We predict the formation of a polarization-induced two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the interface of ε-Ga2O3 and CaCO3, wherein the density of the 2DEG can be tuned by reversing the spontaneous polarization in ε-Ga2O3, for example, with an applied electric field. ε-Ga2O3 is a polar and metastable ultra-wide band-gap semiconductor. We use density-functional theory (DFT) calculations and coincidence-site lattice model to predict the region of epitaxial strain under which ε-Ga2O3 can be stabilized over its other competing polymorphs and suggest promising substrates. Using group-theoretical methods and DFT calculations, we show that ε-Ga2O3 is a ferroelectric material where the spontaneous polarization can be reversed through a non-polar phase by using an electric field. Based on the calculated band alignment of ε-Ga2O3 with various substrates, we show the formation of a 2DEG with a high sheet charge density of 1014 cm−2 at the interface with CaCO3 due to the spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization in ε-Ga2O3, which makes the system attractive for high-power and high-frequency applications.
Ga2O3 is emerging as an attractive semiconductor for high-power switching applications due to its high breakdown field and ultra-wide bandgap.1–4 Amongst the various polymorphs of Ga2O3, the β-phase has received the most attention due to its stable form under ambient conditions and the ease of growing large single crystals.5–7 Recently, carrier confinement and formation of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) have been experimentally demonstrated at the interface of Ga2O3 with a wider bandgap alloy (AlxGa1–x)2O3 by using modulation doping with silicon,8 which enables Ga2O3-based devices to simultaneously operate at high-power and high-frequencies.9–11 However, modulation doping results in a modest 2DEG density of ∼1012 cm−2 compared to a 2DEG density of ∼1013 cm−2 at the AlGaN/GaN interface.12 Furthermore, it lowers the mobility of the 2DEG due to impurity scattering. These have led to a search for alternative ways to generate 2DEG in Ga2O3.13
Recently, ferroelectric hysteresis has been reported in thin films of ε-Ga2O3, which is a metastable polymorph.14 Contrary to 2DEG formation in β-Ga2O3, the spontaneous polarization of ε-Ga2O3 can open a path to achieve 2DEG with high mobility and, possibly, higher sheet charge density without doping. While there have been numerous attempts to grow ε-Ga2O3 on various substrates,15–17 they have been unsuccessful to grow single-phase thin films that are free of defects.18 This is primarily due to a lack of understanding of the stability of the competing phases of Ga2O3 under epitaxial strain. Very recently, ε-Ga2O3 thin films have been stabilized on (001) Al2O3 substrates by using tin dopants during growth;19 however, the formation of a 2DEG was not reported. This is because the formation of a 2DEG at the interface of ε-Ga2O3 with its lattice-matched substrate, such that the 2DEG resides in the semiconducting ε-Ga2O3, also requires a specific band alignment and the knowledge of its spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization constants, all of which are currently missing.
In this letter, we have investigated the energy landscape of various Ga2O3 polymorphs under epitaxial strain by combining coincident-site lattice models (CSL) with first-principles density-functional theory (DFT) calculations. We have identified the lattice parameter of the substrates that minimize the epitaxial strain of ε-Ga2O3 with respect to other competing phases and recommend a list of commercially available substrates to grow phase-pure ε-Ga2O3 without doping. By using group-theoretical methods, we show that ε-Ga2O3 is ferroelectric and the polarity of ε-Ga2O3 can be switched with an external electric field. Furthermore, by calculating the band alignment of the various lattice-matched substrates, we identify CaCO3 to be particularly promising as it allows the formation of a 2DEG in ε-Ga2O3 due to polarization-induced charges. Finally, we show that an electric field can be used to switch the spontaneous polarization in ε-Ga2O3 to obtain a large charge density of 1014 cm−2. Therefore, by stabilizing an ultrawide bandgap semiconducting ferroelectric and an electric-field tunable 2DEG, our work paves a way to achieve a new generation of devices.
DFT calculations were performed using the VASP package20 and projector augmented-wave potentials.21 The plane-wave basis set was expanded to a cutoff energy of 520 eV to minimize Pulay stress during the structural optimization. The structural optimization was truncated after the Hellmann-Feynman forces were under 0.001 eV/Å. The Brillouin zone was sampled using the Monkhorst-Pack method with k-points grids of 6 × 6 × 2 for α-, 13 × 4 × 4 for β-, and 6 × 4 × 4 for the transformed cell of the ε-phase under epitaxial strain, respectively.23 The 3d, 4s, and 4p states of Ga and 2s and 2p states of O are taken as valence states, and the exchange-correlation energy of valence electrons was described using the Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE) functional.22 As PBE is known to overestimate the lattice constants, to maintain consistency, we have used PBE-optimized lattice constants for all the substrate candidates, which are shown in supplementary material Table S3.24 To calculate polarization constants, we used the Berry-phase method with a k-point grid of 6 × 4 with 16-point strings.25 To evaluate the dielectric, piezoelectric, and stiffness constants, we employed density functional perturbation theory with an increased cutoff energy of 700 eV.26 The bandgaps and electron affinities were calculated using the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof (HSE) hybrid functionals with a mixing parameter of 0.35 and 0.15 to fit the experimental bandgaps of β-Ga2O3 (Eg = 4.9 eV) and CaCO3 (Eg = 6.0 eV), respectively.27–30 Due to the lack of experimental measurements of the bandgap of high-quality ε-Ga2O3, combined with the similar theoretical bandgap of ε-Ga2O3 and β-Ga2O3 calculated using PBE (0.06 eV difference), we have used α = 0.35 to calculate the bandgap of ε-Ga2O3. The k-point grid of substrate candidates was sampled with a density of 2000 k-points per reciprocal atom. The electron affinities were calculated using the electrostatic potential of non-polar CaCO3 (104) and ε-Ga2O3 (010) surfaces with the macroscopic electrostatic potential averaging technique. To simulate the surfaces, we used slabs that were thicker than 25 Å and were separated by 20 Å vacuum.31,32
ε-Ga2O3 belongs to the Pna21 space group that is a subgroup of hexagonal P63mc. It implies that the orthorhombic lattice can be expressed with a basis transformation from the hexagonal lattice. The calculated a = 5.13 Å and b = 8.81 Å lattice parameters of ε-Ga2O3 have a ratio of 1.718 that also corresponds to the ratio of the two diagonals of the rhombohedral lattice. According to CSL theory,33 the epitaxial interface should be constrained such that a repeating unit is formed where the lattice sites of the film and the substrate coincide. Therefore, the (001) plane is promising as it can satisfy the CSL conditions for epitaxial growth on a hexagonal substrate (supplementary material Fig. S1). On the other hand, β-Ga2O3 does not have a coincidence lattice with a hexagonal substrate for small epitaxial strains. The reported preferred orientation of β-Ga2O3 on hexagonal substrates is the plane, which has calculated in-plane lattice vectors of 3.09 Å for the [010] direction and 14.98 Å for the direction and needs at least 7% strain to fit hexagonal constraints. Furthermore, the large difference of the two in-plane vectors in β-Ga2O3 requires a large CSL leading to a number of dangling bonds. ε-Ga2O3 can, instead, form a CSL with a smaller unit cell on a hexagonal substrate. This is beneficial to stabilize metastable ε-Ga2O3 over stable β-Ga2O3. We have also considered the CSL of α-Ga2O3, which is less stable compared to the ε and β phases in the bulk form5 but has a hexagonal structure and could be expected to be stabilized on hexagonal substrates. The crystal structure of the α, β, and ε-phases of Ga2O3 is shown in Fig. 1(a).
We have calculated the energy of the preferred orientation of α, β, and ε-phases of Ga2O3 on hexagonal substrates as a function of varying lattice constants of the substrate, as shown in Fig. 1(b). For epitaxial stabilization of ε-Ga2O3, on hexagonal substrates, it should have the lowest energy amongst the three competing phases. Furthermore, the lattice mismatch with the substrate should be small, usually within ±3% in the case of oxides,34 to avoid formation of defects caused by strain relaxation. With these constraints, we find hexagonal substrates matching the smallest CSL with ε-Ga2O3 and having a lattice constant between 4.97 and 5.12 Å to be most promising. Based on the calculated phase diagram under epitaxial strain, we find that previously used substrates to grow epitaxial ε-Ga2O3 impose strains over 3% or stabilize the α or β phases, which explains the poor quality of the deposited thin films (see supplementary material).18 Based on the identified region of stability of ε-Ga2O3, we searched the Materials Project database35 and suggest promising substrates in Table I. We find that non-polar substrates, such as α-Fe2O3, CaCO3, h-BN, and SiO2, are also commercially available. As discussed below, we find that CaCO3 is particularly promising to induce 2DEG in ε-Ga2O3 due its large bandgap of 6.0 eV and favorable band alignment.27
Substrate . | Lattice constant (Å) . | Strain . |
α-Fe2O3 | 5.066 | −1.19% |
LiTaO3 | 5.19 | 1.23% |
CaCO3 | 5.06 | −1.31% |
LiNbO3 | 5.212 | 1.65% |
h-BN | 2.512 | −2.01% |
α-SiO2 | 5.024 | −2.04% |
Substrate . | Lattice constant (Å) . | Strain . |
α-Fe2O3 | 5.066 | −1.19% |
LiTaO3 | 5.19 | 1.23% |
CaCO3 | 5.06 | −1.31% |
LiNbO3 | 5.212 | 1.65% |
h-BN | 2.512 | −2.01% |
α-SiO2 | 5.024 | −2.04% |
We now focus on identifying the polar properties of ε-Ga2O3 and examine whether it is indeed possible to obtain ferroelectric switching to explain the hysteretic behavior reported in recent experiments.14 Bulk ε-Ga2O3 belongs to the non-centrosymmetric Pna21 space group. Using Berry-phase calculations, we find that ε-Ga2O3 has a spontaneous polarization (PSP) of 23 μC/cm2 oriented along the c-axis, which is in good agreement with a recent theoretical report.13 The calculated PSP of ε-Ga2O3 is ten times larger than that of pyroelectric wide bandgap semiconductor GaN (2.9 μC/cm2).36 To switch the dipole moment in ε-Ga2O3 to the opposite direction, a transition through an intermediate centrosymmetric (non-polar) supergroup of the Pna21 space group is required. Using group-theoretical techniques, as implemented in the Pseudo and Amplimodes programs in the Bilbao crystallographic server,37–39 we have identified Pnna, Pccn, Pbcn, and Pnma as the four centrosymmetric supergroups from which Pna21 can be obtained with minimal atomic distortion. Amongst them, we find that the transition from Pbcn to Pna21 space group involves the smallest displacement of all atoms along the polar phonon mode and has the smallest energy barrier (Eb) of 0.95 eV, as shown in Fig. 2 (see supplementary material Fig. S2 for other transition pathways). This is a relatively large activation barrier comparable to that of GaFeO3 (1.05 eV), which shows a high ferroelectric to paraelectric transition temperature of 1368 K.40 Such a high activation barrier is expected to stabilize the polarization against thermally activated random dipole switching even at high temperatures during operation, which makes ε-Ga2O3 an attractive ferroelectric semiconductor with an ultrawide bandgap.
In addition to PSP, the use of an epitaxial strain to stabilize ε-Ga2O3 is expected to induce piezoelectric polarization (PPE). For a non-polar substrate, the termination of polarization at the substrate/ε-Ga2O3 interface will induce a charge density (σ) with contributions from both PSP and PPE that can be expressed by41
where and are the piezoelectric constants, are the two in-plane strains, and is the out-of-plane strain on ε-Ga2O3 due to the substrate. The out-of-plane strain can be obtained using the elastic constants of ε-Ga2O3: . The calculated piezoelectric and elastic constants are shown in Table II. We find that the piezoelectric constants are comparable to III–V semiconductors. For instance, and in GaN are 0.73 and −0.49, respectively.36 Due to the magnitude of e31 and e33, even small epitaxial strains can produce a large PPE.
e31 (μC/cm2) . | e32 (μC/cm2) . | e33 (μC/cm2) . | c31 (GPa) . | c32 (GPa) . | c33 (GPa) . |
9.5 | 7.9 | −16.3 | 125 | 125 | 207 |
e31 (μC/cm2) . | e32 (μC/cm2) . | e33 (μC/cm2) . | c31 (GPa) . | c32 (GPa) . | c33 (GPa) . |
9.5 | 7.9 | −16.3 | 125 | 125 | 207 |
We use CaCO3 as the substrate and calculate the charge density at the interface with ε-Ga2O3. CaCO3 imposes a compressive strain of 1.4%, which leads to PPE = −49 μC/cm2, which has an opposite sign to that of PSP (23 μC/cm2) and points towards the substrate. While PPE is fixed by the choice of the substrate, PSP is switchable by an external electric field. Thereby, depending on the orientation of PSP in ε-Ga2O3, the total polarization can be varied from −26 μC/cm2 (PPE + PSP) to −72 μC/cm2 (PPE − PSP). The corresponding sheet charge density (σ) varies between 1.6 1014 cm−2 and 4.4 1014 cm−2, respectively, which is higher than the density present at AlGaN/GaN41 and modulation-doped β-Ga2O3/Si:(AlxGa1−x)2O3 heterojunctions.9–11 Furthermore, the ferroelectric nature of ε-Ga2O3 is expected to allow the modulation of the charge density with an external electric field.
To identify the conditions under which the above calculated interface charges are expected to be mobile as opposed to being fixed, we have analyzed the band alignment and potential shift for different PSP and thicknesses of ε-Ga2O3 films on the CaCO3 substrate. The polarization in ε-Ga2O3 is associated with an internal electric field and potential-shift along the [001] direction. Based on the calculated dipole moment in a unit cell of ε-Ga2O3, the potential-shift can be estimated as42–44
Here, c is the lattice vector along the [001] direction (9.424 Å) of ε-Ga2O3 and is its calculated static dielectric constant (13.2). The potential shift of pristine ε-Ga2O3 without any strain (PPE = 0) is −1.98 V/nm. The potential shift of strained ε-Ga2O3 on the CaCO3 substrate is 2.23 V/nm for PPE + PSP and 6.17 V/nm PPE − PSP. Therefore, it depends on the direction of PSP, which can be controlled with an external electric field. With an optimal band alignment between the two materials, the large potential shift can be exploited such that the electrons from the valence band of CaCO3 spontaneously ionize and spillover to the conduction band of ε-Ga2O3 to form a mobile 2DEG at the interface, as shown in Fig. 3. We have calculated band alignment between ε-Ga2O3 and the CaCO3 substrate based on their bulk bandgap, electron affinity, and potential shift. We find that the two materials form a staggered gap of 2.86 eV at the heterointerface (supplementary material), where the band alignment is determined by the Anderson rule without considering the polarity.45 Figure 3 shows the schematic band alignment at the ε-Ga2O3(001)/CaCO3(104) interface and the different spontaneous polarization and thicknesses of ε-Ga2O3 under which a mobile 2DEG is expected to form. The direction of the total polarization is always towards the substrate as it is determined by PPE, regardless of the direction of PSP. For a thin layer of ε-Ga2O3 (<2.7 nm), if PSP is parallel to PPE (i.e., PPE + PSP), the strong field of 6.17 V/nm drives the conduction band of ε-Ga2O3 above the valence band of CaCO3. This results in ionization of the valence electrons of CaCO3 and a mobile 2DEG on the ε-Ga2O3 side. On the other hand, when the PSP is switched such that it is antiparallel to PPE (i.e., PPE − PSP), the interface charges are confined to the valence band of ε-Ga2O3 and are expected to be immobile. For ε-Ga2O3 films with the thickness above 2.7 nm, mobile 2DEG is expected for both the directions of PSP; however, the sheet charge density can be tuned between 1.6 1014 cm−2 and 4.4 1014 cm−2 with an external electric field. We would like to point out that the exact sheet charge density and the critical thickness for the formation of 2DEG will also depend on the quality of the heterointerface, including the presence of defects and intermixing as is observed in the 2DEG formed at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterointerface.46–48
In conclusion, we have investigated a pathway to stabilize metastable, polar ε-Ga2O3 using epitaxial strain and have identified promising substrate candidates. We have also calculated possible switching pathways for ε-Ga2O3 and predict it to be a ferroelectric wide bandgap semiconductor. Furthermore, we predict the formation of 2DEG at the interface of ε-Ga2O3 with CaCO3 substrates with a sheet charge density that is two orders of magnitude higher than that obtained using modulation doping in β-Ga2O3/(AlxGa1−x)2O3. Due to the ferroelectric nature of ε-Ga2O3, we show that the interface 2DEG density can be modulated using an external electric field, which opens a pathway to design new device architectures. The polarization-induced 2DEG in ε-Ga2O3 is also expected to result in devices that can simultaneously operate at high-power and high frequencies.
See supplementary material for the choice of CSL, the effect of PBE functional, and further substrate candidates for the epitaxial growth.
We are thankful to Prof. Sriram Krishnamoorthy of University of Utah for helpful discussions. This work used computational resources of the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), which was supported by National Science Foundation Grant No. ACI-1053575.