Using molecular-beam epitaxy, we have fabricated tunnel junctions lattice matched to GaAs substrates that consist of highly C-doped on the side, and highly Si-doped on the side. The introduction of N on the side of the tunnel junction: (1) lowers the conduction band edge while leaving the valence band edge unchanged, (2) allows the introduction of In to further lower the band gap while remaining lattice matched to GaAs, and (3) increases the maximum Si donor activation that can be achieved. All three of these effects increase the tunneling probability for carriers across the junction and decrease the specific resistance. We estimate the active C acceptors on the side to be and the active Si donors on the side to be Because of the mutual passivation effect between N and Si atoms, the Si doping level was increased to to achieve this active net donor concentration. The specific resistance of test tunnel junctions has been measured to be corresponding to drop at a current density of These results are a substantial improvement over corresponding test structures without N on the side of the junction. The experimental results are in good agreement with model calculations.
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5 April 2004
Research Article|
April 05 2004
Low-resistance tunnel junctions on GaAs substrates using GaInNAs
D. E. Mars;
D. E. Mars
Agilent Technologies, 3500 Deer Creek Road, Palo Alto California 94304-1317
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Y.-L. Chang;
Y.-L. Chang
Agilent Technologies, 3500 Deer Creek Road, Palo Alto California 94304-1317
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M. H. Leary;
M. H. Leary
Agilent Technologies, 3500 Deer Creek Road, Palo Alto California 94304-1317
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S. D. Roh;
S. D. Roh
Agilent Technologies, 3500 Deer Creek Road, Palo Alto California 94304-1317
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D. R. Chamberlin
D. R. Chamberlin
Agilent Technologies, 3500 Deer Creek Road, Palo Alto California 94304-1317
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Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 2560–2562 (2004)
Article history
November 19 2003
February 04 2004
D. E. Mars, Y.-L. Chang, M. H. Leary, S. D. Roh, D. R. Chamberlin; Low-resistance tunnel junctions on GaAs substrates using GaInNAs. Appl. Phys. Lett. 5 April 2004; 84 (14): 2560–2562.
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