equations (6) and (8) are numerically solved to extract np. This equation is frequency-dependent and complex-valued. The refractive indices are obtained from the generalized permittivity of the photoexcited sample, the lattice permittivity of the non-photoexcited sample, and the photoconductivity of the photoexcited sample. The lattice permittivity, , is assumed to be unchanged upon photoexcitation, and it is also assumed that the sample is non-magnetic
This expression relates the change in the sample's refractive index to a change in the conductivity of the film, σ(ω, tpump). Numerically solving these equations is computationally expensive. Therefore, several previous publications have expanded upon the expression derived by Glover and Tinkham14 in 1957 for a thin superconducting material, and this is referred to as thin-film approximation.10,11,20–22 If the photoexcited layer fulfills npk0dp ≪ 1 and kpk0dp ≪ 1, the conductivity is given by21,23
with Z0 = 376.7 Ω being the impedance of free space and T(ω, tpump) the spectral transmission at a given pump delay tpump.
While this equation was originally developed for microwave studies of thin-layer superconductors on insulating substrates, it has been widely used for terahertz spectroscopy of photoexcited materials.10,11,20–22
The primary question addressed in this letter is: what value is considered to be a value much less than 1? Is it 0.5? Or is it 0.1? Or is it 0.01? Therefore, we compare the measured photoconductivity of several samples, ranging from npk0dp = 0.04 to 0.5, using the thin-film formula [Eq. (10)] and the non-approximated Eqs. (6) and (8).
From Fig. 1(a), it is apparent that porphyrin-sensitized SnO2 has a very high extinction coefficient at 400 nm. The optical penetration length was determined using an integration sphere to be dp ∼ 1 µm, which results in the SnO2 film not being fully photoexcited, as seen in Fig. 2. Therefore, an additional 2.3 µm (1 layer) to 11.6 µm (5 layers) of nonphotoexcited SnO2 remains with a refractive index of nn.
The calculated photoconductivity of the one, three, and five layer porphyrin-sensitized SnO2 samples using both Eqs. (6) and (10) is plotted in Fig. 3(a). The dashed lines depict the results of using the thin-film approximation [Eq. (10)], and the solid lines represent the non-approximated numerical solution [Eq. (6)]. The percent difference between the two methods is plotted in Fig. 3(b). The results agree within 1% for the real conductivity, and within 5% for the imaginary conductivity.
Terahertz photoconductivity of porphyrin-sensitized SnO2. (a) Photoconductivity for porphyrin/SnO2 films calculated with the thin-film approximation [dashed lines, Eq. (10)] and the non-approximated numerical solution [solid lines, Eq. (6)]. (b) Percent deviation of the thin-film approximation from the non-approximated numerical solution. The real conductivity is plotted as solid lines and the imaginary conductivity is plotted as dashed lines. The vertical scale is the same as that in Figs. 3(b) and 4(b) to allow for easier comparison.
Terahertz photoconductivity of porphyrin-sensitized SnO2. (a) Photoconductivity for porphyrin/SnO2 films calculated with the thin-film approximation [dashed lines, Eq. (10)] and the non-approximated numerical solution [solid lines, Eq. (6)]. (b) Percent deviation of the thin-film approximation from the non-approximated numerical solution. The real conductivity is plotted as solid lines and the imaginary conductivity is plotted as dashed lines. The vertical scale is the same as that in Figs. 3(b) and 4(b) to allow for easier comparison.
Given the small absorption depth for the porphyrin/SnO2 samples, the total number of carriers is independent of the layer thickness, and is defined by the pump fluence (which remains constant for all of the measurements). As the overall layer thickness increases, the same number of photoexcited free electrons is generated, and it is seen that the photoconductivity for all three samples is nearly the same.
The conductivity is measured 1350 ps after photoexcitation. This allows the carriers to diffuse into the nonphotoexcited layer which reduces the carrier density in the thickest sample with respect to the thinnest sample. The lower electron density reduces the electron-electron scattering probability.11 As a result, the carrier mobility and lifetime is higher in the thicker layer, and results in an increase in conductivity with increasing layer thickness. While there are small deviations between the two calculations on the order of 1%–5% in the imaginary conductivity, the thin-film approximation nicely reproduces the photoconductivity calculated from the non-approximated method.
The RuP-sensitized SnO2 sample has an overall optical absorption length of ∼15 µm, which is larger than the thicknesses of the SnO2 films (3.3–12.6 µm). As seen in Fig. 1(b), even the five layer film does not reach an absorptance higher than 65% when excited at 400 nm. Therefore, the SnO2 layer will be fully photoexcited and described by the complex photoexcited index of refraction np. The photoconductivity calculations of the one, three, and five layer RuP/SnO2 samples are plotted in Fig. 4(a). The dashed line depicts the results of using the thin-film approximation [Eq. (10)] and the solid line represents the non-approximated numerical solution [Eq. (8)].
Terahertz photoconductivity of RuP-sensitized mesoporous SnO2. (a) Calculated photoconductivity for RuP/SnO2 films with the thin-film approximation [dashed lines, Eq. (10)] and the non-approximated numerical solution [solid lines, Eq. (8)]. (b) Percent deviation of the thin-film approximation from the non-approximated numerical solution. The real conductivity is plotted as solid lines and the imaginary conductivity is plotted as dashed lines. For better comparison, Figs. 3(b) and 4(b) use the same scale.
Terahertz photoconductivity of RuP-sensitized mesoporous SnO2. (a) Calculated photoconductivity for RuP/SnO2 films with the thin-film approximation [dashed lines, Eq. (10)] and the non-approximated numerical solution [solid lines, Eq. (8)]. (b) Percent deviation of the thin-film approximation from the non-approximated numerical solution. The real conductivity is plotted as solid lines and the imaginary conductivity is plotted as dashed lines. For better comparison, Figs. 3(b) and 4(b) use the same scale.
A comparison of Figs. 3 and 4 shows that the photoconductivity in the short absorption length case (porphyrin/SnO2) is about an order of magnitude higher than the RuP/SnO2 sample. Furthermore, when the two and three layer cases are compared, we note a 15-fold higher conductivity for the porphyrin/SnO2 sample, which is caused by the stronger total absorption. The RuP/SnO2 sample is thinner than the absorption length so less than 1/e of the pump photons are absorbed. In the case of porphyrin/SnO2, all photons are absorbed, resulting in an approximately 2–3 times higher number of carriers. These carriers are also confined in a significantly thinner layer (1 µm versus 12.6 µm), which causes a higher carrier density and therefore a higher conductivity.
There is a significant difference in the RuP/SnO2 conductivities calculated using the non-approximated numerical solution versus the thin-film approximation. The percent difference between the two methods is plotted in Fig. 4(b). Similar to the case of porphyrin-sensitized SnO2, the results for the real part of the photoconductivity agree within 5%, similar to previous results on GaAs.24 However, a very significant change in the imaginary conductivity is noted. The difference between the thin-film approximation and the correct calculation for the thinnest sample with dp = 3.3 µm ≈ λ/100 is −10%, for npk0dp ≈ 0.1. It increases with the total layer thickness to reach a maximum of −45% for the 12.6 µm sample, for npk0dp ≈ 0.5.
In conclusion, we have compared the widely used thin-film approximation with a numerical data-workup without any approximations. The difference between the two approaches is demonstrated for mesoporous SnO2, sensitized with a dye that results in a short absorption length (porphyrin) or one that results in a long absorption length (RuP). The difference between the two methods is less than 5% if a strong photo absorber is used. In contrast, if a dye with a smaller extinction coefficient (RuP) is used, which thereby leads to a large absorption length, the discrepancy between the calculated conductivities is up to 45%. This large error in the approximation clearly demonstrates that the thin-film formula should be applied with care.
See supplementary material for the Matlab script used which can be freely downloaded from our homepage at, chemical structure of the used compounds, and the refractive index of non-excited mesoporous SnO2.
This work was supported by the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Energy Biosciences, Department of Energy, under Contract No. DE-FG02-07ER15909 for the data collection and the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NSF CHE-CSDMA 1465085 for the data analysis, as well as by a generous donation from the TomKat Charitable Trust. We would like to thank Shin Hee Lee and Jianbing Jiang for providing us with the dyes for sensitization.