The minority carrier lifetime (τMC) and equilibrium electron concentration (i.e., the doping level, n0) are both important values that directly determine diffusion current in infrared photodetectors utilizing n-type absorbing regions. Here, time-resolved microwave reflectance measurements are used to non-destructively measure both of these values in mid-wave infrared InAs/Sbx type-II superlattices with varying n-type doping levels between cm−3 and cm−3. The measured data are analyzed using carrier recombination theory to determine the doping level ranges where Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH), radiative, and Auger recombination limit τMC. The optimal doping level, which minimizes dark current, is experimentally determined and corresponds to the electron density at which τMC switches from SRH limited to Auger limited behavior. A comparison of two InAs/Sbx photodetectors of different equilibrium electron densities demonstrates a decrease in dark current for a doping level near the optimal product.
The minority-carrier lifetime (τMC) and the electron doping density (n0) are crucial parameters that determine the performance of infrared (IR) photodetectors.1,2 For a diffusion current-dominated photodetector, the dark current is inversely proportional to the product , and described as3
where ni is the intrinsic carrier density, q is the electron charge, and W is either the absorber thickness or hole diffusion length, whichever is shorter. It can be seen from Eq. (1) that high doping levels and long minority carrier lifetimes would minimize diffusion current. However, since τMC is dependent on multiple carrier recombination mechanisms, all of which scale differently with n0, there is a value of n0 that minimizes dark diffusion current.
As HgCdTe (MCT) photodetector performance has shown limited progress in recent years,4 new materials become imperative for the continual growth of IR detection. Through recent advancements, type-II superlattices (T2SLs) have shown potential for use as photodetectors. Auger suppression in InAs/InxSb superlattices has been theorized and shown experimentally to be significant enough to surpass the dark current performance of MCT.5–7 However, this material system has been limited by parasitic Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) defects resulting in short minority carrier lifetimes.8–10 Due to the limitations of this native parasitic defect, other T2SL materials have been investigated, such as InAs/Sbx. Long τMC values have been achieved in InAs/Sbx T2SL structures11–13 showing potential for use in IR detectors. A previous study by Höglund et al.14 has presented the product over the doping range of cm−3– cm−3 in InAs/Sbx T2SLs. However, a systematic study over a much larger doping range is still lacking. The study presented in this Letter investigates carrier lifetimes in mid-wave infrared (MWIR) InAs/Sbx T2SLs over the doping range cm−3– cm−3 to determine the optimum product. Dark current in two InAs/Sbx photodetectors of different dopings ( cm−3 and cm−3) are shown, demonstrating a reduction in dark current by optimizing the doping level.
We first conduct a survey of not intentionally doped (nid) and intentionally doped MWIR InAs/Sbx T2SL material grown at Sandia National Laboratories with 100 K bandgap energies between 215 meV (5.76 μm) and 250 meV (4.96 μm). From this list, samples are screened based on both τMC and n0. The samples with the longest lifetimes at a particular doping level have been kept, as these present current limiting performance, resulting in the fourteen samples reported here. All samples are grown using molecular beam epitaxy on slightly n-type GaSb substrates. Absorber regions are approximately 4 μm thick. Appropriate cladding layers are present in all structures to ensure the measured minority carrier lifetimes are reflective of the narrow-bandgap T2SL region and not of carrier leakage into the substrate or surface recombination. In order to achieve doping above nid levels, either Si or Te is used as intentional n-type dopants. No significant effect on the resulting minority carrier lifetime is observed between the use of the two different dopants, and we do not differentiate between the samples with Si or Te doping in this Letter. Compositions for the Sbx alloy layer of the T2SL structure range from approximately 30% to 50% Sb.
Minority carrier lifetimes and doping levels are measured using the time-resolved microwave reflectance (TMR) apparatus described by Olson et al.2 This apparatus utilizes a 5 ns pulsed IR laser to optically inject charge carriers into the T2SL absorbing layer of the sample under test. For these measurements, substrate side illumination at the wavelength of 3.7 μm with a radius of 2.7 mm was used. The resulting carrier recombination decay is probed by 95 GHz continuous-wave microwave radiation reflected from the sample. The instantaneously excited carrier density is directly related to the reflected microwave power at a particular time through the change in sample conductivity that arises when the T2SL is perturbed from equilibrium. TMR data are collected and analyzed in the manner described previously in Ref. 2, 15, and 16, resulting in carrier lifetimes as a function of excited carrier density ().
Representative lifetime data from three T2SL samples of different doping levels are shown in Fig. 1. All data presented are taken at 125 K and fit using an equation that takes into account SRH, radiative, and Auger recombination as2
where τSRH is the SRH lifetime, Br is the intrinsic radiative recombination coefficient, is the photon recycling factor, and Cn is the electron Auger recombination coefficient. It is assumed that the Auger-1 recombination process dominates over the Auger-7 process.2,15 For n-type doping, the SRH lifetime dependence on and n0 is
where and are the characteristic hole and electron SRH lifetimes.17 Note the doping level is explicitly taken into account in the fitting of the carrier lifetime data. Using Eqs. (2) and (3) to fit the measured carrier lifetime data allows for accurate determination of τSRH, the ratio , Cn, and n0. The minority carrier lifetime is found using Eq. (2) with .
More conventional carrier density measurement methods do exist, such as capacitance-voltage (C-V) and Hall measurements.18 However, these require device fabrication steps in order to make electrical contact to the material. C-V measurements in particular, can also be highly dependent on the device architecture and geometry, and can be affected by parasitic capacitances. Extracting carrier concentrations from C-V data relies on accurate knowledge of the material's dielectric constant, which is not well known for T2SLs.2,16 Here, since we measure carrier lifetimes with very high fidelity at excited carrier densities both greater than and much less than the net doping level, accurate extraction of the doping level can be made from fitting carrier lifetime data. Uncertainty in the extracted doping level using this technique is dependent on the calibration of the initial optically injected carrier densities, which rely on accurate measurements of the pump energy and spot size, the superlattice absorption coefficient, and the assumption that every photon absorbed by the T2SL creates an electron-hole pair. This technique also requires the Auger recombination rate to be within a range where doping density has enough influence to be measurable. For example, if the Auger rate is too small then the doping level will have little significance on the carrier lifetime leading to difficulty in extraction. The absorption coefficients in this work are calculated using 14-band kp software (SLKdp, QuantCAD LLC). The estimated error in doping levels extracted from these high-fidelity lifetime data is approximately a factor of 2, which is similar to expected errors from such methods as C-V analysis. TMR also has the benefit of being completely non-contact and non-destructive, and does not require additional fabrication. For the three T2SL samples presented in Fig. 1, the extracted doping levels from lifetime fitting are cm−3, cm−3, and cm−3 with corresponding minority carrier lifetimes of 5.73 μs, 1.69 μs, and 0.68 μs, respectively.
Repeating the described fitting procedure for the fourteen different T2SL samples in this study, a relationship between minority carrier lifetime and doping density is found, shown in Fig. 2 where the uncertainty in the minority carrier lifetime measurement is represented by the symbol size. In order to quantitatively investigate the dependence that τMC has with n0, these data are analyzed using carrier recombination theory involving SRH, radiative, and Auger recombination. The minority carrier lifetime can be written as19
where is the SRH lifetime for the i-th defect level, τrad is the radiative lifetime, and τAuger is the Auger lifetime. Typically, when considering nid material, it is realistic to assume a single SRH defect level;2 however, this may not necessarily be the case for intentionally doped T2SLs. Previous work by Olson et al.19 assumed a unique SRH defect level associated with the intentional dopant and found this SRH level to be approximately 70 ± 10 meV into the T2SL bandgap, compared to 130 ± 20 meV for the native SRH defect center. Thus, we assume that there are two unique SRH defect levels with associated SRH lifetimes for this analysis: one from the native defect that is independent of the doping level () and a second created by the intentional dopant atoms () that is dependent on the doping level.
The SRH lifetime is a complicated function of characteristic lifetimes and various carrier densities. However, at 125 K, the majority electron concentration is the largest carrier density and , for the case of n-type material with low injection. With these considerations, Eq. (4) becomes
where corresponds to the SRH lifetime of the native defect and corresponds to the defect created by the intentional dopant. While is considered independent from the doping level (since the associated trap concentration is determined by factors other than the doping concentration), it is assumed scales with n0. In general,
where σp is the hole defect capture cross-section, νp is the hole thermal velocity, and Nt is the trap density. The simplest case for is to assume uncompensated doping, and that every dopant atom creates an SRH recombination center, so that . Prior to fitting the data in Fig. 2, the intrinsic radiative recombination coefficient is fixed based on results from Ref. 2, which calculates cm3/s and provides experimental evidence that for similar MWIR InAs/Sbx T2SLs. The thermal hole velocity used is cm/s, determined using a kp-calculated density-of-states heavy hole mass of 0.157m0. With these parameters, the measured minority carrier lifetime data are best represented using = 10 μs, cm2, and cm6/s. The Auger coefficient is consistent with those experimentally measured in MWIR InAs/Sbx T2SLs of similar bandgap and composition.20 The exact T2SL structure has been shown to slightly affect Auger resonances,20 because this sample survey includes a range of alloy compositions; the Auger coefficient reported here can be considered an average.
Eq. (5) shows the dependence that minority carrier lifetime has with doping level, and highlights the importance of identifying not only the limiting carrier recombination mechanism but also the optimal doping level. For instance, combining Eq. (1) with an Auger-limited minority carrier lifetime (i.e., ) causes the diffusion current to increase with greater doping level, as shown in Fig. 3 by the decrease in associated with the Auger component. It is readily observed that the ideal doping density for minimizing dark diffusion current is , the doping level at which reaches a maximum. The individual recombination components identified in Fig. 2 have also been translated into Fig. 3 to highlight where each mechanism limits the product. This maximum in the experimental product coincides with the transition point from being limited by native defects (SRH1) to Auger recombination. Clearly, the native defects are a hindrance to attaining larger products at doping levels lower than cm−3. Continued efforts to mitigate native defects in InAs/Sbx T2SLs are therefore warranted. A secondary limitation arises from the intentional dopants and , which would begin to limit the product if the native defects are mitigated. However, little is known about how dopants are assimilated into the T2SL structures. Continued research is necessary to verify that intentional dopants do, indeed, create SRH recombination centers in the T2SL materials.
For doping levels greater than cm−3, Auger recombination is the limiting mechanism. Previous studies on the effects of layer thickness and alloy composition in MWIR InAs/Sbx T2SLs indicate that only minor suppression of Auger recombination is possible while still attaining an approximate 5.2 μm bandgap and keeping strain balanced,21 suggesting that further improvement of at higher doping levels may prove difficult for this wavelength range. Improvements in the Auger recombination will likely require additional materials to be used in the formation of the T2SL structure, such as the recent demonstration of InGaAs/InAsSb superlattices,22 in order to provide greater versatility in manipulation of the electronic band structure to suppress Auger resonances.
Fig. 4(a) shows the dark current as a function of bias voltage at various temperatures for two MWIR InAs/Sbx photodetectors. One has a nid absorber ( cm−3) and the second is intentionally doped at a level of cm−3. Both have 4 μm thick T2SL absorbing layers of similar bandgap energies, 231 meV for the nid sample and 219 meV for the doped sample at 100 K. The minority carrier lifetime was measured to be 9.93 μs for the nid sample and 0.97 μs for the higher doped sample at 125 K. Minimal variation in the minority carrier lifetime and doping level within the temperature range of 100–200 K has been shown previously.2,19 The doping levels have been confirmed using the TMR analysis described here. All other device structure layers are nominally the same. Arrhenius plots are shown in Fig. 4(b) for a voltage of −0.2 V. Experimental data is compared to generalized temperature trends of diffusion current ().15 The nid sample shows slight differences with this temperature trend, which are most likely due to contributions of generation-recombination (G-R) current. An in-depth analysis of G-R current in InAs/Sbx T2SLs can be found in Ref. 23.
The diffusion current component of the dark current, which is dominant at temperatures above 160 K for each sample, is shown to be suppressed in the higher doped T2SL. The product of the two presented samples is cm−3s for the higher doped sample and cm−3s for the nid sample. Taking into account the difference in ni of the two samples due to differences in bandgap energy at 200 K, the calculated diffusion current ratio is 1.8 while the measured ratio is 2, demonstrating a close agreement.
In summary, time-resolved microwave reflectance was used to extract both minority carrier lifetimes and doping levels for MWIR InAs/Sbx T2SLs over a range of doping levels. The minority carrier lifetime is found to be dominated by Auger recombination at high doping concentrations, cm−3, and Shockley-Read-Hall recombination through native defects at low doping concentrations, cm−3. We do not find that radiative recombination impacts the carrier lifetime significantly. For optimal reduction in dark diffusion current the product must be at a maximum, which was found at a doping level of . This maximum lies at the transition between SRH limited behavior from native defects at lower doping levels and Auger recombination at higher doping levels. Depending on the targeted doping level, further reduction in dark diffusion current (greater products) will require mitigation of native SRH defects or suppressing Auger recombination through engineering of the electronic band structure.
Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division.