It is stated that Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) of Ref. 1 show the time and space resolved electron impact ionization rate of molecular oxygen for two different phase shift conditions. This is not the case, rather in the original article the time and space resolved electron heating per unit volume for the two conditions stated has been plotted. The colorbar axis label in the original plots also reflects that the plot is of electron heating, while the discussion in the text and the figure caption refer to electron impact ionization rate. This was as a result of an unfortunate error on the part of the authors during production of the final version of the article. The correct plot of electron impact ionization rate for the conditions discussed in the original paper is shown here as Fig. 1. The authors apologise for any confusion that the presence of the incorrect plot may cause for those reading the original article. It should be noted that the scientific discussion and conclusions of the original article require no correction, as they are based on Fig. 2 in the original article being the figure shown here.

FIG. 1.

Time and space resolved electron impact ionization of O2 for (a) Vlf = Vhf = 100 V and θ = 0° and (b) Vlf = Vhf = 100 V and θ = 180°. (c) Voltage drop over the powered electrode sheath (Vs,pow) as a function of time for the same conditions as (a) and (b).

FIG. 1.

Time and space resolved electron impact ionization of O2 for (a) Vlf = Vhf = 100 V and θ = 0° and (b) Vlf = Vhf = 100 V and θ = 180°. (c) Voltage drop over the powered electrode sheath (Vs,pow) as a function of time for the same conditions as (a) and (b).

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A. R.
W. G.
, and
Appl. Phys. Lett.