In most electronic devices, the electric current of both types (electrons and holes) flows through a junction. Usually the boundary conditions have been formulated exclusively for open circuit. The boundary conditions proposed here bypass this limitation. Besides, these boundary conditions correctly describe the current flow in a circuit, i.e., closed circuit conditions, which are the usual operation conditions for electronic devices and for the measurement of many transport properties. We also have generalized the case (as much as it is possible in a classical treatment), so self-consistent boundary conditions that describe the current flow through a contact between two arbitrary conducting media are developed in the present work. These boundary conditions take into account a recently developed theory: influence of temperature space inhomogeneity due to the interfaces and quasiparticles temperature mismatch on thermogeneration and recombination. They also take into account surface resistance, surface recombination rates, and possible temperature discontinuities at the interface due to finite surface thermoconductivity. The temperature difference between current carriers and phonon subsystems is also included in this approach.
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29 April 2002
Research Article|
April 29 2002
Boundary conditions in an electric current contact
O. Yu. Titov;
O. Yu. Titov
CICATA—IPN, Av. José Siurob 10, Col. Alameda, 76040 Querétaro, Qro., México
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J. Giraldo;
J. Giraldo
Grupo de Fı́sica de la Materia Condensada, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, A.A. 60739, Bogotá, Colombia
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Yu. G. Gurevich
Yu. G. Gurevich
Deptamento de Fı́sica, CINVESTAV—IPN, Apdo. Postal 14–740, 07000 México, D.F., México
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Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 3108–3110 (2002)
Article history
January 10 2002
March 08 2002
O. Yu. Titov, J. Giraldo, Yu. G. Gurevich; Boundary conditions in an electric current contact. Appl. Phys. Lett. 29 April 2002; 80 (17): 3108–3110.
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