A lattice of Abrikosov vortices in type II superconductors is characterized by a periodic modulation of the magnetic induction perpendicular to the applied magnetic field. For a coherent vortex motion under the action of a transport current, the magnetic induction at a given point of the sample varies in time with a washboard frequency fWB = v/d, where v is the vortex velocity and d is the distance between the vortices in the direction of motion. Here, by using a spectrum analyzer connected to a 50 nm-wide Au nanowire meander near the surface of a superconducting Nb film, we detect an ac voltage induced by coherently moving fluxons. The voltage is peaked at the washboard frequency, fWB, and its subharmonics, fTOF = fWB/5, determined by the antenna width. By sweeping the dc current value, we reveal that fWB can be tuned from 100 MHz to 1.5 GHz, thereby demonstrating that patterned normal metal/superconductor nanostructures can be used as dc-tunable generators operating in the radiofrequency range.
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9 April 2018
Research Article|
April 11 2018
Radiofrequency generation by coherently moving fluxons
O. V. Dobrovolskiy
O. V. Dobrovolskiy
Physikalisches Institut, Goethe University
, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Physics Department, V. Karazin National University
, 61077 Kharkiv, Ukraine
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R. Sachser;
R. Sachser
Physikalisches Institut, Goethe University
, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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M. Huth
M. Huth
Physikalisches Institut, Goethe University
, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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V. A. Shklovskij;
V. A. Shklovskij
Physics Department, V. Karazin National University
, 61077 Kharkiv, Ukraine
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R. V. Vovk;
R. V. Vovk
Physics Department, V. Karazin National University
, 61077 Kharkiv, Ukraine
ICST Faculty, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
, 61050 Kharkiv, Ukraine
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V. M. Bevz
V. M. Bevz
Physics Department, V. Karazin National University
, 61077 Kharkiv, Ukraine
ICST Faculty, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
, 61050 Kharkiv, Ukraine
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M. I. Tsindlekht
M. I. Tsindlekht
The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
, 91904 Jerusalem, Israel
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Electronic mail: [email protected]
Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 152601 (2018)
Article history
March 08 2018
March 30 2018
O. V. Dobrovolskiy, R. Sachser, M. Huth, V. A. Shklovskij, R. V. Vovk, V. M. Bevz, M. I. Tsindlekht; Radiofrequency generation by coherently moving fluxons. Appl. Phys. Lett. 9 April 2018; 112 (15): 152601. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5028213
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