In this work, we explore the electron scattering characteristics at interfaces between normal metals and topological semimetals in bulk as well as in thin film structures. We consider Cu/Ta and CoSi/Ta as representative metal/metal and topological semimetal/metal interface structures, respectively. For bulk interface structures, we find that metal/topological semimetal interfaces have roughly 20× higher interfacial resistivity than normal metal/metal interfaces primarily due to the low electronic density of states, the Fermi level in bulk topological semimetals. For thin films, we find that normal metal/metal interfacial resistivity shows a weak dependence on film thickness and is generally close to the corresponding bulk value. Interfaces between surface-conduction dominated topological semimetals, such as CoSi and normal metals in thin films, however, show decreasing interfacial resistivity with decreasing film thickness. This apparent reduction in interface resistivity originates from the surface-dominated transport, where the total transmission across the interface varies little with reduced film thickness, yielding an effective increase in interface conductivity at smaller dimensions. These results suggest that topological semimetals may be attractive candidates for next-generation interconnect materials with critically small dimensions where interfaces with other metals are ubiquitous.
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Topological semimetal interface resistivity scaling for vertical interconnect applications
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29 April 2024
Research Article|
May 01 2024
Topological semimetal interface resistivity scaling for vertical interconnect applications
Special Collection:
Topological and Chiral Matter – Physics and Applications
Nicholas A. Lanzillo
Nicholas A. Lanzillo
(Data curation, Formal analysis, Methodology, Validation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing)
IBM Research
, 257 Fuller Road, Albany, New York 12203, USA
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Utkarsh Bajpai
Utkarsh Bajpai
(Formal analysis, Methodology, Validation)
IBM Research
, 257 Fuller Road, Albany, New York 12203, USA
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Ching-Tzu Chen
Ching-Tzu Chen
(Formal analysis, Methodology, Validation)
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
, 1101 Kitchawan Road, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598, USA
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Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 181603 (2024)
Article history
January 26 2024
April 13 2024
Nicholas A. Lanzillo, Utkarsh Bajpai, Ching-Tzu Chen; Topological semimetal interface resistivity scaling for vertical interconnect applications. Appl. Phys. Lett. 29 April 2024; 124 (18): 181603.
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