Effects of strong optical excitation on the properties of surface emission from an InGaN/GaN heterostructure grown by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition have been investigated. An intriguing feature observed was that as the excitation intensity increased the surface emission spectrum evolved abruptly from a single dominating band to two dominating bands at a critical intensity. This phenomenon has a sharp phase transition or a switching character and can be accounted for by (i) the formation of an electron–hole plasma state in the InGaN vertical cavity under strong optical excitation, (ii) the photoreflectance effect (variation of index of refraction with excitation intensity), and (c) the Fabry–Pérot interference effect in the InGaN vertical cavity. These findings are expected to have impact on the design of the laser structures, in particular on the design of the vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser diodes based on III-nitride wide-band-gap semiconductors.
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24 February 1997
Research Article|
February 24 1997
Surface emission of epilayers under strong optical excitation
H. X. Jiang;
H. X. Jiang
Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66502-2601
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J. Y. Lin;
J. Y. Lin
Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66502-2601
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M. Asif Khan;
M. Asif Khan
APA Optics, Inc., 2950 North East 84th Lane, Blaine, Minnesota 55449
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Q. Chen;
Q. Chen
APA Optics, Inc., 2950 North East 84th Lane, Blaine, Minnesota 55449
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J. W. Yang
J. W. Yang
APA Optics, Inc., 2950 North East 84th Lane, Blaine, Minnesota 55449
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Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 984–986 (1997)
Article history
October 21 1996
December 16 1996
H. X. Jiang, J. Y. Lin, M. Asif Khan, Q. Chen, J. W. Yang; Surface emission of epilayers under strong optical excitation. Appl. Phys. Lett. 24 February 1997; 70 (8): 984–986. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.118456
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